... A man's rifle burnt up 🔥 in a forest fire 🔥 More to follow 🔥 ML
1,696 likescrx.ninja Warranty Repair ? 1 like
abellbrian I'm still sticking to my boating accident story.😢
mikenotgonnagetit Oh dear god... 2 likes
zthai2014 A little CLP and some steel wool, good as new.
culpepper_war_room Id donate a few bucks to get him a larue rifle to replace the crispy one if others got on bored with it 11 likes
billsnearly There goes the heat treat. 1 like
vine_matt Man that sucks, I lost mine in a boating accident!
loganmk330 Another "defective" UU kit 🤔 2 likes
sing_chay Still lost it in a boating accident !!! 1 like
trapper_88 Someone help this guy out 😮 2 likes
han_brolo_760 Yeah, shooting fire just makes it angrier.
ndifilipp Everyone screenshot this for when the atf comes looking for your gun. Tell them it got caught in a fire 😂
macas_corbui Looks like those M16 kits from Taiwan
montanapete59102 Still shoots great only $950 will let you take it home!! LOL
tlf2a Throw some lube on it
seabasshb Flaming gun.🙌
reidaverill Charging handle did not survive
bredfearn79 Is that a ball of melted aluminum around the bolt?
high5ive187 Hosed it off an it ran moa
americanfieldwares Let's get him a new one. 2 likes
surfinnh I actually agree we should pitch in for tbis guys new larue 2 likes
billparrishiii I told him not to run Freedom Munitions in it. Didn't listen to me and look what happens.
xtremegunworx I'm assuming he was having problems with his groupings with that rifle too after the fire?
halofrontier Everything (metal) burnt up except the barrel and BCG?
gunsmithsid Checks out!
juan.venado1911 Viking burial... 2 likes
isaiah935 Bet it still shoots
  -  sir_wyatt_of_carlsbad @isaiah935 Bet ML will attempt it 1 like
  -  catalin.chirila @sir_wyatt_of_carlsbad And it will get a tighter group than with an anderson 1 like
  -  isaiah935 What do you mean? Anderson is "just as good"
  -  catalin.chirila @isaiah935 JuSt As GoOd 2 likes
lectricduck I don't see any drooping in the gas tube, that's good.
your_everyday_shooter CLP will fix that.
915ruz Let it sit in @fireclean for a week... you'll be good, no joke us 1 like
  -  tacthiccalfun @915ruz ha
jasonk7474 Trying to figure out how I would right that up on my warranty claim.....😂 9 likes
  -  suppressednation_chris @jasonk7474 send the bcg in with the little bit of metal that's left with a note that says won't cycle 😂 3 likes
aswarmofwolves_ The Nevada/California fire? If so, I'd be down to help the dude out to get a new rifle 20 likes