.. Sorta old news, but hey, there's a fresh crop of 18 year olds that woke up today on their birthday and haven't heard u s After extensive testing, and they have the perfect test base, the U.S. Marines have essentially "Standardized" on our LaRue QD mounts. They found during testing that nothing beat LaRue QD mounts for repeatability, but mainly they found our LaRue QD mounts don't shake loose on machine guns. So there's that. During our on-going 5S work, coupled with our ERP system adoption, we blundered into a big shelf of LaRue LT-104 mounts. Watch for a LaRue Email to hit your inbox shortly ... and enjoy the solid repeatability ... and the $avings ... 😎 ML
863 likessattyboy4990 Done. Thank you. Looking all over the site, It appears that you're completely out of the 6 ARC business????? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @sattyboy4990 ... Yes, I recently gave the order to cease 6ARC stuff. Yeah, yeah, I know that "it's the fastest growing caliber in the fastest growing sport !!!"😎 1 like
  -  wet_neck_67 @laruetactical why so?
  -  laruetactical @wet_neck_67 ... We're moving away from being a flea mARket. Those that wanted one got one. The stragglers missed out. 1 like
  -  wet_neck_67 @laruetactical 10-4 just didn't know if there was something we "didn't know coming" 😉 that those of us with them needed to know. 1 like
  -  bfield67 @sattyboy4990 Aww no 6ARC? Bummer as that was my next big LT pruchase to come
cpl0313 My son sent pics from Camp Geiger during his infantry training of the LaRue mounts on the 240's. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @cpl0313 ... Send pics to -> Mark (at) LaRue (dot) com 2 likes
  -  cpl0313 @laruetactical I was mistaken. The m-4's had them. I'll send what I have.
bill9mill One of the main reasons I went with LaRue was that I wished I would have had a rig like yours back while I was in the Corps myself... we said Ooh-rah back then 😉 anyway, I believe you had some other affiliation too that quickly assured me this is exactly where I belonged so it's great to see where you continue to go, and with whom. Great job. I'd buy the poster as well. First to Fight. Ooh-rah!!! 🦅🌎⚓
an_american_gunsmith Yo can I buy this as a poster? 5 likes
  -  amacera94 @an_american_gunsmith I'd buy this poster. 1 like
matt.meyers.bemeyers Nice @bemeyers GLARE MOUT right up front! We still have this framed. 5 likes
  -  acegunner2001 @matt.meyers.bemeyers "Helping good people shoot bad people in the face, at night" is simply the baddest mission statement you could have😎. And very appropriate considering your products!🤘 1 like
mojave.repeater I've used it. The LaRue QD mount for the ACOG is legit and rock solid.
macman_lifestyle Oh I jumped all over that
snougaloogie I just got a VCOG and I regret not getting the SCO version with your mount
_vandi98 Fuckin love this!! Made dead center of Texas 1 like
thegeartester_youtube I have always found Larue products to be excellent. Return to zero and durability are top notch! 🔥
gunner_texas_03 Pretty nice mounts Mark 1 like
colt_llc Based and standardized LaRue
govbmentcheese Made my day. 🙌
tompayne1974 I bought mine in '08 or something and I'm going to need to accelerate testing because it won't fail. I'm moving on to the "deep sea boat anchor" and "anvil" phases of testing.
dango512 Semper Fi!
stoic_solutions_ 🔥
teh_alchemy08 🧡🔥👏👏🙌
csolstice032018 Thank you Sir!
bestimage1st 👏
jessiecherry33 Thanks for the heads up!