... Encore ... 😎 ML
248 likespraetorianfirearms A victory lap for all the people that said 6.5 Creedmoor is a good hunting round!😂 Seriously though hunting is more about the type of bullet you're using and shot placement than anything else. 4 likes
- laruetactical @praetorianfirearms ... Nothing walks off a heart shot, and all that ... 🤷 8 likes
- praetorianfirearms @laruetactical 💯
- nate_el_pro @praetorianfirearms stop you're making too much sense 2 likes
- praetorianfirearms @nate_el_pro 😂😂 1 like
_vandi98 If I am purchasing a 300 rifle for self defense. If I get a 13.5 inch barrel is it radically less accurate than a 16 inch? This is my first rifle and I'm trying to learn, please forgive me if this is a stupid question
- snougaloogie @_vandi98 300 blackout is better the shorter you go, but 556 will be superior cost to performance ration wise
- _vandi98 @snougaloogie so you recommend getting the standard 556 platform because the 300 is more costly? I appreciate that I am rather ignorant about the cost of ammo. Good to know
- _vandi98 @snougaloogie I meant to say thank you. And gave you a word salad
- snougaloogie @_vandi98 that and 556 has more favorable terminal ballistics indoors when it comes to over penetration
- snougaloogie @_vandi98 that and 556 has more favorable terminal ballistics indoors when it comes to over penetration
joseph5myers If you can't kill what you are hunting with a 6.5 Creedmoor then you shouldn't be hunting! W.D.M. Bell killed oner a thousand elephants with 7x57mm Mauser and a 6.5x53 Mannlicher which has a smaller case capacity than the 6.5 Creedmoor. Shot placement is king and if you get a 300 Win Mag that you are afraid to practice with sufficiently due to recoil you will be worse off!. Mark killed a 5 point bull elk at 450 yards with a 6.5 Grendel because he hit it in the right spot with the first shot. Larger calibers do not make up for poor shooting!
voodoosurvivor What was the distance of the shot? Personally, bears are darn fast and I'm not, so I'd like plenty of distance between us when I take the shot.
kcgunner 👏