... As I often do, I dropped in on one of the LaRue Armorer's classes and glad I did. Some of the attendee's had older LaRue rifles with the other Geis trigger in them and some had late model LaRue rifles with our MBT-2S inside. Perfect opportunity to teach them about "trigger creep" in a precision 2-stage trigger. The older rifles that had the other Geis trigger in it are perfect for showing creep and how to recognize it ... with rifle unloaded (of course) pull the first stage through to the second stage, then lean on the 2nd stage oh so slowly, and you'll feel the trigger move ... but not go off. Then you can lean a little more on it and it will move a little more ... but not go off. Now if you're lucky enough to have an MBT in another rifle, try that same maneuver on that MBT ;-) Enjoy your Saturday now that you're in the know. ML
853 likesjon_gock33 I have four MBT's. Enough said. Only one thing though. I am running out of my caps supply. Looks like I need to order some more goodies.
ajm720 MBT-2s is the best damn trigger on the planet hands down
dayhoffjr We have 3 in our family. Just can't beat them. The one in my ar10 likes to light strike on occasion, but i don't know if trigger to blame or operator error (improper lube amount). Great stuff.
jdg0707 Best trigger!!!
thatthinbluelinetho Bought mine! Just gotta find time to get it installed!
mikenotgonnagetit There is a reason why the MBT has replaced ALL of my other triggers including the other geis.
bottom_rung The MBT is the best AR trigger on the market. I have the expensive one and an MBT. The MBT breaks cleaner by far. Please have mercy on the .170 pin Colt owners. Make a run of MBT's with large pins please. Old Colts need LaRue too.
jameshull28 LaRue is the good kind of triggered!
mh.ordnance u s Would love to have an option for our Machine Gun!😉u s
woundwort19 ML please make a M16 trigger. You'd sell a bunch.
clint_el_parker Best triggers on the market! I have them in all my guns
above_avg_id10t Need single stage!
theluckyvalentine Ordering one on friday!
tylerxcollins Can I run an mbt in my ar9? Someone told me that it would break my firing pin
texas.rising Got two myself wont go backu s
charliesclones We love Austin triggers 🔥🔥🔥
cartouche61 i am fortunate that all but one of my ars have mbts. it has a solid gold from LT. No Gs in anything. Gotta dig some affordable overkill. LT for life.
the_e_drake Absolutely love these triggers. 🤘🏻
edub_s14 @lefty_panz 1 like
kodiak_precision Ultra reliable, smooth and consistent. Certainly the greatest value out there. Get ya some you'll never look back.
goochwhistle When will these be back in stock? Been waiting a few weeks
_eddievega Ohhhh you got that right!!! Super light take up.... then....... *CRACK* the crispest most defined wall you ever felt.
dakotadefense This trigger has been a game changer for us in our shop. This is standard for us and our builds now. Just got 6 delivered today and they are all spoken for.
frei1086 Just dropped a MBT in my AR9.... flawless... 🔥u s
tn556x45 This should be the most popular AR trigger by a landslide. 3 likes
rockywatson812 I've got an OBR 5.56 from 2010 that came with the old geis trigger. Swapped the trigger for an MBT and man what a difference. Now I have 3 and my brother insists on using the MBT in everything he shoots.
mattisapoorman Just got a couple lowers that come with geiselle triggers. Still may sell them and grab a couple mbt's 💁
eagletears_inc After shooting competitively for the Marine Corps for many years, I can feel the slightest creep known to man. I'll be getting one of your triggers soon. Your price is insanely low compared to the Milazzo I bought 20+ years ago. BTW, Semper Fi to your daughter!
tsuhobbs I have one of the first MBT triggers. Still love it and try to convert everyone I shoot with over to them. Ha ha ha
nolanquinn22 Im honestly surprised that the mbt2s hasnt gained as much traction as Geisseles triggers when they perform just as good or better at a third the cost. 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @nolanquinn22 ... Speaking of traction, we have one helluva nice MBT factory built inside our main factory yet we're having a hard time keeping up with the selling-like-hot-cakes demand.
And in reality, many of the shooters that got it broke off in 'em by the other Geis are naturally reluctant to fill out a police report ... sad situation. 11 likes
  -  tehlonz @nolanquinn22 they have. They are usually highly recommended.
  -  nolanquinn22 @tehlonz I know they are highly recommended but I see way too many people straight up recommend Geissele and dont even mention or know about Larue
  -  tehlonz @nolanquinn22 there's a large bandwagon. Some may have fallen off after their lag to shipment in the recent past. When the larue was in stock it was shipped. it's night and day from milspec.
  -  nolanquinn22 @tehlonz oh yeah I love the mbt2s and it is by far my favorite trigger. I just feel that too many people just refuse to shoot anything but geissele
  -  tehlonz @nolanquinn22 more money has to be better.
jordanlrick Best triggers around. 1 like
daddyscott2001 Original OBR with Walter barrel and that "other" trigger 😔 also PREDATOBR with the AR gold trigger. Early adopter woes....🤣
  -  icecoldmn @daddyscott2001 I too have some with the black gold triggers,other than the trigger bow being so narrow they are also a great trigger.
  -  daddyscott2001 @icecoldmn yessir - I do like it better than the geis - just not as much as the MBT. The PREDATOBR is probably my favorite rifle because it is such a tack driver! I need to switch out the geis in my 308 OBR!
jakemm01 I tell people about this all the time! I have a lot of experience on the Geissele SSF triggers and they all had the same issue, squishy first stage and creep in the second stage before the break. Brand new, well used, all had the same issues. They are definitely upgrades from the factory triggers, but the LaRue triggers I own and have used have never had these issues. You can't beat them!
austinjonesangler Need a couple more 🔥🔥
scott_ward___ Looking for the flat single stage to try
sixeightspc I can't stand the other Geis. MBT is the king of practicality. 3 owned, 3 loved. 7 likes
  -  cowleech994 @sixeightspc same here, I use them for all my builds across the board. By far my favorite trigger out there.
mal1nis Please make some single stage triggers. Been wanting to try them for a while. 5 likes
  -  gimli_t_baggins @mal1nis They're worth the wait.
  -  mesooohoppy @mal1nis, @laruetactical I second this. Singles please! 1 like
mvent22 I second this.
royal_ransom I've got 3 Larue triggers. I was at a gunshow a while back and happened upon a new CMT trigger for a good price. Decided to give it a try, why not right? I was severely disappointed in the amount of creep the trigger had! Sold the trigger and bought another Larue!