My Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, Athena, says there's no truth in owners looking like their dog. Athena was produced from a straw of 25-year-old frozen semen (collected back in the early 90s) from my late, great German import, Karlo vom Kempter Wald. ML #larue #germanwirehairedgriffon #dogsofinstagram #mansbestfriend
480 likesyoshua25 Good looking pup! 2 likes
texaninaustin Things kinda got weird in the second sentence. 7 likes
duckhnt We are going to lose our commentary privileges after this. Great looking dog. Needs to come chase some Chuk ARs
pboutdoors85 Beautiful dog 1 like
andrewjones8373 That's a dedicated to a particular dog that I don't think I will ever have.
deltastrategicstippling Installed my first @laruetactical MBT Trigger yesterday, what a great value 👊🏽Looking forward to ordering more. 1 like
matt_daddy18 So cute 👏
babdds Griffons are such a great breed. 1 like
governorperry Verified Yep, your younger doppelganger!!!! 🤓 8 likes
  -  william.h.buttlicker @governorperry hey gov perry, I'll trade you my unit coin for your governor coin!
thiswildadventure Loving my 6.5 Grendel with the TranQuilo. 1 like
kurt_stl67 Glad to see you are doing well.
mckeonekert It's the beards. 1 like
shqype_ I'm glad you're allowing comments on your posts.
  -  laruetactical @shqype_ The Internet allows people that were raised in a cellar and never brought up to anonymously have a voice with zero repercussions ... I have to take that into account with every post. 8 likes
two_fotay_wit_da_beamz Great looking doggo 1 like
agw_fl Good looking dog there Mr. LaRue! 1 like
redoak.sooner Purdy Dag!
patrick.a.johnson314 I am thinking an Athena dillo 😎
mckeonekert Athena's sire was quite a dog! Glad I got to know him.
tracy_irishmaiden2012 Beautiful furrr baby!
deputyphil8311 Pleasure meeting you and your wife in Boston
  -  laruetactical @deputyphil8311 The pleasure was all ours. If I had been at the top of my game, I would have clandestinely bought y'all lunch. Next time ... ML
tncowgirl_pryse Yep! Sorry but you two look alike!! Lol 😂