... Keto - Day 4. I simplified it this time. Steak and eggs, chicken and queso, or pimento chess stuffed into pork rinds. I'm in, not hungry, and doin' it again. I keto'd all of 2016. Interestingly, no need for Keto sticks, as when I'm deep in keto, my sweat smells like ammonia. Love the pimento cheese stuffed pork rinds 💪 ML
406 likesphilinthblank Generally speaking, pork rinds are under appreciated. 4 likes
lewis5.56 Those are the hairest pork rinds I've ever eaten...totally ruined pork rinds for me🤢 1 like
charles_helm Never tried the stuffed pork rinds.
  -  laruetactical @charles_helm ... It's a stuff 'em yourself dish 1 like
  -  charles_helm @laruetactical Oh yeah that was clear. Still a new one for me.
  -  tyler_fxt_milke @charles_helm oh man, pork rinds and cheese is delicious! 1 like
440camperspecial I've been on the carnivore diet for almost 2 years now I'm down 132lbs feel great have tons of energy all day. 1 like
lineman7750 Something to think of. If you can smell ammonia it could be you breaking down your muscles. Maybe add a little more protein
  -  laruetactical @lineman7750 ... Noted, thx.
  -  lineman7750 @laruetactical its something with it's easier to break down the muscle/protein to get the glucose to fuel the brain
svargas41 Shopping at CostCo I see 😜
jtwendel02 Those pork rinds are mighty tasty.
  -  laruetactical @jtwendel02 ... Damn sure are
michaelsmith9405 @laruetactical what store do those pork rinds come from sir? I want to try them out. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @michaelsmith9405 ... Costco 1 like
cj_dags4 Was doing keto, starting getting cold from ketosis, definitely could notice a difference, VA did blood work on me while I was on keto, lowered my sugar, my cholesterol and helped my liver enzymes. I usually fast from 8 at night until 3 in the afternoon. Drink a ton of lemon water, mix lemons in with that carbonated Italian spring water you can find at Walmart. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @cj_dags4 ... Iearned about keto from a nurse that told me it was their plan for diabetics should the SHTF👀 2 likes
  -  cj_dags4 @laruetactical it is scientifically proven that a low to no carb diet like keto can actually reverse type 2 diabetes, but the medical community is still being bought by big pharma so instead of lifestyle changes they still push meds and saying things like type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition, when all you have to do is put down sugar and carbs. A lot of people point to Italy and say they eat pasta but they are healthy, but the way they make their pasta and the fact they eat a lot of fatty fish and dairy and do things like go on walks is lost on a lot of people. Just like long range shooting, you develop a load and manual of operations that works for you, same with your diet and your specific needs, but keto is pretty much king for the mid age people that are at high risk of a fast food, fast paced and high stressed western way of life 2 likes
metallicasma Mexican markets got pork rinds on the cheap-o
  -  laruetactical @metallicasma ... Not like Costco's 😎
  -  metallicasma @laruetactical exactly
coreyeinkauf Those Costco pork rinds/ pimento cheese is the best. We scoop them up in Cedar Park 1 like
douglabell I love those pork rinds ! 1 like
bocephus351 Pork rinds and pimento! That's how we do it! 1 like
bocephus351 Also try pork rinds and buffalo chicken dip from Publix 2 likes
tamzguns Love some fat back 1 like
peter.noowin You should also try intermittent fasting Mr. LaRue
  -  laruetactical @peter.noowin ... I gave it a shot but always seemed to start off at 4pm with cobbler and ice cream 🤷 3 likes
imjustabil 👏
jason_jones_designs My favorite pork rinds right there! 1 like
sandtrapped2020 I'm on water fast day 6. Going to ride right into keto 2 likes
grizzlyconqueso Nice! All the best, love your products! 1 like
tainopower Chicharrones,Puerto Rican Word!!👏
ms.abygale @smokingmafiabbq
prodog102 I tried it for awhile. Made me feel weird and not good energy levels. Good luck... Maybe I'll try it again. Keep us posted on your progress.
__seej Nice Costco haul
continuouslyoutdoors The question is what does that do to your cholesterol levels
  -  laruetactical @continuouslyoutdoors ... Since the liver makes cholesterol at night, I take Crestor before hitting the sack, then Zetia in the morning to mop up what the Crestor missed. 1 like
  -  mrhaaaaas I found there was an initial spike but then dropped lower after you stick with it. All bloodwork was perfect. Keto works wonders but you have to be all in. Which isn't so hard since you can eat good stuff and aren't hungry.
  -  laruetactical @mrhaaaaas ... ☝ See my menu above 2 likes
  -  mrhaaaaas @laruetactical Exactly. You're doing it right!
  -  continuouslyoutdoors @laruetactical nice, thanks for filling in the blanks