My only moose - taken with an open-sighted 500 Linebaugh at 125 yards with 410 grainers doin' 1,200 fps. Drop camp on the Nimiuktuk River (dumps into the Noatak). First spotted this moose 2 miles out from atop a high point above the drop camp. Hiked down to camp and had some Chili-Mac, then took off solo on my attack plan. Hours later, I crawled up over a small lake / pond edge and he was where I'd spotted him bedding down. I backed out of sight, looked at my watch, and waited a full 15 minutes to let my heart rate settle. Then crawled back into a prone position and let the blade settle low on his chest across the lake. I leaned on the Linebaugh's trigger until she went off while she was still pointed right at his heart. He bellowed, but didn't move. I cocked the single-action back for a second shot, and let fly. This time he staggered to his feet and ended up looking straight away from me with his front right shin busted. I lined up on his tailbone, planning on anchoring him with a spine shot. I missed 3 inches left, passing through his left ham, busting through his femur, and stopped by the hide on the far side of his ham. He dropped hard. Now he was heart shot, with a busted front right shin and back left femur. Turns out he was dead on his feet. I kept him from dying in the lake. The story starts here, but I'm past my word limit 😎 ML
246 likesjaycoux You must've hated this moose.....
bmullis Great shooting ML !!! 1 like
kodiak_precision The one to have ! Awesome!! 1 like
packin94sd.g.c u s 🦅 1 like
hobbit0717 What was the weight? He looks big.
  -  laruetactical @hobbit0717 ... Dunno what his weight was, but my shop guys looked wide eyed at me from my weight-loss from hauling his heavy ass one chunk at a time to the 300 foot long Super-cub bush airstrip 4 miles away. 😎 3 likes
  -  hobbit0717 @laruetactical I can bet they did! Lol
fit2practice Great story! 🙌 1 like