Guns & Ammos new Book of the AR-15 is all about stuff that shoots .264" bullets, inside is a nice article about our LaRue 260 PredatOBR. Support the publishers, buy a copy or two, or soon we might have to get all our gun stories from internet shills, like me < - - ML
617 likesjosh___costa Congrats @laruetactical 😎👊🏽u s
jf_shooter Any ETA on those Dillos we all came out of pocket for a few months back?? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @jf_shooter - You came out of pocket to contribute to Nolo's cause. 100% of the money went straight to Nolo. I am making and contributing a commemorative Nolo dillo to each and all Nolo contributors as a token of my appreciation for you willingness to support Nolo. It's happening as shop time permits. Thanks for the reminder as to why I keep comments turned off. ML 14 likes
  -  realmda13 @jf_shooter I got my shipping notice last Friday. Happy to have contributed to NoLo. Thanks ML for supporting all of our constitutional rights. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @realmda13 - Awesome Nolo news coming across the wires - ML 5 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng @jf_shooter really need that dillo don't you. If you were in the first or second run, DM me your address and I'll send you the $50 bucks. I bet @laruetactical would change the shipping address. 3 likes
  -  azlatrans @laruetactical it sucks to hear the positive and negative Huh? Tough deal Mark, better go back to the safe place of no comments. The guy asked a legitimate question, how about a respectable answer like "please be patient while we get these out, we are prioritizing firearms and firearm parts for you guys who need them. Thank you. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @azlatrans - Tough, my trade is making stuff, not making stuff up - ML 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @azlatrans - I'll go back to the safe place of not getting blindsided at a funeral by someone the deceased owed a few bucks to for a few bales of his rained-on hay - ML 2 likes
  -  azlatrans @laruetactical I get it, just remember there are a ton of us who love LaRue products and your company, be professional as often as possible to us. 1 like
  -  realmda13 @laruetactical I'm still stunned that Nolo got this win out of the 9th circuit. Go Nolo! Thank you ML for letting us all feel like we played on Nolo's team for the win yesterday.
  -  laruetactical @realmda13 - We all got a punch in on the Nolo win !! It's like cheating, our contribution makes an immediate difference. :-)
  -  laruetactical @jf_shooter https://instagram.com/p/BloDXFvBXTy/
  -  jf_shooter @laruetactical - I know! that's awesome!! Yes I did contribute to the cause, and yes I was motivated by your special dillo. I love this country and I've always loved LaRue stuff. All I did was ask a question as to the status and estimated delivery. I don't know why that makes me an asshole?
trappnasty41 @hunterstockon
thirtythree_three Picking up my OBR 7.62 today from my FFL. And while you have comments enabled - THANK YOU for making the .260 barrels available! 2 likes
thiswildadventure Mark, can your UU Grendel be cut to 12.5" and still run ok with the mid-length gas?
  -  laruetactical @thiswildadventure - I got no idea. Would have to go do it, burn up a bunch of ammo, etc
  -  thiswildadventure @laruetactical make it happen!
whatarewedo1ng Keep doing what you are doing Mark. NOLO dillo will get here when it gets here. 1 like
skalasteve $15.00 1 like
daniel_emerson33 @laruetactical Mark, could we potentially see a short barrel 6.5G UU option? 11.5" barrel from SUURG or 12"? I think there would be a ton of interest.
divingdriver @laruetactical Afternoon Mark! First of all thanks for all you do for the community, not only supporting our 2A rights but for donating your time and effort to help folks out. Houston comes to mind as well as your donations to help our war fighters. Please continue to do what you do and remember that their are plenty of us out here that support you and are grateful for your continuing efforts. Stay strong my friend, lots of people out here have your back.
frisco_rps13 My 556 stealth barrel is slated to arrive tomorrow. Might have to get try out a 260 barrel next!
heytonyman I'm itching to throw a Valkyrie barrel on an upper I have laying around. Any plans to add the V to the Stealth line up?
barbarosaag I love my LaRue 6.5G! Thanks everyone at LaRue!
joseph5myers The Larue 6.5 Grendel should be the new US Military service weapon!
tonyleal84 I've been drooling over your .260s! I need to bite the bullet and pull the trigger...
cactusandcolt Do you know if your 6.5CM ultimate upper kits are compatible with aero precision m5 (.308/SR-35 size) lowers?