... With weight saving flutes added πππ
689 likesrealwarthog71 If you can cut a arca Swiss dove tail on the bottom.... Oooph! 1 like
- laruetactical @realwarthog71 ... Can't we just attach an ARCA / M-Lok ?
- realwarthog71 @laruetactical lol. That's funny! Was gonna write that, but thought I might be asking for too much. Ruger only offers that on their RPR magnum long actions.
- charliemike321 @laruetactical of course but adds weight and an additional failure point.
- laruetactical @charliemike321 ... My handguards weight next to nothing to begin with, so even twice x nothing ain't muchπ€·
- realwarthog71 @charliemike321 on the contrary. If you've ever seen a rail with dovetails cut, it's much stronger than normal. The rail bottom is thicker. Not deductive at all. 1 like
- laruetactical @realwarthog71 ... And my rails ain't known for being easily "bendable" π€· 2 likes
pewpewvette How difficult is it to add a folding stock adapter? 1 like
- laruetactical @pewpewvette ... Easy 2 likes
- wardjm1 @laruetactical awesome!
- princeominnows @pewpewvette I am curious why does everybody like a folding stock? It's a serious question I feel like I must be missing something.
- laruetactical @princeominnows ... I'm curious too. Do they fold the stock before going to the next stage in a PRS Match ? If so, why ?
- pewpewvette @laruetactical Space for storage and transport. I don't have a big truck nor a giant safe room to hang it on the wall. Thus, it needs to go in a medium sized rifle bag and fit in the safe I have.
It is just a lot easier to store and transport a 37" rifle than it is a 48" rifle. It's that simple. Nothing tactical about it.
- laruetactical @pewpewvette ... Hence the pewpew Corvette π 1 like
- pewpewvette @laruetactical Exactly lol. Thanks for answering
mgarfias Any chance you'll ever do a long action? 2 likes
- laruetactical @mgarfias ... Certainly 3 likes
mikeb945 Is there some structural or harmonic advantage to the spiral flute over a straight flute?
- laruetactical @mikeb945 ... I stay right on top of the rifling, with exact same twist as rifling. 13 likes
sp.arks991 QD barrel quick change barrel yes 1 like
- laruetactical @sp.arks991 ... Yes. Hence the QD handguard π― 4 likes
- sp.arks991 @laruetactical oh I totally noticed will it be the same wrench used as previous pred OBR set up's? I have 3 of your rifles and this one will be my 4th. Looks amazing π
realmda13 Dimples instead of flutes please!
- laruetactical @realmda13 ... Nope 2 likes
230grainhardball Any chance you can lighten it up enough to give a certain consonant named company a run for their money? I'm thinking sub 6 pounds...
- laruetactical @230grainhardball ... No 1 like
- laruetactical @230grainhardball ... They remove weight from your wallet too π 2 likes
charliemike321 How about a larger more defined barricade stop? 1 like
- laruetactical @charliemike321 ... Slow down before you get there π€· 6 likes
- charliemike321 Also, maybe have predrilled holes on the sides to add accessories such as thumb shelf, dope card, timer mount, extra rounds etc 1 like
- charliemike321 ARCA rail 1 like
- charliemike321 @laruetactical I'm just trying to help you hijack IGs algorithm. More comments more promotion.π
- charliemike321 @laruetactical larger barricade stop helps connect rifle to shooting bag for a more stable shooting position. When hunting or in a field match the "cool guys" prefer shooting off tripod with a bag on tripod head over belly with bipod. Check out a @nrlhunter or @competitiondynamics steel safari match.
- lkcrome @laruetactical damn! You must have had extra bacon and spicy mustard on your BLT tonight!! You're all over on top of the top response pinnacleπ!
rampant2019 Oooh me likes it me π likey..now here's the deal Daniel Defense makes Delta 5 Pro and it will shoot any ammo at 1" moa and the base black one is $2499?????
- laruetactical @rampant2019 ... DD shoots any ammo 1" ? .... There's no truth to that. 7 likes
- rampant2019 @laruetactical when bored go to YouTube. 'Mrgunsngear delta 5 pro' and just take a peek!?!
- laruetactical @rampant2019 ... I don't get bored ... this job ain't got no time fo dat. 4 likes
pushisgrumpy It's okay, I hate my money anyway. 3 likes
wschulte402 Heavy barrel, walnut stock? Kinda like an M40-66 Siete?? 2 likes
rhammock3 Got your 6.5 Grendel and love it! Bring this on! I'll have one.
texasgunnews How much are we talking about spending here fellas. Don't care how much, just need a target amountπ. The rifle in that drawing looks tactically elegant, I think I feel a tear building in my left eye... 3 likes
longrangesurfer Yes already!! 1 like
cole__giles Sign me up! 1 like
patrick.a.johnson314 Credit card ready 4 likes
reaganhair1 Interchangeable bolts/bolt heads as well please
csolstice032018 Can you add an integrated 5 section pic rail on the bottom front like the SAT handguard! That would be perfect!
the_real_steve_in_houston Are you an inventor/solid works user, or do you employ a mechanical designer?
- the_real_steve_in_houston @the_real_steve_in_houston I'm a structural engineer in the oilfield that's why I ask.
redoak.sooner Send it!
bagpiper0911 Count me in
pseidel90 Wait, is the Siete finally being released?!?!
crabman1234 How about 50bmg
sweshooter Price?
brittzter13 Sending security code now
mcfaddep Chamberings being offered?
oneasteriskindustries π₯
jonwaynetaylor What kind of wood is that?