... That 5-shot group = 0.610 moa. It stacked the last 3 right in the middle, so I shot one at the other target and almost center-punched it. Siete 6.5CM, Hornady 140ELD ( Thanks Hornady 🔥), NightForce 5-25 cranked all the way up, 100 yards 🎯 ML
363 likesjonwaynetaylor Hear me out, .325WSM.
  -  laruetactical @jonwaynetaylor ... Will it run in a short action 700, using the 308 bolt ? 1 like
  -  jonwaynetaylor @laruetactical OAL will work (2.860) but the bolt face for the .325WSM is .535" so it would need to be opened up. Don't know enough about your receiver to know if you'd need to change your rails.
  -  laruetactical @jonwaynetaylor ... Will it drop a Texas deer ? 1 like
  -  jonwaynetaylor @laruetactical 220gr 8mm bullet at 2,850fps
  -  laruetactical @jonwaynetaylor ... Does Academy have ammo ? 1 like
  -  jonwaynetaylor @laruetactical yes and at only $5 a round!
  -  perez2021juan @laruetactical the Academy Test..... yessir that's a good test
kevin.mcglothlin.078 I just want a 6.5 or .308??😢
  -  laruetactical @kevin.mcglothlin.078 ... What about a 308 with a 6.5 CM accessory barrel ? Deer and groundhogs 🎯 5 likes
  -  kevin.mcglothlin.078 @laruetactical would love that
__marcus___01 Are we going to actually be able to buy one? Haha 3 likes
  -  benito2279 @__marcus___01 @laruetactical exactly. When can we buy one ? In 308 or 6.5!!!!
sanddart93 What will the caliber options be? Will there be a long action version for 300 Win
csolstice032018 I would appreciate the opportunity to own one of those for the upcoming hunting season. It looks like it needs some field testing! 1 like
texasgunnews Some say this is competition for the DD Delta 5....I say this is an entirely different monster all together...not even in the same class. Butterflies perform barrel rolls in my stomach thinking about getting my hands on one of these!🔥🔥🔥👏
markbrownbitches I need one. 2 likes
jointdocshields That is nice, nicer if you had them for purchase
akscott60 Thats some fine work.... 1 like
stiglitzfirearms Lookin good! 🔥
shorthill_woodworks There he goes stirring up the pot again...... 2 likes
storman_67 The Unicorn shows up again, actually shoots 👏
texan.right Hopefully, my next gun purchase! 2 likes
icecoldmn Since we want to stick to reality, how about a 308 with a drop down option barrel list. 6.5 creed,260 rem,243 338 fed would all be great choices 1 like
icecoldmn I'll take mine in 338 lapua
jonathan.thorn.75 A Siete in 6.5 PRC would commit my $$$!
gospencer1 @laruetactical any idea when we can purchase one? That's awesome!🔥 3 likes