... Wanting y'all's opinion on the "Cold Bore Shot", I asked yesterday's Siete shooter to run a test for me ... here's the target and his answer ... Note that group can be seen on yesterday's 0.508 moa 5-group average, the last and final group ... ML
Here's the Cold bore (with cold suppressor) shot you requested.
When I shot that last group yesterday the barrel was pretty warm, but the suppressor was much warmer, near being HOT. I made that cold bore shot this morning within 5 minutes of taking that Siete, that had sat in the A.C. overnight, to the range ... as well as there being a 20 degree ambient temperature difference, 80 degrees this morning and 100 degrees yesterday afternoon. Also the ammo is 20 degrees cooler.
My opinion is that the barrel is GOOD and that the minimal amount of shift is more likely to be suppressor related."
184 likeslaruetactical ... Speaking of Litz, look at his February 28th post 1 like
laruetactical ... What ? No comments ?!?! 4 likes
logan6163 What if you shot a cold bore group? One round every morning at the same time/temp?
  -  laruetactical @logan6163 ... See my latest post ... 🎯
broeckelbenjamin Have had similar lack of a cold bore shift with my MGU. The point of impact shift from the barrel getting hot or cooling off is very minor, if it even shifts at all. Seems like LaRue barrels don't care much how hot or cold they are. 1 like
esobee Would look much better with a picture of the Siete 🤔 1 like
lkcrome Cold or hot it'll always shoot better than my level of competence! 1 like
gaman_defense_systems Great job Mark! 🔥🔥🔥
icecoldmn I'd say it is great, but then again I shoot paper for fun 😂
aaronedwards843 Release date?
5ashcattleco How about, stupendous!
joseph5myers I want a Siete!
240gr Always wondered about the first couple of shots on a ladder, when the 1st is cold bore
duckhnt Si si si Siete!