... 18,000 views ! 18K would fill half the UT Drum up. Wait, that's called the Erwin Center now. This tells me my inside-the-shop phonetography has an audience ✅ ML
1,252 likespisser_ny_ftw 👏👏👏
jamesoncbaker @laruetactical the best content! 👍🏼
_esstac I can see the powder burns on the target! 😂 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @_esstac ... That's your breath on your phone ... back the f*ck up. 4 likes
  -  _esstac But I have a mask on! 😉
  -  _esstac @laruetactical for the record thousands of rounds later and many 2 gun matches beating the shit out of our 2x 16" tAR barrels... everytime we reconfirm zeros, the groups are always < 1 more shooting barely supported. Now make some tAR barrels that are shorter!!!
  -  _esstac @_esstac more = moa, because autocorrect hates me
  -  laruetactical @_esstac ... Why do you hate velocity ? 1 like
  -  _esstac @laruetactical can't fit a 16" in front of the passenger seat!
  -  laruetactical @_esstac ... LOL, you are aware that road hunting is frowned upon in certain locales ? 1 like
  -  _davidmatthew_ @laruetactical I though I was good out here in Pflugerville until I found out pet snatching coyotes are protected here.
  -  laruetactical @_davidmatthew_ ... They got my red hen yesterday 😕 2 likes
  -  _esstac @laruetactical got a Coyote under nods with my Reardon Oxide stealth 2.0 .300 last year 😁. Need more stealth 2.0's with 45⚬ mlock or keymod.
  -  _davidmatthew_ @laruetactical I can't believe they're a protected species. I live on the edge of Pflugerville, Hutto to the north and Manor to the south. Neighbors are losing pets to em constantly and there's nothing we can do it about it. Can't snare em, can't shoot em.
  -  boneyard13 @_davidmatthew_ as a police officer in Pflugerville, I can tell you they aren't as protected as some might think. 4 likes
laruetactical @boneyard13 ... u s 1 like
  -  _davidmatthew_ Thank you for your service, sir.
seanmwjoseph @laruetactical I've got and 18" on order. Can't wait.
  -  seanmwjoseph @just_have_commonsense yeah I just got a 12" .300blk that I waited 5 months for. Going to shoot it for the first time tomorrow. I've heard it's worth it.
  -  fanorwood @seanmwjoseph Patience is definitely required (but worth it). I've been waiting for a 5.56 barrel since May.
the_dark_viking 😳
tac_pipes 🔥🔥🔥!!!