... - Left wing pranged no mo 😎 - Yep, and her main gear is finally back under her. She's been "in traction" for months. Navion Rangemaster "H" Model. She had the IO-550 and 3-Bladed prop when I adopted her from a gentleman in Groveland, California "the gateway to Yosemite Park". Been a long time coming ... she might be wheels-up once again by next weekend 🛫 ML
787 likestadacad Hey that's exciting 👏 can't wait to see it back in the air. I started flight school about 10 years ago and ended up going to college and starting my shop instead. Always wanted to get back to it. The flight school across the hwy from me closed last year and a business park is going up there now. Need to find a new place to hang my hat and get it done.. 1 like
oneasteriskindustries That looks like a lot of fun🔥🔥
austex19 Didn't realize you guys say pranged :)
- laruetactical @austex19 ... Doesn't everyone 🤷 1 like
richfred999 Looks like you're about to go deliver powdered sugar or run some air America missions 2 likes
- laruetactical @richfred999 ... I gave up cream and sugar when I started flying in the fall of 2000. I went to straight black coffee, just in case I spilled any in the plane. Black coffee is inert. Cream and sugar in the cabin carpet would call fire ants in 🙁 1 like
- richfred999 @laruetactical keep up the good work!
kodiak_precision Awesome!
46wlf46 Just remembered why you are the way you are, and why I enjoy your feed so much.
gh_arms What will that 550 burn on avg?
- nurse_holliday @gh_arms fuel
- laruetactical @gh_arms ... 15 gph @ 25 squared 1 like
- gh_arms @laruetactical that's impressive. Just a sip here and there.
rustyhittle Merced CA is known as the Gateway to Yosemite
- laruetactical @rustyhittle ... Well hell, the old fart spun me a yarn 🤷
- jacedegough @rustyhittle Clovis CA calls itself the same. There's about 10 different ways to get to the entrance of the park so it makes sense I guess. 🤷
- rustyhittle @jacedegough understood, with Merced being on 99 it makes more sense to me. 1 like
chrismcanally Just be safe ML! Be cool to see that back in the air for sure!
- laruetactical @chrismcanally ... She can't reach escape velocity ... can't get much safer than that 😎 1 like
billsnearly You forgot the old adage - it is cheaper to rent than buy anything that floats, flys, or fornicates. 😮 1 like
longfellowdeeds Look forward to her tearing up the air over Leander again soon! 1 like
- laruetactical @longfellowdeeds ... Can't blast down in there anymore, as Leander fits the FAA's description of a "populated area" 😎 1 like
- longfellowdeeds @laruetactical that figures lol
taildragger_guy Good taste in airplanes!!! I've got a '48 Navion! 3 likes
- laruetactical @taildragger_guy ... I've got 1,500 hours, all logged in Navions. Matter of fact, they damn near fly themselves and there's times I question if I really even know how to fly. 😎 1 like
- a_tolar @taildragger_guy @laruetactical I'm in NAV-4-036 over here at BHM. Stop in for lunch sometime. 1 like
- taildragger_guy @a_tolar will do, thanks for the invite!
jacedegough I may be the only guy in this comment section who has actually been in Groveland CA. Many times. Old Priest Grade, anyone? 😆
- laruetactical @jacedegough ... I didn't actually go to Groveland, as the seller flew it over to me in Livermore.
- jacedegough @laruetactical Gotcha. Groveland is a tiny mountain town so it's just funny to hear someone from TX mention Groveland. Most people in CA don't know where Groveland is! 😆
jc_m_29 What oil do you use?