... Years ago Todd Hodnett showed me a trick to read fine print with. You ball your fist up to leave a pin hole to see through. Then peer through that peephole at type too fine to see and BAM !, you can read it just fine ! A field expedient maneuver 🤓 He gave me the technicals why it worked, but that all went in one ear and right out the other 🤷 ML
956 likesbbhanan1 Back in the day when we had restaurants that was the only way I could read the menus. 1 like
pmorris_7deuce 🤯
  -  laruetactical @pmorris_7deuce ... I, uh, can't see what your emoji is 🤓 1 like
  -  pmorris_7deuce @laruetactical mind blown. It actually works!
macman_lifestyle Pinhole effect. Works for any refractive error. Biggest issue is that it limits the field of view. 1 like
scot_lyn This also works with seeing far things clearer when not wearing glasses. 1 like
365edc I used to do this in elementary school to see the board before i got glasses
458_socalm damnit and I JUST bought glasses! This is an awesome nugget of knowledge right up there with not looking exactly where you're going in the dark to increase your NV
joeyplastic Use it all the time.
dick.that.shoots To be fair, Todd Hodnett could tell me the sky is orange and I'd probably believe him...
slow2ndrow That there is some Santeria
gurvanetrisfina Interesting, I've never seen this before. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gurvanetrisfina ... What you did there, I see it. 🤓 2 likes
awareandalive 👌 bwahahaha 🤣
m_defense 👍
mikey_jay_710 Also works the same for seeing some reticles in red dots to appear less starburst like
charles.spradlin.58 That's awesome. I was doing that in 5th grade. That's how mom and dad knew I couldn't see squat!! Lol.
scottdcoffey I've been doing that since I was a youngster. No clue how I stumbled across the technique. I remember a teacher in 3rd grade asking me what I was doing...
m9operator Been using this as a poor man's monocular since the 3rd grade.
direct.impingement My father in law does this all the time. Cool trick.
watchschotts This is a trick to see if you have astigmatism. Try looking at your red dot, then look through a tiny hole and your red dot 🔴 will show up how it is supposed to with no fuzz or trail/specks
cigars.guns.stuff Good luck doing things like tying a fishing knot one handed. Just add glasses to your EDC. #preparednessmindset 1 like
nfa_fubba Me an aristocrat with a loupe 🧐 🎩
pbmoser Amazing
andredallau Sorry that we cannot meet up at SHOT, but I would like to hear about what is new for 2021. Please let me know.
  -  laruetactical @andredallau ... Come out from under that rock you've been camped under and read about America's impending political situation of late. 1 like
andredallau @laruetactical Yes, I am fully aware and supportive of the efforts of my fellow Americans who were betrayed by politicians more interested in preserving their Washington dominance than fighting for what is right which was to demand investigation into a clearly corrupted election process. Clear now. As important as that is, and it is as it pretty much means that our Republic has been suborned by people we fought wars to keep out of our country, but now will be sworn in as national leaders, I still want to continue to do business so we can still stay strong and together. Got it now?
sandy__mitchell It works!!😂👍
fdmarshal Focal point
spectre_haus It's called get some glasses my guy 😂
bullet1810 Wilson from Home Improvement taught me that in the 90's. 3 likes
  -  breedlove.ben @bullet1810 he taught us all so much 1 like
  -  raymond_luxury_yatch @bullet1810 scrolled to see if anyone else thought about this 1 like
plainone And when you don't have bino's you can pretend that your hands are and see things at a distance clearer.
everydaypeoplesigp365 Pinhole camera lens effect 1 like
jesse.templeton Yeah yeah that's why my hand is like that. I'm just getting a good look at it.
__norights Works with nvg too
______campo Just tried that, amazingly it works !!!
waltsummers It does work! I've done this sometimes when to lazy to go get my reading glasses. A pin hole in a thin piece of cardboard works too.
dingodog1272 Use the same trick to see to the bottom of trenches of water tanks with very little light. People think you're nuts but it works.
lineman7750 Bro, I am blown away. It works. Or I am going crazy 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @lineman7750 ... LOL, you made be bust out laughing 😂 4 likes
djc3777 I've always used a thumbs and forefingers method, focusing/moving a diamond made between them. Who knew?! Same job one hand!💫 1 like
cmykshooter I do that as well when I can't see something far away and I'm not wearing glasses or contacts. Works both ways! 3 likes
spoonmann8 That's pretty cool 👏🏽 1 like
191_9x23 Thanks for sharing! It's working for me. I'll try shooting one handed and use the other hand to see the front sight. 1 like
kmfjllc Bro we are not getting any younger 3 likes
pm2og It's a trick that works best for people with an astigmatism. It's why red dots don't look clear and crisp but if you look through a pinhole they look perfect. 6 likes
  -  dennis_a26 @pm2og I have astigmatism and I've found that slightly squinting my eyes rounds out red dots significantly 2 likes
  -  pm2og @themayorsprizedpig yep same idea.
  -  taylor_lynn21_a @themayorsprizedpig using fixed irons with your red dot is a technique that works for me.
noenabernathy It's the same reason people run pinholes on their nvgs
cactusandcolt Also works to read the show descriptions on Netflix when you're too lazy to get up to get your glasses... or so I've heard... 2 likes
westcoast_guns 👌 1 like
beforedawn1065 It focuses the light better on your eye. Greatly helps people with astigmatism. 2 likes