... "Love my Siete. 20/5 stars" .... We have a winner !! First bear taken with a Siete !! 23" 6.5 Creedmoor 💪 ML
553 likesnate_el_pro But but but 6.5 doesn't have enough energy to hunt with 2 likes
- laruetactical @nate_el_pro ... Daniel Boone killed bears using round lead bullets wrapped in his wife's underwear 🤷 17 likes
- badger__hill @laruetactical they deceased from the smell? 1 like
- doubleapunchkick @laruetactical why?! Did the underwear serve a purpose or was he just being weird? 1 like
- laruetactical @doubleapunchkick ... It's called a "patched ball" ... don't read anything into it 😎 8 likes
- sreym_divad @laruetactical ^^^ This just became my new go-to comment in a conversation when I don't know what to say to someone. 2 likes
- laruetactical @sreym_divad ... Yeah, but I always know what to say 😎 2 likes
- bob_ricigliano @nate_el_pro why would someone say that? 1 like
- nate_el_pro @bob_ricigliano because they don't want to admit their .308 isn't as good as it used to be
- bob_ricigliano @nate_el_pro gotya, .308 was the go to hunting round right?
- wild_man_dave @laruetactical world record grizzly at one point was killed with a .22
- nate_el_pro @bob_ricigliano it was and still is popular. Nothing wrong with it, but 6.5 is better in most ways. A lot of people still think .308 is a better round for hunting and dismiss 6.5 and don't like change. I'm sure similar happened when .30-06 was popular
tedparkdesign 🔥 1 like
roverd90 Serious Question... Why shoot a bear.. Do you eat the meat? Used the skin for anything? 1 like
- brandon_6xc @roverd90 bear meat is pretty good. I ate some that a friend killed and had processed. Also had mountain lion by that same friend and its even better than bear. All depends on how it's prepared. 1 like
praetorianfirearms To all the idiots that say "Bu..but you can't hunt with a 6.5 Creedmoor" take a look at this pic and STFU! 2 likes
- nate_el_pro @praetorianfirearms like the comments on that Vortex post the other day