... WTF ?!?! 500+ of y'all have gotten the tracking number to your July 4rh MGU- Match Grade Upper and not a single review yet. What say ye ? Are we on the right track with our MGU ? 🔍 ML
1,269 likeswpatertr Mark can we have a 14.5" OBR please. Hand over my heart I'll buy 2
usgeneral25 Haven't gotten mine yet:)
ky_wta @laruetactical these triggers speak for themselves. 5 armadillos don't even do them justice man! 🔥🔥
booneballistics Some of us: 1 - "shoot polite" and have to change the muzzle device and, 2 - Have sufficient experience with LaRue products that we don't feel the need to check!
davidewade Will probably be a month or two before I head to East Texas property to test. Glad I saved some GMM 69gr. Still have over a brick of GMM 77gr that I will try also.
robbiedavis23 My 12' 556 @laruetactical with 2 stage trigger and px4 out shoots my 16' stag I have had for 12 years hands down.
fibesboy I left one . Upper kick ass!
oneasteriskindustries I have a few on the way! Not sure when I'll get to build them out or get a test group. We will see. Thanks for the deal🔥🔥🔥👊
duque_dupre I had the 2 stage straight bow for a few weeks and I've ran a ton of ammo through it.. Also have a trigger adjustment screw in conjuction and I love it
skymerc Upper was cheaper than the ammo to test it. 😂
shorebillybruce I'd like to order mine now but won't be able to review it until I get home from the sandbox 1 like
  -  laruetactical @shorebillybruce ... Last man out turns off the lights u s u s u s 4 likes
  -  shorebillybruce @laruetactical I actually did that before. IR2011AQ
matt42683 As soon as the single stage bow flat is back in stock I'll be picking up one, and I need another L104 for a ar10. Need some more of that awesome dillo dust too. All used up. 🤘
brittzter13 Send me my 14.5 and I'll review the shit out of it!! u s
usingmyrights I'm still waiting. There's a lot of orders it looks like between mine and someone on the foruns that had theirs shipped over on the forums. I'm trying to be patient. Though I do which I knew what lower it was going on so I can go ahead and install the trigger and start breaking it in.
brooknam17 🤟🤟🤟
wfodave That makes me happy to hear; I wasn't part of that first 500, but I know the backlog is being worked down and mine will ship before too much longer.
gunmaniausa I ordered mine on 6-25. Haven't received it yet or a shipping confirmation but when I do I'll review it. What order dates are you shipping now?
robert.swope LaRue AK triggers when?
  -  laruetactical @robert.swope ... After the WeedEater triggers 5 likes
bwadep Got my shipping notice for the upper! I have a lower waiting for the MBT-2S and then I'll get a review up.
gavltron I got the 2 stage and love it but now I ness the single stage so I can pop off rounds fast like the cool boiiis
dommytuzzit I'm still stacking for mine! Should by fall🔥
pewpewpew408 Waiting patiently for mine...
rnwestover Ordered ✅ Anticipating ✅ Received.... Review...
dustinstapp Is the mbt 1s ever coming back?
g.a._blue Waiting on my MBT trigger to show up... planning a MGU to go with in a month or two
sandy_saint_nick_ Both of mine are great 😂😍
darren_stubbssss They are probably still kicking the wall because they spent $250 on Geissele when the MBT-2S is the clear winner 😂😂😂 2 likes
  -  tom_rakip @darren_stubbssss I have plenty of G triggers from when they were the only player in the game, but now it's MBT going forward! 1 like
sebspeedcustoms I'll happily review my upper for you... have ammo waiting... you just need to get it to me... 2 likes
gunnertwo Mine is in route, should arrive next week. 👍
angrygingertx LaRue makes the best value (by far) trigger on the market IMO. I do have a Geissele SD3G trigger on one rifle that is my favorite of anything because it's pretty much "full semi 😂" but it costs $240! and isn't appropriate on a precision rifle because if you don't hold onto the gun firmly especially from a rest it'll bump fire. 1 like
seba.mianowski Just placed a solid order in. Can't wait !!! How long of a wait on your ar15 lowers being shipped out ?
slariv9213 The upper is perfect. Will be hitting the range with it next weekend.
brown_pietro I bought my 6 mbt-2s last month and it just arrived. 🙌
raising__wolves__ @laruetactical why did you stop making single stage triggers? 1 like
the_silverfox83 Great triggers. Have the curved on my Larue 6.5 Grendel and put a flat MBT 2S on a hbar with a 1x10 lpvo. The 85.00 cost just makes them even better.
wiley.mark How fast are they shipping? I've got a complete Larue lower that could use one
guardianfirearmco Haven't gotten mine yet... Have a new VX-6 in a LaRue SPR and a LT-15 lower ready and waiting
twl62 All I had... got plans😂
the_zach_daddy I will for sure be leaving a review, I just haven't had time to make it to the range yet. I'm also waiting on the rest of my order to ship. Is there a backorder on the LT Polymer Combo Package?
olddollarbill I'm building an AR to shoot in this new NRA AR Tactical division. Choose the MBT. It's fantastic! Never been disappointed with anything from you fellas
tom_rakip No tracking for me yet
jt_thomasson The lack of any reviews online is kind of a hinderance for some. Maybe @garand_thumb will do one some day. Otherwise it's billy in his moms basement telling us it looks high quality. Oh and nuntnfancy being an idiot for 45 minutes 1 like
  -  tom_rakip @jt_thomasson please God don't let it be nutnfancy... 1 like
  -  jt_thomasson He's the worst
  -  tom_rakip @jt_thomasson I don't know how anyone can watch his rambling and rather ignorant of firearms knowledge videos 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tom_rakip ... Is KnowsNut'n still a thing ? 1 like
  -  jt_thomasson @laruetactical not to anyone with a brain 😂 1 like
  -  tom_rakip @laruetactical I hope not! The 3 minutes I saw of one of his videos was 3 minutes of my life I lost and will never get back
nextleveltactical Mannnn do that deal again 1 like
a556nato I have 8 of your mbt triggers. They are amazing 1 like
  -  tactiwop @a556nato love to see that bc I'm thinking about getting one. Hard to turn down for the money vs a G
  -  a556nato @tactiwap I do love my SSAs slightly more but only barely. The mbt is half the price 1 like
prestondw Still waiting on my lower to ship! 🤪🤪🤪
redneck_spartan I was wondering if anyone had any feedback with reliability. I've been eyeing this lately and was curious.
  -  ryanhoegner @redneck_spartan you won't find better quality. 2 likes
rwood194 I bought this same trigger for my build and absolutely love it and this will be the only trigger I buy for my future builds
cow2u Cassette assemblies 😂
trikenny140_6 Sorry 😢 I've only shot the trigger once... give me some more fun time with it. I'll write a review... I promise! • So far it's awesome 🤩
sotexwhiskeyguy Haven't shot mine yet! Sorry!
jrichard_007 As soon as I hit the range I'll leave one for sure!
masonb_tx Just waiting for yall to do complete lowers again and ill hit you with a review
thesoapislonelyatpostmalones I still have 2 minor orders still listed as back ordered from March & April but I know I am getting quality so absolutely no complaints here. I bought my first MBT probably 2 years ago, I now have 4 triggers, both flat & curved. Replaced the triggers in my "slow fire" builds and couldn't be happier. Same with the A-PEG grips. I have 3 of those and I placed an order for a 4th one. Not that I needed it but I want to try it without the texture. Outstanding quality on everything I have ever received from LaRue. 3 likes
codywlaws Beautiful trigger! I installed mine and did a little test firing and it's smooth as silk. Unfortunately I hadn't really had the time to put it through it's paces yet 😢
kyle_viveiros Love my flat face trigger!!
tacti_cole My trigger order says back ordered. Any ETA? Ordered yesterday.
csolstice032018 IT guys are on the sauce again. I haven't gotten my review email yet. The two I received were perfect! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @csolstice032018 ... I.T. guys are drinkin' so much you'd think they were preppin' for a colonoscopy 😳😳 8 likes
el.gallo.negro1 How does it feel to wait?! 😂😂😂 5 likes
prodog102 He wants to know about the MGUs not the triggers. SMDH 🙄 1 like
  -  laruetactical @prodog102 ... ☝️😎
matt_hansen_crushing_for_life Insubordinate and childish 😂
beasley.lee25 Y'all still have the straight bow in stock?
  -  laruetactical @beasley.lee25 ... Shipping triggers every day 🐎 2 likes
  -  connor_roberts811 @laruetactical single stage coming back soon? 1 like
  -  jake_th3_reaper @connor_roberts811 this question will forever remain unknown
  -  laruetactical @jake_th3_reaper ... Ask me how I know you don't follow my page closely ... 2 likes
  -  jake_th3_reaper @laruetactical not sure. But I do know I have asked the same question after being exposed to the 2 stage and buying two. Eventually just call y'all and asked the question also. That's when I knew I should just stop asking 😂
frommyglock Love that damn trigger
leadtoxicosis Love these triggers! I'll leave a review!
cocospeed29 They don't have ammo to test the uppers🤣🤣🤣 10 likes
  -  laruetactical @cocospeed29 ... Arrrggghhhh 🔥 3 likes
  -  tom_rakip @cocospeed29 💯
  -  peterdick455 @cocospeed29 exactly!!!
prmoore11 How many people ordered them?
  -  tom_rakip @prmoore11 @laruetactical said they are making around 100 a day, so I would say the orders are in the thousands...
bumpgod22 Best trigger on the market