... Well, I'll be dad Jim, now I know how BigTrigger got in the scope bidness. I hate to pass on a golden opportunity to give all those big scope guys he mentioned a run for their money, but alas, I gotta stay in my lane. 🤷 ML
775 likesdef3va It could be your new "value" line. 😆 The number of returns would eat into that 7 figures though.
iron_lion_z1on Please don't sell out to China. Buying Chinese shit inadvertently gives your money to building the Chinese army. 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @iron_lion_z1on ... Check, don't prop up commies. ✅ 38 likes
  -  flyingturtlefps @laruetactical legendu s 4 likes
rebelnlilly Fuck c n 2 likes
house_moose_knuckle Yeah, Not likely Tony Tang...u s
blackhawk8806's profile picture blackhawk8806 😂
mangumania I just want to know if he figured out how to send the scope via email attachment...
papapatriarchy Stop posting on IG and update your monthly calendar you heathen!
  -  laruetactical @papapatriarchy ... I'm shooting an 8-shot group. I'll post it for ya. 🔥 5 likes
  -  papapatriarchy @laruetactical 🙌😂
the.crew.co http://www.ftscope.com/ CHY-NA
flyingturtlefps Fucking ig hiding anything you say against chynuh. I had to click on hidden comments to read the gems
mikewho_zero Hahaha Chinese $5 scopes
o308sniper1 Send them to cheaper than dirt. It could be their new premium line.
premium_herring What's going on?
nvg.nightlife China can go to hell
teck9mili Because it came from Chy-nah! 😂
wallaceak47 🖕c n
bertobarto81 Same pitch they gave to the Bidens!
zerodee30 Maybe I'm missing something, but don't they just want to use your good name to sell their Chinesium?
realmda13 Well that kind of makes sense. Maybe that's how they got fingerprints and bendy rails too?
  -  laruetactical @realmda13 ... Watching the news, I'm betting their large order desk phone is ringing off the hook.
billsnearly You'd sell a bunch. They probably only last a week! 🤣
jkenjilopezaltright tell bill to call me
  -  laruetactical @jkenjilopezaltright ... Uh, we lost the Senate, so he just got busier than he was.
mckeonekert 🎣
topgunshooter China being china. 😂😂😂😂
hoosier_rooster_rancher One of these days you be playing in the big leagues might even be able to partner up with Anderson 13 likes
  -  laruetactical @hoosier_rooster_rancher ... Who's Anderson ? 35 likes
  -  brosinarmsusa @laruetactical exactly. 4 likes
  -  qddmg @hoosier_rooster_rancher 😂 1 like
  -  stevenmcclay6921 @hoosier_rooster_rancher Anderson Cooper? He already had a partner. 3 likes
  -  coryintexas @hoosier_rooster_rancher Hahaha.
  -  586meadmaker @stevenmcclay6921 I would take a 22lr cooper in a heartbeat.
fanorwood Tony Tang must have some available machine time between building Vortex and Bushnells...
laru.e He must not follow you on Instagram cause then he'd realize he's talking to an 8 figure trigger man 1 like
rae3a4 Don't underestimate the money Tony Tang could make you. He did revolutionize the orange morning drink industry... 4 likes
one_urban_ninja Tony Tang!!
veritas_vinco Dude... Can we start attaching firearms to emails too?!?
  -  norass411 @veritas_vinco only when emailed within the same state, otherwise you gotta email an FFL 🙁
tony_rust_3445 Their scope is probably named the "Covert-19" with with a Biden no clue reticle `\o/` 1 like
djc3777 Love letters from the same guys knocking off yer mounts? 1 like
sarcasmk1ng Fuck off china
dustinstapp I feel like @geissele got this exact same email about a year ago... 2 likes
max.and.bonds.malinois #fuckchina
dynamic_taco Apparently Instagram is hiding comments that are disparaging to china, so fuck china....with super precision 2 likes
fast507 That's exactly what's missing from the market. A Chinese manufactured scope. They'll sell millions. 2 likes
lowclass_lowlife 💪u s 💪 1 like
markfingar 😂 Tell them you're trying to open a wetmarket in Cedar Park and need some help on prepping flying mammals. 2 likes
  -  thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow @markfingar whoah now... LaRue is technically, legally, and geospatial-ly in Leander. We don't concede his operations to CP. :).
  -  markfingar @thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow That's where I'd put a wet narket 😉 1 like
voodoo13fox Big triggers scope looks like dog chit (my opinion) LEO/SWAT just saying
jkedsnake Lmfao
bigbrassenergy We need more Tony Tangs Nigerian Princesses
anthonyb2048 Nothing like a broken English pitch
rmiker2 Hopefully this isn't a what's to come for 3021😂😂😂
jeepsquirell79 Best lane out there, no reason not to stay in it! 1 like
sales34r What would be the chances you'd ever make Scorpion triggers?
garrettpino Tony tang
freedomseeds9000 boycott Chinese products. 4 likes
kicknamestakeass "I make scope. You buy. You will be enjoy much pleasure. I assure you." 3 likes
twowheelsoul I'm just amazed that they have the technology to attach a scope to an email. Why isn't the media all over this? Who needs UberEats when you can just get your Budweiser emailed to you? 5 likes
  -  dzapper7 @twowheelsoul this is what I was wondering as well.
joshworkman4 Only 7 figures? Amateur hour. 6 likes
laruetactical @joshworkman4 ... Rookie numbers ? 3 likes
  -  joshworkman4 @laruetactical gotta pump em up
  -  evlgreg @joshworkman4 yea, and that's in Yuan ! 🤣
tactical_brass_recovery 😂 2 likes
getmemarlowe Tony Tang sure can pitch a good one. 💀 1 like
livelyac I can't believe you dont want to put your name on some glorious Chinesium product 14 likes
  -  texan.right @livelyac exactly my thoughts 😂
  -  yaheardme42 @livelyac other big companies do....
  -  livelyac @yaheardme42 yeah, just glad to see he's not...i like "Made in USA" and willing to pay for it... 3 likes
wreckloose_ How can you NOT go into business with someone named Tony Tang 21 likes
  -  kicknamestakeass @wreckloose_ the drink of astronauts. It's a kick in the glass. 4 likes
  -  46wlf46 @wreckloose_ you know he slays. 1 like
  -  czechnology1975 @wreckloose_ He's not as his cousins, Wu and Poon 5 likes
  -  alpnut @wreckloose_ no... Poon is my middle name... 1 like
skah101215 I think ol' Bill fell for this one 8 likes
lowclass_lowlife I wondered about that when they started releasing glass out of the blue... 3 likes
timmy_tomahawk China is asshole. 7 likes
dynamic_taco #superprecision #geisseleallthethings #bayonetsmatter 3 likes
  -  yaheardme42 @dynamic_taco lol
vodkaparty7 Chicka de China, the chinese chicken! Rebrand a knockoff scope and your brain stops tickin 9 likes
yeet_tactical Ya done fucked up, mark. 7 figures...