... I've given that same command ... "Get him off this ship." 😎
381 likesel_jefe_556 Great film 1 like
laruetactical @el_jefe_556 ... "I'll put you in the cargo bay ... shouldn't be a soul in sight." Yep, heard that crap before.😳
el_jefe_556 @laruetactical hahaha. Glad I've never had to do the breaststroke in reactor water at light speed
fireman4180 @laruetactical That's ok; it doesn't work out well for Spock either...lol 1 like
depredadorsolutions That is not the elk that fell to the Grendel.
laruetactical @depredadorsolutions ... You are correct
akscott60 Great movie. 1 like
stevenmcclay6921 Nice Elk! What does it score? I have Elk fever...
laruetactical @stevenmcclay6921 ... Dunno, but he was 500 yards on the nut 🎯 1 like
bc_73_00 I have the same Costco heat dish🔥🙌 1 like
dj_robey @laruetactical did you end up being wrong afterwards like Spock? I know I have lol
laruetactical @dj_robey ... Nope, when I get to that point ... I'm dead to rights.