... Same Enhanced 260Rem Siete as last Friday, but shot by somebody else just now, same ammo, same everything but for a different height RAT Riser. My five groups averaged 0.481 moa, his five groups averaged 0.508 moa. You are watching The LaRue Accuracy Channel ... ML (P.S. that first shot (near the middle) was an A.D. * Accidental Discharge * the trigger took him by surprise 😎 )
160 likesmclfarmsnm When will it be possible to possess one of these unicorns?
deviant_method Looks like he was following most of the fundamental firearm safety rules though. When one fails the rest help to keep us safe! 1 like
brad.richard.100 I could out shoot you with a LaRue rifle! I'm younger and my eyes are better. Lol....my cherished rifle that will go to my daughter.....of course....a LaRue!!! Good shooting Mark!
feathaslinga How much is a siete gonna set someone back?
kevinmichael_67 When?
jmg_l22 I've been rocking a .260 REM bolt gun for many years built by a local legend at Louisiana Precision Rifles. Mine runs like a Swiss clock with 139 gr Scenars and H4350. Glad to see you keeping the caliber topical & relevant. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jmg_l22 ... What's your favorite load specs ? 1 like
  -  jmg_l22 @laruetactical - 43.0 gr H4350 in REM Brass to 2.830" with CCI BR-2 & the Lapua 139 gr Scenar
kevin.mcglothlin.078 I can't wait to get mine 1 like
ewdeters Send it to me for another sample group. 1 like