... "STFU and git in the damn truck" 😎
15,749 views; 995 likestailormadetargets Asmr videos by LaRue
- laruetactical @tailormadetargets ... "Asmr" ?? 1 like
- tailormadetargets @laruetactical audio stimulation something something 😂 some fancy acronym for people liking weird sounds
jtac_tard No Edm ?
- laruetactical @jtac_tard ... Hard anodized skin no conducty 6 likes
virtuous_concepts Clearance is clearance! 👌🏾 1 like
- laruetactical @virtuous_concepts ... Like the old toolmaker said ... "Machinin' ain't about nuttin' but a bunch of clearances." 7 likes
originaldeboard In, with gas money. 😂 2 likes
fanorwood Something very satisfying about that... Now, about my LAT rail on backorder from May of 2020... 5 likes
frisco_rps13 My lathe running ass would've just taken it to the band saw 😂 3 likes
- laruetactical @frisco_rps13 ... I stood it on sandpaper, and leaned into it while twisting on the sandpaper. Then took the sharp edge off with a ScotchBrite wheel ... shazam !! 2 likes
- dramworx @frisco_rps13 me too. Then to the mill for a quick clean up
blacksundaytactical Let's go! 3 likes
alpha_phil15 Why is that nice looking rail getting cut?
- madunn83 @alpha_phil15 because it's too long. 5 likes
- sp0kanistani @madunn83 cut it 3 times and it's still too short. 😂 3 likes
bklingensmith61 And then comes the big chips! That last pass looked like it dropped a mile compared to previous passes. Great!
hchargus2 Sawzall go brrrrrrt
we.the.willing @laruetactical will you guys be making a gun for the 8.6 blackout? 5 likes
- laruetactical @we.the.willing ... If enough of our customers take an interest in it and there's ammo sitting at Academy 🤷 12 likes
- chris.edens @we.the.willing just buy a predatOBR barrel nut and swap barrels real quick. 2 likes
- we.the.willing Put a non larue barrel on a larue gun? Definition of blasphemy @laruetactical 7 likes
- chris.edens @we.the.willing well I'll be shooting my 8.6 BO predatOBR next week while you're sitting here sucking your thumb waiting for it to possibly happen. 17 likes
- we.the.willing Dayyyyyyum 1 like
- christian_oh_jones @we.the.willing best conversation to read ever 😂
- we.the.willing @christian_oh_jones I'll be here all week 1 like
- perez2021juan @laruetactical Yes.....the "Academy Test" - it must pass!
- stillten8 @laruetactical looks like Gorilla is on board
- redoak.sooner @laruetactical would love a 8.6 bbl for the tOBR. Also, the TranQuilo is good for the diameter, right?
- we.the.willing Will the larue accept DPMS Gen 1 extension? @laruetactical
- laruetactical @we.the.willing ... Dunno, but in the early days, to get our handguards on them, we had to make custom barrel nuts for every DPMS as no two DPMS upper receivers were alike 🤷