... Aluminum foil foils my dog from flopping out on my new Costco couch - ML
694 likesawilliams30808 Lol....what ever it takes!
shopmonkeyactual Definitely works. My lazboys have been furball free from my mutts since september
macman_lifestyle Cool trick. Works on our dogs too!
yardgnomeriot2 Costco couch ?.....you must be a "Poor" 😂
  -  laruetactical @yardgnomeriot2 ... Texas triggers don't have the profit margin that Pennsylvania triggers have 🤷 4 likes
beaux_shay When will these be up on the website for sale?
bigkaaal Genius, trying this tomorrow
kodiak_precision And that works? Never have heard of that application/ technique. Good luck! 1 like
superg7one3 Haha we use those foil space blankets to teach the cats. Hilarious to watch them learn
jojosoninsta "Blast! Foiled again!"-Marks dog, probably
83gmck2500 Another good trick are those office chair mats, the plastic ones with the little spikeys on the back. Cut into cushion/armrest size and lay them on couch with spikes up. 3 likes
  -  trapshootb @83gmck2500 Maybe 👀 🤔 some one should lay that down for you! See if you like it ...😮
  -  legionpreparedness @83gmck2500 oh the horror 😖
pnw_kalash Just let doggo on the couch.. 2 likes
lewis5.56 Nice! We use board game boxes but if your dog ain't scared of a box touching him I bet this works great
notshawn54 We did this on our dining room chairs,but for cats. Worked for 2 days. Then they were all over it. Little azzholes!!!!
paul7.62x39 Poor dog. That's just wrong. Make your kids sit on the floor. Dogs are life 🤘🤘 1 like
dd_mcpirate I care more about my dog than I do furniture 🤷
cannedcorn1234 Currently spooning my 90 lb GSD on my couch scolling instagram.
w.nash428 Only issue i have with pets on furniture is shedding an getting up off the couch covered in dog or cat hair.
connoratx12 We got the same couch. They will try and sleep on top of the back part.
wtsmith3159 Ran my dog through obedience training at OCR Oak Creek Retriever near Bryan TX. Doesn't even think about getting on the couch. He has a place and that's where he stays.
fortheloveofdanes 🙌 Looks like our furniture. Works a treat
black_wolf_supply Rescued a lab/pointer mix in January. He's not interested in couches. Just cold bathroom tile floors.
hoff______ @bree_greeny 🤔🤣 1 like
cow2u Very astute... my damn dog would try to eat it...😄
legionpreparedness Brilliant 👏
lkcrome Wonder where her thoughts are going... dad get this s**t of my lounger like now already!
optiskate I might have to try that... my dogs will not stay off the couch... 3 likes
  -  aarongoespew @optiskate exactly what I was thinking. 1 like
andycaldwell999 I believe aluminum foil can also be used to confuse missiles.
bowtechman1az Poor dog. 5 likes
danielcauthen Brilliant
john_v_meier Might want to throw a patent on that. 4 likes
mcd_pews We got motion activated canned air it kept the dog off the couch. Scared the crap out of my wife too. 😂 7 likes
mskategordon 😂😂😂😂😂
christopher_11b Seen two Costco couches not make it even a year, not worth the money 🤷 hope it works out for you though!
  -  andrew.ligon.fant @christopher_11b I bet they'll give you a new one. 1 like
jkbewley Handful of change in a couple of empty and rinsed beer cans does the trick with our lab.
whatarewedo1ng We love shopping @costco
treefroggllc Amazon sofascram