... Just sayin' ... 😎
336 likeskodiak_precision That's a very unusual combo! Although Manchin has been good lately. His past is more telling 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @kodiak_precision ... My late father-in-law said "Most folks become Conservatives once they start paying attention to how much their annual taxes are adding up" 11 likes
  -  chadd_arnold @laruetactical and when they see exactly how those very taxes are spent (wasted)!
  -  breedlove.ben @laruetactical Don't be fooled. WV is a coal state. Manchin gets big money from the energy folks to not be as progressive as he wants to be.
  -  kodiak_precision @breedlove.ben ... in my opinion, he can't be trusted. 1 like
  -  breedlove.ben @kodiak_precision Agreed
hisurfcam Trump Desantis 2024, Desantis 2028 5 likes
  -  joshcastillon @hisurfcam 💯
  -  r_kelley_1 @hisurfcam Too many Republicans and independents have turned on Trump and he can't just win with his base so we're better off with DeSantis. He doesn't have any of the baggage and he appeals much more to swing voters which we can't win without. 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @r_kelley_1 ... Agreed 4 likes
  -  hisurfcam @r_kelley_1 opposite he gained 10 mil in the last election which was probably more. Not sure how you lose voters on the golf course.
  -  r_kelley_1 @hisurfcam How did he gain 10 million voters? Even if he won the popular vote,which he wouldn't, Republicans would never let him win the electoral college. He's simply too toxic now so it's time for new blood.
  -  hisurfcam @r_kelley_1 63m in 2016 73m in 2020. Who's gonna get more legitimate votes than that?
  -  r_kelley_1 @hisurfcam DeSantis.
  -  hisurfcam @r_kelley_1 2028 like I said
  -  r_kelley_1 @hisurfcam 2028 will be too late.
  -  hisurfcam @r_kelley_1 trumps got unfinished business. That's who I'm riding with. Desantis can get on as VP or stand down.
  -  r_kelley_1 @hisurfcam Trump doesn't have a hope in hell of winning and if we lose the next election America is gone forever.
  -  laruetactical @r_kelley_1 ... Well, there's always extremely peaceful protests u s 2 likes
  -  hisurfcam @r_kelley_1 it's cute that you think Desantis can overcome election fraud.
  -  r_kelley_1 @hisurfcam It's cute that you think Trump can get elected.
  -  hisurfcam @r_kelley_1 he's ahead in every poll
def3va Being closer to WV, I've seen Joe go from libtard to semi libtard over the years to keep his seat now that WV went from blue to purple to red. Don't be fooled he's a liberal. 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @def3va ... People change and Manchin has been regularly snatching us from the maw of the beast 😎 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @def3va ... Rereading your post, it says that Manchin represents his ever-changing constituents. 2 likes
dingodog1272 God no. Manchin is the lefts John McCain. 9 likes
realwarthog71 Nah. Desantis Hawley 1 like
  -  where_gun @realwarthog71 I can already feel the liberal rage over this ticket. 1 like
reyknowned DeSantis + anyone and I'm in! Manchin won't take the pay cut to be VP.
  -  thirtythree_three @reyknowned Pay cut? If you're being literal, you're wrong. If you're being figurative (i.e. pay=power), he's going to be absolutely neutered if he's in the minority. I spent about 3 hours with the guy one time. Super nice guy, don't want him near power.
def3va No disagreement there, just an underlying trust issue with anything Dem 3 likes
danielmachen762 👍but not sure we don't still need him in Fla, and him in senate for another term?? 2 likes
pawpawlammy DeSantis/Noem. 5 likes
cnote8215 Joe Manchin? No thank you. 4 likes
mike_lee_9 I almost said this to a friend the other day but kept it to myself thinking it might be a little bit of a stretch...
trappersim My wife and I were talking about that last night. That would be a hell of a ticket there.
storman_67 Desantis Yes, Way off on Manchin, does what he has to to save his seat. Try K. Noem 1 like
pugntug Spicy 🔥.
crazypeakdesigns Ron "Teach Kids About Transsexuals When They Turn 9" Desantis and Joe "Pride and Joy of the Robber Baron" Manchin. Sounds like a winning Republican ticket!
chuckharris1836 Why not
desmantelandoalaizquierda 😂😂😂
clayhinely Tim Scott and Mike pompeo
mskategordon 👏👏👏👏👏👏
hisurfcam No call MPD
r_kelley_1 I hope DeSantis runs but we already have too many RINO's so the last thing we need is a lib VP. 1 like
kevinmichael_67 Manchin is a snake 2 likes
eye_ofthe_kiger I'd prefer @flgovrondesantis & @tulsigabbard 1 like