... Meh, I could be wrong ... 🤷
1,720 likeskcgunner Been saying it for years. And everyone in the gun industry steals everyone else ideas 🤷
  -  laruetactical @kcgunner ... Well, John Browning ain't around anymore, so there's that. 2 likes
mehul_kamdar I am here as an immigrant from a socialist country, and in my experience it is better to take the left at its worst claims than to give it the benefit of doubt. In the country that I come from, things went from a time when I was a boy and my friends and I would go out with a 22 on bicycles to shoot and people would stop to talk with us. In 76 gun ownership was all but banned, and a campaign against guns turned a country of 1+ billion people into a place where guns are looked upon with suspicion, and even talk about them is prohibited in "polite" company. Don't let this happen to our great country, please. And yes, both parties are out to suck money using scaremongering tactics. That's what politicians do anyway. Time to remind them who their masters are. Trump's actions on bumpfire stocks proves that no politician can be trusted. If we let them become our overlords instead of the public servants that they are meant to be, then that is what they will become. And, if we let that happen, we will lose our guns. 23 likes
laruetactical ... When I was a teenager in the early '70s, we traded shotgun shells at school, with the teacher knowing and not caring that we were doing it. 24 likes
  -  goonschopshop @laruetactical same here, our shot guns and 22s were in the gun rack of our trucks doors unlocked. No one ever thought about stealing them and shooting up a school. A lot of the time campus security or the principal wound stop and ask what kind they were and if we hunted before or after school and never told us to not bring them on school grounds. Guns never changed, the mindset of people have, we have a people problem, not a gun problem. 8 likes
  -  crossfitsniper @laruetactical In 1988 I took my dad's AR15 to high school with the teachers permission and used it for my presentation on the Vietnam war. No one batted an eye. Look at us all now.... 6 likes
  -  jgrues @laruetactical Us millennials have gone soft now Mark.
  -  todd.ritz @laruetactical Even in the mid-90's, my HS science fair project (effects of velocity on terminal ballistics) got 2nd place. I DO love Texas, and the good 'ol days! 😍
kino_74 Unfortunately it is true. When the Clinton AWB passed and the GOP used it to take the House then later Senate and White House the ban was never repealed but left to expire 4 years after Bush took office. When is the last time the GOP passed federal legislation to restore past infringements? Fopa granted some rights but at the expense of machine guns. 8 likes
cotyshores Half true. The left definitely wants to do away with guns 4 likes
ggwscottie Just like abortion. It's a money maker for both sides 2 likes
frankjames254 Finally someone said it. 👏👏 2 likes
gordonfactor This is why when the Democrats are in the majority are they are now they don't really try to push any laws or changes through because they remember what happened in 94... But they still want to have it as a campaign issue for fundraising... Likewise when Trump had a republican majority for 2 years all of the program bills went nowhere for the same reasons... Politicians don't want to actually solve any problems for the same reason that pharmaceutical companies don't want to cure diseases... They'll be out of business 1 like
vince11281 Yea, but you're not 👍🏻 1 like
fish_yabish VERY TRUE. 1 like
dwlatham1976 But you're not wrong! Don't get me wrong, I give my 17.76 a month to my organization of choice, but you're not wrong.
michaelangelosbrush 100% correct
schwertogawd Very true, politicians don't give a shit about our rights unless it lines their pockets.
jnoahheafner You're not wrong... On an unrelated note, on the 7.62 Ultimate Upper barrels what's the twist rate, thread pitch, and are they chrome lined? Thanks!
r.alvarez76 I've thought the same.
helodriver20 I like, "last chance if you want one of these larue triggers. Or last chance for free cerakote." Wolverines!!!! 🧡u s
amills3428 Unfortunately, it requires money to fight these laws within the legal system. Too many people in your generation sat back with this mentality and and now we have GCA/Hughes.
beers61 Nope, you're absolutely 💯 correct!
calduckchaser Laruetatical hit it on the head. That's what I tell everybody guns aren't going anywhere there's to much money on the table from it. Money and power is everything politically.
ginfjc You're right ... We Pay
rvpugh But you're not! The government is corrupt both sides of the aisle
mrktrn Neither side wants to solve any problems because Jen how would they raise money?
brad.casteel You are spot on brother!
camanchi11 Nope you're right, I get spam emails from both sides.
nocornerman I often wonder if presidents cause a gun scare to increase gun sales when low 🤔 or when instructed by a higher power..idk maybe it's the weed
___bunky____ I don't agree with all of your views, but this one is spot on! Well said! 🙌🏾🙌🏾
jcastilllo1 I don't think you are wrong
james_siler 10-4! 👍👍c l u s
laruetactical @jnoahheafner ... 1-in-8" twist, chambered my Angels, and we're an accuracy house, so we only chrome for cosmetics. ML 9 likes
  -  jnoahheafner @laruetactical the 7.62x51 are 1:8? You're the expert, I've just never heard of that. But I guess the proof is in the pudding.
  -  laruetactical @jnoahheafner ... "In Todd We Trust" 1 like
  -  jnoahheafner @laruetactical You lost me...
  -  laruetactical @jnoahheafner ... Todd Hodnett / Accuracy1st asked for 1-in-8" twist 4 likes
  -  jnoahheafner @laruetactical just googled him. Looking forward to reading more. What grain weight do you recommend for 1:8? Thanks!
  -  zakkus_araylius @jnoahheafner I can make the cheap FMJ 62 (by Hornady) to shoot very close to moa with govt surplus pulldown powder. In my 1:8 LaRue and 1:8 sionics. 1 like
  -  jnoahheafner @zakkus_araylius you're talking about a 5.56 rifle though right?
  -  brian_landgraf @laruetactical I've thought about playing around with a 1:8 for a 16" bolt gun build. What round do you recommend?
  -  shsucb33 @brian_landgraf 168gr Federal gold medal match. 1 like
  -  brian_landgraf @shsucb33 I would have expected something heavier like the 175 SMK or 178 ELD 1 like
  -  shsucb33 @brian_landgraf 16in Obr loves the 168 gr Fgmm. Same goes for my rem700 16in. Hahaha I can't argue when both guns love them 1 like
  -  brian_landgraf @shsucb33 fair enough! I'm assuming the REM if it's factory is the 1/10 twist. Is the OBR the 1/8 or 1/10? 1 like
a_sad_paramedic Luckily @gunpolicy is doing the lord's work in taking back the 2a. 1 like
  -  hrz3411 @a_sad_paramedic facts but they are guilty as charged. 🤣 2 likes
a_sad_paramedic The most contradictory statement.
nickfiderius @laruetactical you aren't wrong. I've often said that I would bet on nra and big gun manufacturers donating money to one side on paper and the other side off the books. Sales really seem to soar when the other side wins!
mikevalek Amen brother.
ralph124c41 It is the politics of fear.
cv1073 I would love to say you are wrong, but I cannot
spoonmann8 It was common to see a pickup, shotgun and a scoped high power bolt gun in a back window rack. It was no big deal. 🤷
eastsidesilverprint This and about 5 other issues are cash generators for both sides.You hit the bullseye on this!
canadian.nate Nope, completely right.
mikefz33 You're not wrong
sasquatch_nurph You're not wrong.
xtremegunworx It's almost as if these political parties just grift off of the people and never actually deliver anything the people want. I'm sure if you were from some powerful lobbyist group like AIPAC or Goldman Sachs, you could get what ever you wanted in a snap.
tyrelsackett777 Accurate! 🎯
osscar_027 Well fighting these laws in court isn't cheap, so there's that
rbest99 Could be wrong could be true I will say the left has been screaming ( literally)" hell yes we're going to take your ARs and such plus we have Weinsteins yearly ( and increasingly more insane) gun control bills .
ospreybravo94 Depends on where you put your money, and to be fair Mickey from Carry Trainer and Lucas from T-Rex are right in the sense that handing off the responsibility is going to do no good. We would be better served trying to convert 5 individuals we know, and encouraging them to try and convert another 5 (even if it's only 2/5 who actually come over). Part of the reason the NRA is a mess is because people just handed them money and said, "go take care of it for us" without being careful and watching how much of that money Wayne ended up wearing. Luckily we have organizations like FPC who are focused on litigation, and not the culture war which we as gun owners should have been handling the entire time.
richlogrt Nah dude that was insightful especially from the place you see it from.
jovanone Anything thats stirs emotion will garnish support and money. Guns, vaccines, masks, etc..
pickled_pineapple01 Agreed but only one of those scenarios could logically happen... and it ain't stopping Gun violence.
defense2020 Yup
dago71mkn0w We are stuck in a Finckle-think political arena in America.
han_brolo_760 The NRA is useless. All they do is collect money and hand out pens.
robert.swope One side asks for sweeping legislation, and the other side says "well maybe this and this can go through". However, the same side that let said infringements through never does anything to get those infringed upon rights back, but instead will use said legislation as a reason to vote for them to preserve gun rights (that they fail to preserve or expand time and time again).
gunsforfun1511 No, you are right. It's a bipartisan tool to screw us all...
nullpointinsta you are not.
legitimate.businessman At the federal level, mostly yes, at the state and local level not so much. Think how many 2A sanctuary counties there are in the US now.
tactical_brass_recovery What you resist persists.
gsdpanzer No no... it's true
guerrilla_chinchilla The man spitn
sweetjustice679 You are not wrong.
ghostmarmot It's sad that it's true.
sukdriver Exactly! You nailed it.
cletus.james.walker You're not wrong.
bpw_1345 I argue all the time about "second amendment sanctuary cities" I already have a sanctuary - it's freaking called the second amendment
chuckharris1836 No you're not wrong. An inalienable right needs no lobby. It should be enforced in and of itself. By its own nature.
lightstrider707 yes it's another divide and conquer neither sides gives a rats ass about the constitution let alone their constituents... live tv booger eaters on both sides
fischermotorsports Nope, dead right. . NRA has supported every major gun control act as well.....
jrzj R, D. All clowns with different color ties.
roadtripvic I'm a member of @gunpolicy but it pisses me off to no end to donate more of my hard earned money to fight a government that has stolen my money to use against me! The damn politicians do whatever the hell they want and we let them get away with it.
mosley.adam I don't like either side. Democrats have gone so far left that they are unrealistic with their view points, they have no morals anymore. The Republicans are spineless cowards who don't stand up for what they are supposed to believe. They have both lost sight the values that this country was founded on, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let people live their life the way they see fit. Let them be in control of their family, land and money. Let them be free.
shred_bear62 It seems the "fpc" are the only ones with the balls to actually take these bastards to court
thirtythree_three And the "new guys" (FPC and GOA) are basically charlatans. They trumpet single or 3-judge panel decisions that are going to be immediately appealed/reheard and then reversed as though they were FINAL dispositions. People wonder why we're losing.....well, in order to win, you have to know where you are on the battlefield, and these POS organizations are basically dropping smoke screens on their own positions.
whiteyxholmes Fuck them... Who needs ammo?