... They are making me proof-group these customer rifles again today. I feel like George Jetson - "I had to push the button 3 times today." ML
430 likesconnelldad So, you proofing any 6.5 uppers? 😎
matta2662 Not leaving the buyer much room to earn an Outshoot the Shootist dillo. 1 like
csolstice032018 Tough gig! 1 like
kodiak_precision What's that like .37 group? Squeeze... ha! Have a great week my friend! 1 like
thiswildadventure Well shit, I'll take THAT one
agw_fl 👏🏻🙌🏻🔥🤤
josh.macintyre Nice shooting! 🙌
r.j.cogburn Hand loads? 1 like
  -  leafonthewind101 @cappnmo federal gold medal match 168gr is what it says lower left hand corner 1 like
davidn134 Do you make it in 22" barrel? 1 like
cmykshooter @laruetactical ML your signature is iconic.
plumbworker Three shot groups is cheating.. 🤦 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @plumbworker ... Lean your favorite rifle against a tree at 300 yards and let me take a crack at it with something LaRue-made. ML 17 likes
sierra_sequoia_socal that'll do pig
duckhnt I mean.... Not too bad. It's definitely a good start. 😂
grommettaz Believable...I did a 3/4" group at 200 w mine and it shoots 175 prime OTMs right around 1/2" consistently.