... Still same Enhanced Siete ...
Barrel/suppressor/scope all taken off and then put back on before each of these three (3) shots.
NightForce Scope was mounted in LaRue QD mount with properly adjusted lever tension.
1st round - middle hole
2nd round - right hole
3rd round - left hole
This post is aimed at guys curious about how much the zero would shift should they put it all together in the Back 40 of AfSyriastan 😎 ML
157 likeskodiak_precision Tried this multiple times myself to n different rifles over the years . Totally repeatable with your gear! FACT!
guns_n_liquor But when can I buy it...?
laruetactical ... Geez, if there's not a gun in the picture, it gets no "likes". Take this for example. Tearing a barrel all the way off and a the scope off and then putting it all back together and then shoot one shot, then do same drill twice more and getting a 5/8" 3-shot group at 100 yards is nothing short of astonishing. 5 likes
daveyelverton Better tighten up! 😂
mikeb945 But but but, it's not hitting the bullseye 😂😂😂😂 #sarcasm
texasgunnews Stunning results from a stunning system....can not wait.
redoak.sooner Damn! 🔥