... Frustrated customer called in. He put together a LaRue lower, LaRue MBT-2S trigger, and a LaRue MGU* Upper, but couldn't get good results with his ammo & optic combination (that he bought cheap on the street). * MGU = Match Grade Upper 16" 5.56 ... 🤷 ML
751 likeslaruetactical @nate_dawg1212 ...
laruetactical 😢 1 like
lumberjacked_coder What's his definition of "good"? I have holosuns and aim points and they all shoot the same at 500y. 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @lumberjacked_coder ... "Hold the timberline and squeeze slow" 7 likes
  -  conlanmcconnell @lumberjacked_coder agreed. Ammo is the biggest aspect of any rifle when it comes to accuracy.
a3addon All depends on what the results were. If he got 3moa that's the optic and ammo. If he got 9moa maybe the upper is a lemon. Everyone puts out a lemon here and there.
  -  laruetactical @a3addon ... I don't put out lemons 28 likes
  -  a3addon @laruetactical I have two of your rifles and love them every bit. I'd love for you to bring back your 6.5CM upper kits as well because I want one. But everyone puts out a lemon here and there. My OBR 7.62 had issues and I had to send the upper back to you. Shit happens. 1 like
qoreperformance Who buys a Ferrari and then accessorizes at WalMart? 33 likes
  -  send_the_bishop_762 @qoreperformance but....but the floor mats are cheap 😢 1 like
  -  qoreperformance @send_the_bishop_762 lol
bredfearn79 Seriously, what was hos group size? Anything under 6 inches at 100 yards is honestly pretty good considering his optic and ammo!
  -  laruetactical @bredfearn79 ... So, Minute of Pie Plate ? 5 likes
  -  russoatx @laruetactical trademark that shit. That's hilarious. 1 like
  -  bredfearn79 @laruetactical with that ammo... yes!
dj_robey I thought China was known for its precision and repeatable accuracy... 18 likes
  -  tictac702 @dj_robey C N 😂 1 like
soefjeb Mark how dare you make fun !! By gawd Dat sumbitch shood shoot anything he puts in it, be it wolf, tula , ppu , into a quarter sized group off da tailgate of his truck, while drinking a Milwaukees best, in high winds!! What kind of operation you running 😂😂😂 4 likes
  -  trey_eschberger @soefjeb it's a 16 oz natty sir while resting on my fence post. 😆 4 likes
  -  cdhoffman82 @trey_eschberger It's actually a 12oz busch light while resting on the rest of the 30 rack 4 likes
  -  soefjeb @trey_eschberger 😂😂👏 tee post or cedar 1 like
  -  trey_eschberger @soefjeb sir, only the finest 100 yr old cedar post here. 2 likes
mmark_loves_prapor Yea that on a precision rifle is a no go that on a close in rifle or a carbine would work 3 likes
  -  whereareallthealphas @mmark_loves_prapor if only everyone understood that 3 likes
  -  mmark_loves_prapor @whereareallthealphas Fr red dots are nice I just don't get why people think they are a precision optic and 55gr ammo when LaRue says they will do sub moa with Black hills I think? 1 like
  -  whereareallthealphas @mmark_loves_prapor yep. Red dot=serving spoon not a scalpel. Learned that phrase from @modern_samurai_project about handguns. Applicable to rifles as well. 2 likes
devin_tremblay When are we gunna get over the fact holoson really isn't that bad... no I'm not poor 8 likes
  -  philipwith1l @devin_tremblay I'm with you. I own Trijicon and Holosun optics. I wouldnt put a Holosun on a SHTF gun, but they are perfectly fine. 5 likes
  -  devin_tremblay @philipwith1l agreed
  -  lazor22 @devin_tremblay I think it's more the fact of using a red dot on a precision rig, but some people will always take the opportunity to bash the cheaper options. They certainly aren't the best, but to say the holosun factory is producing garbage is just factually wrong at this point. They are MILES ahead of the actual random chicom garbage optics from amazon/ebay, not even comparable. 3 likes
sumziandi They put serial numbers on those things? Like someone's going to knock off a knock-off. 6 likes
  -  saxton.hine You underestimate the depravity of the Chinese
fde_rob 90% of buyers not getting this post...😂 12 likes
the_real_steve_in_houston All that good money only to blow it on bad ammo and an optic. Lol. 3 likes
  -  natedag87 @the_real_steve_in_houston the ammo is fine. PPU makes good ammo. It is NOT match spec ammo by any means. 1 like
realwarthog71 Holosun aside
Matchgrade aside
55gr with a 1:7?????
Send him some 77gr
Try it again.
voodoo_ranger_steve I've had good results with holosun. I'd blame the mount and shooter before blaming optic. 5 likes
  -  pewpewvette @voodoo_ranger_steve It's a 2 MOA dot. And the ammo spreads twice that. Stack them up and what kind of "precision" would you expect? 2 likes
evlgreg That M193 will certainly shoot within the NATO standards of a 1" average over all the test groups. As long as the heavy test barrel is bolted to a heavy bench and fired in a lab. The reticle on a holosun like that is 3 MOA isn't it? 2 likes
  -  evlgreg @evlgreg I actually looked it up the dot is 2 Moa. Good luck with that.
  -  triggeredmick @evlgreg aids
food_n_booze93 My Holosun brand optics all preform well. And they all take a beating. I even have them on pistols where they have to deal with the forces of the pistol slide and still perform well. 2 likes
customglock PPU and Holosun are fine but dont expect precision. 5 likes
mauckcg I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. 🤦 4 likes
rem_van_rijn But my internet forum friends told me that Chinesium is "just as good!" 😂
mtndrew624 So the absolute best he's going to get based on the dot size is 2moa...with ammo that specs at what, 4moa? 3 likes
jason_r_ Ignore the holosun. Let's talk about that ammo choice 😂 1 like
mandradetx Thats like putting cat piss in your Navion's fuel tank and expecting it to fly. 2 likes
stiglitzfirearms Hmmm, I wonder why? 🤔 mind blowing 🤯🤦
tacconcan He forgot to get the match grade Greed dot sight..... 2 likes
samuel.culper_sr That match grade Privi 😂😂😂😂
bobjones1885 Solid 3 mos setup 😂 2 likes
amills3428 Yikes... Bad as that sight/ammo combo is let's see that optic mount 🤨 1 like
mall.ninja.actual He just can't shoot. PPU M193 is going to do fine, and the holosun will do well enough. 4 likes
qoreperformance @longhighwayhome 2 likes
jake4869 If he wants to get rid of it I'll take it off his hands...! 1 like
silent_knight1775 You mean the $130 Chinese optic wasn't keeping a zero? 😂 1 like
zlivukbgd PPU makes decent ammo, should have used a heavier bullet option if he's up for precision on that twist rate
send_the_bishop_762 Tell him ill take it 🗿
2ndvette Have run PPU through my 7.62 OBR and got 0.750 group, but know that if I want more need match ammo.
tictac702 You have to ask yourself this question: Buy expensive once, you only cry once.
dude_of_the_desert To be fair, as big a fan of Trijicon as I am, Holosun makes a damn good reflex sight. 4 likes
lcpl_loreg Hobosun is garage. Either do a budget build and brag about the price point, or do a quality build and brag about the group size.
rickallen124 That's like using 7-11 gas and $40 tires on a Porsche and wondering why it doesn't perform well.
tannrkramer Is 55 grain fine for 300 yards? I've been using 77g
brewin4melife Probably pulling every shot as well. Let him know I will give hime $500 to take it off his hands haha
richlogrt I still don't understand why people will buy top level parts or a 2011 and then slap a HS on it. 1 like
didymus_photography The optic, ammo combo is almost as important as what you are shooting.
dbrowntx Buy a perfomance car. Uses hwy tires.
lester__classical_appreciation Buys Lamborghini, puts Walmart super tech oil and low octane 87 pump gas in it. Why won't it perform?
pewpewnc I'll send him a rifle that will work well for his optic - if he will send me the rifle.
biffcabhash Should've used Tula Ammo...😂
signalmountainbuilders What groups was he getting?
the_damo_257 Seems legit.
avalonriflewerx That would be funny, if it was not so sad.
i_trip_pipe I hit targets out to 600 with the mgu
shredla Im all about my nice gear but ill be Damned if i wasnt surprised when my p.o.s. Beater AR was some how at 1.5 moa @ 100 yards using xm193 off the bench in Southern California. Its possible but few and far between. Maybe crap upper and crap ammo equals goods every now and then? Double negatives equal a positive?
  -  dustin_mclean59 @shredla right here with you, have a budget mp sport 2 that shoots about 1.5moa using a $130 senora mount combo from PSA and Norma tac bulk ammo lol. Granted it has a Larue trigger in it, but that's the best I can do for now. Saving up to by the Larue Complete Upper and will throw a viper on it when the time comes, but very impressed with the budget rifle as well! 1 like
storman_67 Before I would ever complain about the accuracy of a Larue upper/ rifle, I would trouble shoot everything. Different ammo, different optic, and different mount for starters. I hope he ships it back so M. Larue can give us a Part II, tunnel test w/ Larue lower, mount and NF optic 👌
chiefponce All the holoson poors in here trying to defend their purchases 😂
partizanpeasant Ok, so PPU is good at least , holosun ? Not on my AR
marco_cabahug 😂😂😂 snap 1 like
cts304 Shit optic + shit ammo = shit results
billsnearly Who would have guessed? Chicom garbage is crap! 😂
efrainp736 Was the customer a jerk about it or just needed to be educated? Holosun makes good optics, just not precision obviously. Some of the gun community are quick to insult the "poors" rather than educate. Now if customer was a jerk...different story. Haha
antb2048 Bet the glass is cracked too
icecoldmn You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink 😂
nate_dawg1212 Ppl shitting in holosun as it's actively defending Ukraine
praestolor_ar 😂😂
anorexic_hamsters Lolosun.
furious_styles11 😂
sgt__chaos 😂
void.stl Just cause someone has good equipment that's capable of sub moa doesn't mean you'll shoot sub moa also if you have a 2 moa dot at 100 yards you'll likely shoot around 2moa more or less if your aim is perfect
ks_maddics_kc I have seen the actual Holosun optics perform way beyond my expectations. Now that ammo and mounting system looks sus. I have also found a lot of people dont know how to properly put an optic on. 1 like
heythtsprtygud32 I love watching you guys shit on speds