Progress report on the Slick-A-Tinny rail line. This is the first blush on the 9.0. ML #larue #laruetactical #deadcenterofprecision #behindthescenes #howitsmade
317 likesshqype_ Very nice. Release date? Us BuildARs are getting anxious!! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @shqype_ ... Release date is "When we get some piled up here" ;-) 15 likes
gunsandsharpthings Looks good.
evanokerblom How much do these weigh?
thiswildadventure TAR rails are dead. Make some for UU. Be the change you wish to see in the world. 1 like
kristof2319 Interesting connection shape. Seems almost, intuitive. 🧐
stetsonamericanhorse General thoughts on the @geissele rail failures@and the general trend of slimmer and lighter putting the gas block at risk & creating a zero shift issue? 1 like
hellride_machineandgun Will you still continue to make the good reliable stealth hand-guards with picitinny all the way around? Please never stop making those. I'd do anything for a real AR-10 pattern rail that you use to sell. 1 like
j_a_g_05 @laruetactical how much lighter are these than the standard full Picatinny?
wfodave I was about to bitch that you guys hadn't shipped the triggers I ordered back around Black Friday. Then I searched my email and bank statement and I guess I never pressed "go" on the order I had queued up 🤦. They're ordered now!
mikenotgonnagetit Oh man if these come in 15in lengths I'm in. On a side note I ordered 2 MBTs last night that'll be heading to El Paso Texas once the back log clears up :) I got rifles to build ha ha. @laruetactical if you guys make these slickatinny setups for 308 ARs with anti rotation I'll be on the short order list for one as soon as they are released. I'm putting together an 18in 308 rifle here very soon 1 like
peyton_gage @laruetactical will you be making a PredatOBR variant rail like this? Considering they're so easy to remove it'd be cool to have different rails
pillages_villages Looks great. Any word on a flat bow MBT release? I have 37 "other" triggers to swap over.
whatupdadlife I'd buy that!