... Two rows deep ... I sleep well at night knowing every damn one of these LaRue-made barrels are shooters 💥💥💥 ML
839 likesbillsnearly Any 20" with 1:7 twist? Wylde chamber please. 😁
  -  laruetactical @billsnearly ... We make a 1-in-8" twist Wylde ... that comes more accurate than any 1-in-7" twist you could come up with. 3 likes
cccosby Need to make some 14.5 barrels in 6.5 creedmore. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @cccosby ... Just load with less powder 1 like
  -  el.gallo.negro1 @cccosby jury still isn't concluded on the effectiveness of a 6.5 out of a 16" barrel, I think a 14.5 is pushing it.
  -  johnsmith6073 @cccosby Thats Grendel territory.
bradbuildshomes Mine is 👋
kilo__372 Wow! 👏👏👏👏
tattoosbyjoshuacoale Be glad to test em out for ya 😂
stumpwso Oh my
brax43521 That's gorgeous
will.a.chambers Dayum! That's a lot of precision right there... 1 like
zookie09 18 predatAR barrels done for good?
tricky_tre Kicking myself for not pulling the trigger before the price increase. Top notch.
freakinout Looks like time for a barrel sail
thechestcracker I'm ready for a LaRue 10/22 reboot - machined receivers and badass barrel and all 2 likes
somerville02143 U M👍
slipperypete530 Mark, I am curious why you don't make the 5.56 PredatAR barrel in 18" length anymore? I'm also wondering if you have any laying around gathering dust that you might wanna sell?
realmda13 @laruetactical now do the tAR upper storage pic!
icecoldmn Any of those my 17" siete 308? It seems to still be on back order. Should I call?
a_a_ron_2686 18-20 inch .308 🙏
j_perry69 I'd sleep well if I could get my hands on one lol 2 likes