Wire EDM ran out of wire, giving me a nice 7.62 photo-op ... ML
388 likessabersolutions Neat
longrangesurfer Hey, can I get one of your hard chrome BCG's for my 300 blackout Surg? I have em in both my PredatOBR 556 and 762 and want to matchy match. Plus I want a bcg with the Larue logo...
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical please....
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical pretty please?
  -  tanstaafl_satx @pksurfer Good luck bud. I snagged one on the EE a few months back. Those chromies only pop up every once in a while. 1 like
  -  longrangesurfer @tanstaafl_satx ha! Thanks! 🤞🏼
unslicedmatt We're those pilot holes for the edm wire previously used for fixturing in a previous machining op? Just curious.
i_am_the_fos Soon, one of these will be on its way to me...