... My Ford 1300 diesel tractor (with a made-in-Belton, TX AgMeier Industries finish mower). I probably could've bought 3 of those Ford 1300s for the money I spent with my divorce attorneys to get that one onto my side of the spreadsheet. So be it. It's matching blue mower disappeared in the kerfuffle, so I bought that non-matching AgMeier 🤷 it's nice to fire up an old friend 🚜 ML
569 likesmrs_gerdes I'll never forget grabbing the hot muffler to swing down as a kid. Didn't do that again! 💀 6 likes
mraglan Worth it! 1 like
aono1300 God, I let my Old Man's Ford 3000 go for peanuts in an auction.
  -  laruetactical @aono1300 ... 😕 2 likes
rplhvac Mark, could you machine buffer threads on a lower receiver? I have one of those old Olympic oa-93 lowers that never had a buffer tube. I'd like to run one of your uppers but that would require a buffer tube and detent. I will DM pictures of the lower for reference 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @randylavoie1992 ... If it'll fit on our existing fixture and not be a pain in the ass 2 likes
  -  rplhvac @laruetactical ok, I sent pictures via DM on here. It's a standard mil spec lower they just never milled the receiver extension portion
wtsmith3159 I have a 2000 to rebuild once I get too retirement 1 like
csolstice032018 War horse for sure! 1 like
fireman4180 I learned to drive on a tractor just like it. Wow, brings back a lot of good memories. 1 like
rob_clark71 I've got a '82 JD 2040 that was my grandfather's. Gotta get a new starter, battery, and brush hog mower for it. Yours looks good though! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @rob_clark71 ... For $200 I bought a "very used" bush-hog mower (for another tractor) and it's doing the job. Keep oil in the gearbox ... 1 like
duckhnt "13"00?!?!...... Nope! Couldn't do it. I even ask for no "13's" in the serial number when I order my LT rifles and lowers. So far, so good. 1 like
willgic I finally understand my childhood toy.
cupcakesmooches 🙁
prodog102 4610 Ford here... three cylinder diesel keeps keepin on. I need one of them there finishin mowers though.
  -  laruetactical @prodog102 ... I like that mower for grass cutting. It cuts grass like a fairway mower. Quiet, belt-driven.