... Mirage coming off the TranQuilo was bugging me ... it bugs me no more - ML
584 likestw1st3d_w1ll Need a heat shield wrap.
byrdprecision Forgot my mirage cover at home once and had to use an old sock in my truck 😁
mpcohagan That's a nice rail.
duckhnt Is that a large frame UU M-lok!?!? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @duckhnt ... you guys get distracted - yes it is, on a 14.5" 6.5 Creedmoor - ML 11 likes
  -  4rbrandt @laruetactical we ready!! 🔥
  -  duckhnt @laruetactical let's do this Mark. Been distracted for about a year now. We are ready to order............ P. S. That FDE heatshield is 🔥🔥🔥
thirtythree_three This is just asking for a video: "How many rounds does it take to melt/burn/ignite an @laruetactical hat on a Tranquilo Silencer?" 1 like
summit_915 I'm ordering 2 of these when I move back to Texas.
230grainhardball Time to get those large frame mloks up for sale. 2 likes
connelldad Mark, you need to come up with an LT M308BSC (Blanquillo Supressor Cover). Minimizes mirage and offers easier handling immediately after extended firing. No expense was spared in the manufacture of this Made in Texas suppressor wrap fabricated with the finest Nomex. NFPA 701 approved for use by civilians and HSLD operators alike.
nelson_shooting_concepts I still think their is something special underneath that hat! @laruetactical 1 like
icecoldmn Let's get back to the 14.5 creedmore. What is the velocity and why would I want one over my 14.5 308? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... cut a 1 foot piece off an 8 foot long 2x4 and try shoving it out into the pond. Now take the rest of that 2x4 (7') and shove it out into pond. Which went further ? ML 2 likes
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical I see,I get the distance thing but for knock down power on something alive I think the 308 will outperform to at least to 300 yards.
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... nothing walks off a heart shot. ML 1 like
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical very true,guess You just groomed me to 260,are you going to offer it in 14.5 260? I don't need another caliber in the stable. I know the masses love the creedmore but I'm heavy into the 260 LaRue's. Keep up the good work. You guys are my go to gun manufacture 1 like
th3gun Any word on when the MLOK option will be available for the large frame ultimate upper kits ?
  -  laruetactical @th3gun ... Soon as I can get my drunken IT guys sober enough to think again. ML 1 like
  -  th3gun @laruetactical haha good luck.