... 260REM ... from same action that I shot the 6.5CM out of yesterday. Siete is a wondrous switch barrel 🔥u s 🔥 100 yards, McCourt 130 Normas, NightForce 5-25 cranked WFO, 5-shots, 0.325 moa. 14 shots have now gone through this virgin 260 barrel 🎯 How 'bout it @def3va 😎 ML
235 likescharliesclones What would you think of making it as a barrel swap gun, like MRAD or Kraken ?
  -  laruetactical @charliesclones ... That's what it is 😎 2 likes
thejdhill When???? 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @thejdhill The question that has been asked for going on - what - 10 years now? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three .. Sorry, but gas gun mania hasn't slowed and we accept orders with no down payment 🤷 1 like
laruetactical 🧡 1 like
stiglitzfirearms Love my .260 underrated round. Well done Mark. 🙌 1 like
aka_gloctor Can't wait to get my match upper from y'all next week!
patrick.a.johnson314 Someone post the Ted Knight gif from Caddyshack 1 like
def3va I'm in Mark - .260 FTW! 🙌🔥🔥🔥
esqphoto Wow Mark. That is something there. Sounds like the Siete can handle just about anything from LE/Mil, to hunting, and PRS competition. Looking forward to getting an opportunity to snatch one up. What do you think is the most versatile caliber you plan to offer?
mikeb945 Wondrous? Man I would love to find out for myself
stevenmcclay6921 Mine will be .260 😍
bill9mill Oh momma!! 🙌
kevin.mcglothlin.078 I want one 😢
ahaley1775 Please before my gift cards run out of time. 🙏
duckhnt I say set some targets up around the pool and incorporate some Siete shooting during the morning routine.
jtaylor Still patiently waiting to place order :)
jmg_l22 Imagine how well it'll shoot after you break it in {sarcasm alert}
icecoldmn This is simple,as soon as the d bag democrats ban assault rifles the siete will be live