... Bet y'all don't know I hold a record that will likely never be beat - "Most Topics & Most Replies" in the Industry Forum on AR15.com. I made hay while the gittin' was good. ML
494 likesbigfatfukkk It's probably all people wondering why their order hasn't shipped 18 likes
  -  laruetactical @bigfatfukkk ... Not "all people", if two trucks a day are backing in, "most people" are getting a tracking number telling them when their nut bustin' gorgeous LaRue stuff is gonna arrive. And don't get lulled into thinking this boomer can't find the ban button. 39 likes
  -  trevorreust @laruetactical "nut bustin" lol fuck now I gotta buy another larue ar to reward you for said joke lol 6 likes
  -  hef628 @laruetactical 🔥
  -  tha_jimmster @laruetactical you forgot to tell people it's really you responding -JB
  -  tha_jimmster @laruetactical *ML
  -  whiskee_charlie @laruetactical worth the wait. And if people can't handle the wait, they don't deserve the excellence of @laruetactical just my opinion 2 likes
  -  cfincher9700 @bigfatfukkk or it shows that your item is in stock and when you order it you promptly get a backorder notice
  -  alpha_phil15 @bigfatfukkk if you don't know by now (in 2020) that Larue has never been a get it now company then you probably never will. They are what's called a "manufacturer" not a "distributor"! 1 like
  -  bigfatfukkk @alpha_phil15 I realize that haha. I own Larue stuff and love it. It was just a joke everybody damn 🤣
  -  high_tide99 @bigfatfukkk 😂😂😂😂😂
bdiddyofficial Check your DM!
  -  laruetactical @bdiddyofficial ... Boomer alert, I don't know how to find DMs on here and ignorance is bliss. 🤓 5 likes
  -  bdiddyofficial @laruetactical lol go to your messages from the home page! At the top right you might see "message requests" or something of that nature, tap that and behold alll your hidden lost messages! Have no idea why they do that!
tsuhobbs MBT is king!
def3va It must have been my .260 thread. 😃 5 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @def3va D3! Good to see you on the other side. Hope all is well! 1 like
stevenzhouusa Lol how you got more topic than PSA?😆
  -  goldie_n_az @stevenzhouusa because trolls like to self trigger.
j.stephenbrown I know a few guys who are responsible for a good deal of those posts... and I may have gotten a ban pushing the limits of arfcom-ability in the whore thread haha! @sflshooter @mi650v2 @sardude1911 @duckhnt @freakinout 4 likes
  -  duckhnt @j.stephenbrown woop woop👍 3 likes
  -  freakinout @j.stephenbrown I rarely even post 1 like
  -  terryccason @j.stephenbrown I may or may not have had something to with this... 1 like
  -  j.stephenbrown @terryccason I know you did! I just couldn't think of all the whores to tag... sorry booboo! 😎😘
jyu_tx Can you make your 7.62 lowers ambidextrous? Cool, thanks.
daniel_emerson33 People are hilarious complaining about wait times while we're in the midst of a shit-storm trifecta. We have Coronavirus, social unrest and Trump down in the polls. I opt to focus on something else as I enter an order for my 7th ultimate upper. It's the exact same price as my prior six, even though demand is undoubtably through the roof. Mark and those folks haven't gouged one dime. Thanks @laruetactical 3 likes
  -  daniel_emerson33 *undoubtedly 1 like
  -  _justmedoingme @daniel.emerson33 that depends on how long I had to wait before canceling my order 😔 I much rather have had my product than to spend it elsewhere. When the public is left waiting because a company doesn't need us to stay going, they have their government contracts, months waiting are too long for me ... sorry 😢 it is how I was left feeling 1 like
  -  _justmedoingme @daniel.emerson33 especially when the parts are supposed to be in stock
  -  laruetactical @_justmedoingme ... Oh yeah, our government contracts ... this nation is in a war and has been for 20 years. Sorry for the inconvenience all out war causes. It's also tough to schedule around when warfighter monies will finally get approved after Congress runs out of welfare programs to give it to first. 1 like
  -  _justmedoingme @laruetactical I'm not on welfare thanks ... I've been busy keeping America running during all of this and my order went in before the shit hit the fan! I'm just saying from a business aspect you say buy from me my stuff rocks but you don't have it to sell and people think it's so great to wait around with out any response from you. But we all see how trailer after trailer was delivered with new cnc and all the time you have to shoot lol I like your product but your business model sucks
  -  laruetactical @_justmedoingme ... The shit hit the fan on September 11th, 2001, and no, your order didn't go in before then. And nobody claimed you were a welfare recipient ... keep up. 1 like
realmda13 People who think it's their RIGHT to have an item 90 seconds after after clicking... must not have been a gun owner for very long. Remember what happened after Sandy Hook? Remember before Obama won a second term? Empty ammo shelves, $50 Pmags, $75 Glock mags, $300 cheap lowers... This is that. Only with a pandemic thrown in for good measure. 2 likes
all4freedom @laruetactical You've probably have given away more product that a huge portion of vendors combined as well.
gordo_operador Any lead times available on UU's? Ordered mine in April and haven't heard anything yet. The suspense is killing me 😂
tango.charlie05 @laruetactical Its all the UHFO coolness. Never was lucky enough.
  -  laruetactical @tango.charlie05 ... It's been so long it took me a minute to remember what UHFO stands for.
  -  tango.charlie05 @laruetactical yeah way too long, miss those days.
bowersoxseth Ordered my trigger, one day later has tracking number, four days later had my trigger. Not sure about ship complaints if my experience is the standard. Oh and by the way the trigger is amazing.
  -  laruetactical @bowersoxseth ... Thanks, and thanks for making dropping our MBT trigger into your lower look as easy as it is.
buckhornbar I'm proud to say I contributed to this milestone 😁 1 like
  -  j.stephenbrown @buckhornbar OMG I can't believe I left you out! You're THE guy! 1 like
goldie_n_az I sometimes post on M4C. Not as much cancer over there on arfcom, which is highly toxic.
unapologetically_floridian If only someone could have answered my technical question on there last month 🙈 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @semper_gumby_alwaysflexible ... That would've been akin to "runnin' up the score" 6 likes
  -  j.stephenbrown @semper_gumby_alwaysflexible many times those questions get answered in the first reply but the OP decides to use Google and then complains about his thread getting run over by whores...😘
dhodgee u s Miss you in the GD. I need to pic up a couple 10" LAT rails. Not doging out G but the value / cost is just too good with yours. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @dhodgee ... The BML haters - Ban Mark LaRue - did me a large by getting me banned from going in GD. Left me with more time on my hands to go after their main Cola sponsor. 🔥🔥🔥 9 likes
  -  dhodgee @laruetactical that site isn't what it was 16y ago when I joined. I'd say you've weathered the storm nicely and I'm not biased to any one manufacture. 2 likes
  -  wrightpatt @laruetactical Ban Mark Larue. That's funny right there! 1 like
calebfuller8 People talk shit about ML but at least he's interactive and lets people get info unlike sooooooome people....lookin at you knights. 3 likes
  -  lkcrome @calebfuller8 seems like the more shit they pile on LT (and mark) the bigger and faster he developes, engineers and grows the production... like what 30 ish new machinist dream machines in 2 months? A lesson there somewhere🤔 1 like
  -  calebfuller8 @lkcrome I've always said "if you're going to have the reputation of an asshole at least have a product that makes up for it" in the case of ML he definitely does. In the case of say Kevin brittingham, he definitely does not.
john_ullman_physique If i could just get someone to reply to my 2 emails😐 1 like
jasonk7474 That board and post have cost me thousands since 2007 😳😂 4 likes
masterofchaos82 Any update on when orders might ship? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @masterofchaos82 ... Snap out of it. The ECR is in full effect. ECR = Election, Covid, & Rioters. We ship everyday. Look back on my IG posts, sometimes 2 UPS trucks are backed up to our loading dock. 17 likes
  -  masterofchaos82 @laruetactical I understand, we have lines out the door everyday since march. I ordered #817442 showed in stock, just want to make sure it doesn't get left on porch when it arrives .
  -  tactic_al @masterofchaos82 everything shows in stock all the time .... 3 likes
  -  realmda13 @masterofchaos82 look for a shipping email. It'll occur at the same time your card is charged.
reviewthepew People still use AR15.com??? 2 likes
  -  preston2986 @reviewthepew is there another forum that is better? Don't say facebook
  -  reviewthepew @preston2986 oh not really. Parlor is making its rise. Honestly all of the forums suck. Facebook owns all the nice features 1 like
  -  preston2986 @reviewthepew been on AR15 for 10+ years, it's usefulness comes and goes. Ever since brownells purchase GD hasn't been the same and bans are handed out like candy 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @preston2986 I'm one of the banned. I had the audacity to criticize a gun manufacturer whose business practices were putting lives in danger. My mistake was that I did it in the "technical forum", which I didn't even realize I was in. 1 like
  -  reviewthepew @thirtythree_three people will pretend like these forums allow "freedom of speech" but it's the same as Facebook. Disagree with them and you're gone 2 likes
  -  preston2986 @thirtythree_three how dare you🤣 1 like
  -  billsnearly @reviewthepew Sure. To laugh at all the misinformed folks spewing 'knowledge'. 😂
kodiak_precision Damn! That's allot of typing!!