... Talk about hitting the nail on the head👀 A gentleman posted that comment in one of my recent threads. I'm sure I could never find it again, so I'm glad I took a screen shot of it back when I was reading it. Anyhow, that guy definitely gets it 😳 ML
1,206 likessparky.2036 Speaking of things I can never find again, years ago your products were showcased as a Colt M-16A1 lower with your tactical upper, centurion arms diopter sights, eotech, and I think a gemtech can. Does this ring a bell ?
wpatertr Please continue to put quality first. I really don't care if I have to wait 5 months i want perfection and larue is the only company that delivers that
gavltron Yup
schonebergperformance This fits me on my bit business too. I've been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. It's very demanding though with it just being my wife and myself. We did just buy our 9 year old his own bandsaw, so now he has his own station in the shop!😂
madsen_wayne_p Appreciate your strong focus on the consumer.
superg7one3 I got one. Fk em. 😂
joeyhinton8 Breath of fresh air for sure! You will always have as much business as you can handle.
gavltron I buy your products because of the amazing value and most companies have some intern running their social media but here we talk directly to you Mark Larue the owner and to me that means a lot.
keev421911 Are y'all hiring apprentices? I'd kill to work for a company that had such a high standard for quality🤣🤞
exarchyholsters Same same. 👍
mikenotgonnagetit I can assemble shit without any issues. But I've never machined anything before, but I'm always willing to learn. IT is my wheelhouse
7ommy6un_808 Very well said! I have your MBT-2S (straight bow) and it's made my AR a JOY to shoot. I already enjoyed shooting M16s and M4s with crap triggers for 20 years, so thank you for making the best "bang for your buck" trigger on the market!!!
the_sultan_of_sausage He's not wrong. Nice being in Round Rock and getting stuff in a couple of days. Always top quality and badass service.
guisseppemw This is THE problem with good shit. The manufacturer only has so many viable options to meet demand and in the 20+ years I've been buying stuff the bottom has dropped out more than once.
fibesboy Reasons to buy LaRue. 1. Made in Texas. 2. Owner believes in the constitution. 3. The products kick ass. c l 😎
calebfuller8 Larue products are so good that if someone groups bad with them you always know it's the shooter or the ammo, but definitely not the gun.
wesleyumbarger I buy your stuff because I've never had any issues and nothing but good results. I get an excellent product that's also damn nice looking! 1 like
james_siler I think I have space for another LaRue! 👍👍c l u s
phogan2004 🤔 Hmm. Sounds like a well executed business plan...
hobbit0717 He's right you know! 1 like
meagherbuilders I found you when I was researching triggers years ago. The one thing I heard over and over was that your triggers were by far the best trigger there is for the price. I know own 6 of them. Better trigger and half the price or less of all the other triggers I ever looked at seriously. 2 likes
mysupercleverusername The MBT2 trigger is 85% of the Geissele at 30% of the cost 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mysupercleverusername ... You're wrong. Everytime someone sends in a rifle made before we started making triggers, I have to stop for a "creep" break halfway through pulling the trigger. If they slip one in on me while I'm proof grouping a bunch of new rifles, the first thing I think of is that our trigger operation somehow ran off the tracks ... then I let out a sigh of relief when I see that the trigger in question was made in PA. 2 likes
  -  synfulll @laruetactical 😂
  -  nicolasdinsmore @mysupercleverusername I actually prefer my MBT2 over my SD-E.
surfinnh Your product is my fav product for sure. 1 like
tom_rakip I am willing to wait for my $699 match grade upper that I ordered last week! That's the price of junk uppers like PSA, no thanks! I've never been disappointed with LaRue products! 5 likes
sosay7 What kind of business owner runs a company like that... Jesus! Reasonably priced, quality products, customer service good enough that people happily wait and even order more.... Good luck with that business model🤭 they probably build their shit in the US, and are good to their employees too right #unicornbusiness 7 likes
w_6.1.0 Facts. Got an MBT a few months ago to swap out on a high end AR and I've got another coming today for a build I'm finishing up. For my money you can keep your triggers costing 2-3X more. #larueallday 1 like
seay.pawnandgun Keep hammering 🔨@laruetactical 1 like
zengland For real... I keep looking at other products where I can save a little money to finish out my LaRue rifle (buffer tube and stuff) but always end up back on the LaRue site ordering my parts. Granted I'd save a few hundred here or there but the peace of mind is worth it - their products might cost a few bucks more but the quality is worth it. Speaking of which - my new upper should be here any minute now. 1 like
bredfearn79 And on that note, when are you expecting more 30mm lt104 mounts instock? 1 like
lectricduck That fact that a product is consistently out of stock generally suggests it is underpriced...that being said I appreciate that I can afford to buy your products...and the wait time keeps them somewhat exclusive..I am willing to wait for something that us high quality 1 like
ryanchilders259 Speaking of which, how long are MBTs on back order?
  -  jmhill_2469 @ryanchilders259 the 3 I've ordered, on two different orders took 40 days. From day I ordered till in hand. Well worth the wait. 1 like
  -  ryanchilders259 @jmhill_2469 the first one I ordered came pretty fast while it was in stock. I must have hit order on the last one because it had just came back in stock. I'll wait though no rush.
  -  liaztraht @ryanchilders259 I'm on day 35 of my wait. Had my card skimmed, fraudulent charge blocked, and had to swap my payment method. Took like 3 minutes through CS. Hopefully it doesn't affect my wait time lol.
rick.h.groves @laruetactical ever think hiring some instructors and teaching classes a la Sig Sauer academy? Your proximity to Austin seems like a big advantage over many other manufacturers. Political leanings aside, lotta people in this city
  -  laruetactical @rick.h.groves ... We're looking for Class A machinists and awesome assembly techs. You're talking about drumming up more business👀 3 likes
  -  rick.h.groves @laruetactical mo' problems mo' money... Or something along those lines 1 like william_andrew_edwards He isn't wrong
claytonbretveld Don't change your prices. Me as a working man appreciate being able to find good high quality goods, and prices that we can afford. I don't mind waiting 6 months knowing I'm getting quality. If you can't wait that long you have too much money and you can go buy the more expensive stuff that probably isn't even the tier of quality but you get your "instant gratification".
s.weatherby That guy is wearing out his refresh button waiting for his new upper to ship.
canada.dri I want LaRue mounts and triggers for AKs
counterjockeymack The MBT trigger is a perfect example of this 14 likes
  -  bumpgod22 @counterjockeymack took like 3 weeks to get mine totally worth it 3 likes
  -  counterjockeymack @dudewheresmyhoneybadger Yeah. I don't think I have a single AR without one 2 likes
  -  mwright936 @counterjockeymack agreed! It was the first thing I bought for my current build lol 1 like
  -  dwlatham1976 @dudewheresmyhoneybadger 😂I waited 4 months
h94673644 What a great backhanded compliment 3 likes
  -  titan_rook @h94673644 That's not a backhanded compliment. A backhanded compliment is one that is presented as a compliment when it's actually an insult. 3 likes
jhetch81876 You ain't shittin, both my rifles group better then most bolt guns.. By far the most accurate rifles I own, and I own some pretty expensive shit. I'm hoping you bring the kits back again. I would like another one. I'll be ordering another trigger and upper this week 2 likes
ticket2valhalla Grudgingly agrees while waiting on my rail to be sent 5 likes
jamesoncbaker Waiting in the work queue while perusing the website every day... this is the story of every good LaRue customer. Keep kicking butt and taking names! 3 likes
r.stanesu_adv890r 🙌. I don't have enough of your products. 🔥 2 likes
_karimhachem Still have those accuracy special uppers in stock? 1 like
  -  tom_rakip @_karimhachem I think they are still for sale but I think there's a wait. I didn't buy one on the first day so I have to wait. Worth it though! 2 likes
_karimhachem Yea I picked one up and am very glad I did, now I want another. These really are top of the line. Out the box was shooting what ML claims they do, so LaRue has won over a lifetime customer here. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @_karimhachem ... Out of a very random box ... 4 likes
  -  _karimhachem @laruetactical let's try to find that box so I could get that purchase request in!
  -  tom_rakip @_karimhachem I'm patiently waiting for mine and have no doubt it will be outstanding like my PredatAR 1 like
_karimhachem Nice, I'm trying to get my hands on a complete rifle but it's almost impossible
fireman4180 True words! 2 likes
audi.matic He's not wrong 2 likes
awilliams30808 🙌🙌 2 likes
topher_silva 👏👏 2 likes
joewarner6336 Obviously needs to be a BOGO sale! 1 like