... And this is how the lone 260 Rem. shot 🎯 ML
233 likesrealwarthog71 You still testing em all in the tunnel? It's def the best form of control I'm sure
stevenmcclay6921 I need one of these
  -  laruetactical @stevenmcclay6921 ... It's a badass whitetail / groundhog combination rifle 1 like
icecoldmn Got any of that prime left I think it can do better. Mine shoots ragged 1 hole 5 shot groups at 100 yards with the tranquillo. Dam thing is a tac driver. I'm at 2000 rounds cleaned every 300 rounds weather it needs it or not 1 like
def3va I've had a luv affair with my PredatOBR in 260 since first received in 2017. Some 5,000rds later and it's still my favorite gas gun for precision and long range work! 2 likes