... Not sure how you could watch the video taken just minutes/moments before of the would-be assailant and then indict the Uber driver that had just dropped more protestors off seconds before. It's as if they thanked their uber driver, then got out and attacked his car. 🤷
1,156 likesdustinstapp Have you seen the Travis County DA's CV? Are you surprised?
legionpreparedness Contrary to popular belief TX is very liberal & was one of the last states to have a true carry law. Antiflafla & BLM are heavily protected by the democrats & Actblue this should really come as no surprise. What this defendant needs is a vigorous defense, public donations, & loud public outcry eg protests just as the leftwing does. Hand wringing want be enough. Defending this guy is defending all of us.
sanddart93 Typical Austin BS
returnofnolan He's a furry it's ok
j.namck This is ridiculous!!
cowboy_cris Was he suppose to write to get shot at before defending himself?
magnificent_turd bullshit
willgic That protestor was at a low ready with an AK on him! What BS.
natedag87 Self defense isn't murder. That DA is a piece of Commie Flotsam.
angusmcdung I want to be on that jury.
backslider26 I hope he gets off, or there may be civil unrest from us....
thecodystone Garrett Foster, 2nd place quick draw champion.
trevorreust Its evident that when you attack the left you will be jailed if you're right of marx.
rob_wil18 This is so fucked its pathetic.
mikenotgonnagetit Leave it to Austin to indict someone for defending themselves from a shit bag
  -  laruetactical @mikenotgonnagetit ... Something tells me this indictment is somehow tied to the gang-banger shoot-out. I can't put my finger on it, but maybe this indictment wouldn't have gotten pushed through if the town wasn't calling for somebody's/anybody's head. 🤷
  -  mikenotgonnagetit @laruetactical valid point. But honestly with Austin being....well Austin....this doesn't surprise me
salerno1263 Anything is possible in Austin prayers for acquittal
aimless223 How did they manage to indict this guy?
advancedshootinganalytics That's fucked up, ML
advancedshootinganalytics @laruetactical if someone came up to my vehicle with an ak47, I'd shoot them too. The idea of going to a protest with an open carry ak47 is sorta stupid in general. It almost seems sensible that the open carry of Semi Auto long guns should be revoked. I'm pro 2A to the core... but I'm a realist and this stuff hurts our agenda. I don't go to protests cause I have shit to do, but if I'm there and someone is carrying an AK47 my hand is on my concealed carry the entire time and I'm not taking my eyes off that guy. Thoughts? Am I a hated liberal for this now? @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @advancedshootinganalytics ... It was during "The Great Election Heist", where anything goes in Marxville 1 like
  -  advancedshootinganalytics @laruetactical I was ready to stop reading at "An individual carrying an assault rifle, now known to be Garrett Foster, quickly approached the car...". I own more of your lowers than I remember and have transferred double digits by my recommendation. But why is anyone who is carrying an assault rifle in a crowd of people not shot...
  -  laruetactical @advancedshootinganalytics ... You're losing me, and I'm not sure where you stand or where you're going with this.
  -  advancedshootinganalytics @laruetactical yeah I should have kept my mouth shut. I want the Sgt. acquitted and I would have done the same. I can't stand the libtards who want to ban anything. But someone demonstrating their 2A rights by open carrying an AK is an idiot who does more hard to the 2A cause than just about anyone else.
  -  hardlifeengineer @advancedshootinganalytics don't have a problem with anyone carrying a long gun as long as it's slung/carried in a safe manner. As soon as it appears you're getting ready to use it all bets are off. And it wasn't an assault rifle. That would require it to be select fire. Accuracy in language and terminology matters.
jamesbrooks1986 Thats shameful. Ive seen every video from that shooting. The mans car had already been shot when dummy ran up with his AR pistol. He ran up to the driver side door to remove said soldier. And the soldier did what he was trained to do. We teach muscle memory for a reason. He saw a man running towards his vehicle with a COCKED AND LOADED AR PISTOL after ALREADY TAKING FIRE. He defended himself plain and simple. Fight me if you dont agree.
  -  laruetactical @jamesbrooks1986 ... "Shameful" has lost it's bite
jamesbrooks1986 Id of done the EXACT SAME THING except the headline would read. Single father shoots protester trying to carjack him
armedcitizenresources Wow!
furandfeatherpursuit I stand with Sgt. Daniel Perry u s 1 like
scottgibs1969 The new America run by a bunch of commies. This man had every right to defend himself and if the police and government were doing their job he never would have been in that situation 1 like
bigsweetie75 Yet the two guys from Killen who were involved with the mass casualty incident on 6th st get charged with NOTHING 1 like
theleglesschef_ Just remember you can indict a ham sandwich...
fibesboy In a rural Texan town the guy would have been given the key to the city and a parade would ensue. #hero
educatedarms Mind blowing
laruetactical @bigsweetie75 ... Hmmm, I bet that's tied to this somehow 🧐 7 likes
jay_ar138 Holy shit this is unfucking acceptable 2 likes
bnelsonseven Big government loves to spend your money and drag good people's names through the mud in the process.
def3va After a swing and a miss with the Kraken, this would be a good cause for a fund raising dillo. 4 likes
bluesrt10 Not surprised. This is in Austin, our little slice of California. Right in the heart of Texas. 🤠👍
arizona_twelve_sixtysix How in the f this is happening? Oh that's right. After an election. However ok'd this needs to be fired. This was a clear case of self defense. And at a disproportinal level. I wonder what would happen if a masked dick head with a AK approached a politicians vehicle like that. What the F you think will happen? He wanted to know what he would like for him to get at Startbucks? What BS.
  -  arizona_twelve_sixtysix @arizona_twelve_sixtysix * whomever. I'm pissed. Gramatical errors will occur
dfens_tx It's Austin so figures.
stanley3smith Garrett Foster is still deader than yesterday's communion wine.
ba.smith Total abdication of justice from the morons in Travis county.
threeper_g We've officially obtained banana republic status in the US. 2 likes
honkin_and_tonkin We should riot and protest this 1 like
jason_bright2 He will never be convicted
  -  toddr4404 @jason_bright2 doesn't matter. The left uses the process as punishment. The victim (guy who was assaulted with ak) life's ruined and will cost him millions and probably kicked out of military for defending his life. 2 likes
  -  ofd_zombiesqd @toddr4404 what does that have to do with anything lol ppl always run to the left right argument when neither cares
  -  toddr4404 @ofd_zombiesqd well you said he will never be convicted. And I said it doesn't matter he's already been punished. Kind of the point
  -  ofd_zombiesqd @toddr4404 again what does it matter if the left or right don't give a fuck about you or me lol unless you're in their pay role why care what side of they're all government
  -  toddr4404 @ofd_zombiesqd my point is he's already been punished for defending himself.
  -  toddr4404 @ofd_zombiesqd ok 👍
  -  ofd_zombiesqd @toddr4404 so why bring up the left
  -  ericlinnhoff @jason_bright2 eventually hopefully not. But they'll break him financially trying to defend himself just like Kyle Rittenhouse.
  -  laruetactical @ericlinnhoff ... And General Flynn 😕
xrokka I'm with Sarge on this one.
djrppvt Unbelievable
bo210sox He will not be found guilty.
olddollarbill @governorabbott preemptively pardon this patriot before he is destroyed financially. He's having to defended himself twice. While he was in the army he defended all of us. Time for you and us to return the favor 1 like
garydrumm Texas has stand your ground laws and someone pointing a rifle at you is definitely a "fear for my life" situation. This is another political charge.
sorenstone Not to mention the kid was brandishing an AK at him.
silent_knight1775 The retard that thought he was hard found out real quick on that.
rhodie333 That ak idiot got what he deserved.
praetorianfirearms It was clearly self defense. What has changed? I think we all know the answer to this.... 2 likes
abigtuna Dude pointed an AK at him, wtf did he think was gonna happen? Lmao 19 likes
  -  old_man_strong @abigtuna a masked terrorist pointing a AK47 at you and you cap him? That's a good shoot in my book. In my state pointing a gun at someone is a felony that will get you 3-5 years. 7 likes
  -  abigtuna @old_man_strong hell yea I hope I would react the same in that situation. Got too much to fuckin lose to die by some f tard 1 like
  -  ryanemorris99 @abigtuna I think the case will come to the argument of the guy using the car as a weapon justifies deadly force from AK guy. If not, then it is easily self defense on part of the driver. If the intent is thought to be to hurt people with a car then it is premeditated?
  -  laruetactical @ryanemorris99 ... He was a Uber driver that most likely was very aware of the deadly violent mobs unleashed by the liberals onto big city streets.
kpm3791 It's Austin leftist degeneracy at its finest. Wont hold up in a Texas court though. 21 likes
  -  legionpreparedness You have any idea how corrupt TX law enforcement & courts are? Or how many innocent people are rotting in TX prisons? Search Michael Morton / Morton Act to realize just how likely this guy is to be convicted 1 like
longrangesurfer The DA in Austin is one of the biggest Pieces of 💩to ever walk this earth.
jovanone Smh
icveinz Citizen's have every right to discharge a weapon as soon as another person points a weapon or banishes a weapon towards an individual in a hostile manner, no different when that happens with any police officer in this country to give then the right to protect themselves. Need to push all states to have stand your ground laws, this wouldn't even be an issue. 7 likes
sean_ls7 We are being ruled by the mob now, not the law.
longrangesurfer And no charges for the BLM protestor who fired at a fleeing vehicle with no regard to where the rounds were going. Anyone of us would've been charged with deadly conduct at least. But we have the good sense not to fire at a fleeing vehicle. 15 likes
usagi_actual_kb24 I rather to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6! 4 likes
jkbewley 🐎 💩
mauckcg The interviews AK guy gave before the shooting should be very helpful 1 like
wenzel747 I wanna know what pos da indicted
j.r.ramirez2029 BS
brandent1 Hopefully righteousness prevails in Texas over this. We need more people willing to draw a gun and preserve what is good. 11 likes
ben_america WHAT THE FUCK!!
zujurpizarro Garrett Foster. His pronouns are: was/were. 64 likes
  -  usagi_actual_kb24 @zujurpizarro there/gone 7 likes
  -  mauckcg @zujurpizarro and now there is tea all over my desk. 😂 4 likes
the_monarch82 Pretty sure his car was shot before he opened up... oh well if it gets loud stack them like cord wood 6 likes
jmoore9669 Our justice system is toast. 6 likes
elias_circle_g_design_ Major cities: you don't have a right to your life, protestors & commies do 11 likes
daltonstallworth Any idea where I can find the video? I haven't seen this 1 like
  -  mauckcg @daltonstallworth all over YouTube. The AK idiot was interviewed before the shooting saying he wanted to shoot anti-blm people. 1 like
southerngrizzly_ What a freaking joke our judicial system is... 🤡 17 likes
  -  southerngrizzly_ @day.man0 💯
gguchadura What a joke. So unjust. Democrats in power are cancerous. Everything they touch, they destroy. I'm Venezuelan, same socialists in power, the good guys get criminalised while criminals are paraded as heroes. 6 likes
lasrt13 Pathetic
dead_accounut When will constitution loving service members and legal gun owners rise up and defeat the scourge in our nation? Until then everyone just stfu it's all talk 1 like
  -  laruetactical @peteypineapple71 ... Why don't you go mow the Sargeant's yard, it's 4th of July and I'm sure mowing the yard is way down on his list right now. 1 like
sierra3actual Is this the guy that had the AJ that was shot? 1 like
  -  sierra3actual @sierra3actual *AK 1 like
  -  dmr_llc @sierra3actual I was thinking that too. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sierra3actual ... Yep, it was the AK guy. 11 likes
  -  sierra3actual @laruetactical what the fuck. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @sierra3actual ... Ironically, had the UBER driver been killed instead of defending his kid's father, the video of AK saying he was gonna "get some" would somehow not been enough to indict AK on killing the UBER driver. 22 likes
  -  sierra3actual @laruetactical oh you know it
  -  usagi_actual_kb24 @laruetactical fucking justified shoot! 1 like
  -  justin_time_4_drinks @laruetactical how is this not a clear cut case of self defense though!? So does Texas have an established ROE of only return fire if fired upon!? Wtf!? 1 like
  -  texan.right @justin_time_4_drinks in Little California you're guilty until proven innocent. Unless you're a commie activist 4 likes
  -  justin_time_4_drinks @texan.right you must mean the situation of Austin huh!? How is the capital of Texas is the most left wing place!? 1 like
  -  arizona_twelve_sixtysix @sierra3actual not only an AK but surrounded by protesters yelling threats and the AK guy wearing his mask , on f-Ing National TV, comes up to him pointing the AK at him. This is BS. We need to be protesting the shit out of this 2 likes