... "Roll 'em, Roll 'em, Roll 'em, Raw - - - Hide."
1,281 likesrandotactical @laruetactical so with you saying 10-12 weeks, how much longer would it be expected for my order from October 1 of 2020? It's an honest question not an attack 1 like
  -  jordys.world @randotactical 8 months here
  -  randotactical @jordys.world ouch
  -  laruetactical @randotactical ... Less than 10-12 weeks. If you have followed me long on IG, you have seen that we're in a constant state of increasing our output. We had warning of the impending election (which we expected Trump to trounce Biden), but then Covid and riots got thrown in the mix. At the end of the day we're a boutique gunmaker that has to swing at every pitch. ML 3 likes
  -  randotactical @laruetactical I appreciate the response.
  -  mjgarley13 @jordys.world WTF? Anything special? I'm at 5 months for a 12" 556 w/UDE furniture and I get no help calling or emailing. 1 like
  -  jordys.world @just_have_commonsense a stealth upper
jmort3737 More importantly this guy's wearing shorts in January in jealous
  -  laruetactical @jmort3737 ... The fireants are crowning and doves are doing their mating calls. 1 like
  -  kevin.young.77582 @jmort3737 welcome to Texas🧡
el_jefe_556 Got a shipping confirm today from my 11/3 order. UU on the way. Cannot wait
  -  isplityourwig @el_jefe_556 which upper?
  -  el_jefe_556 @isplityourwig 14.5 pinned and welded 5.56 4 likes
  -  lummdawg @el_jefe_556 that's the upper I ordered last week. 😢
  -  isplityourwig @el_jefe_556 thank you, that's what I'm waiting on as well
c.haltermann I got mine in two weeks!!! 💪💪💪 3 likes
ajg_spr What's the wait time on back ordered MBT's? @laruetactical
memoandres95 Just got mine today :)
kellyrhuey Texas size Jenga.
jmhill2469 Hell yea, love to see shit being shipped out. I 2 likes
bredfearn79 Important question time... you got Dillo Dust on hand right!?! 2 likes
mjgarley13 Any UDE kits in there? Or are those still unobtanium? 1 like
iamtheheshlaw I just got my lower today, can't wait till my uppers ship it's going to be 🔥🔥🔥
jfpvh WOW Dr. Merrit 🧐☕☕u s u s
  -  laruetactical @jfpvh ... We were able to fly under the radar with that one 1 like
kevin.young.77582 Yeehaw!!!
azlatrans Very nice!!!
charliesclones ML - did I hear you correctly - you have 260 employees? I am having trouble imagining that. Did I hear wrong? I figure 26 is more like it. But, I have not had the tour
  -  laruetactical @charliesclones ... 180 1 like
kodiak_precision Love that song and they will love their uppers!
twojsdad Please show a pallet of Tranquilos on their way out the door, waiting on two!
trampis @randotactical His guesstimate sounds about right. I ordered my UU kit in August last year and got it last week. I'm sure it's less time ordering now since @laruetactical has ramped up manufacturing. Well worth the wait!
  -  randotactical @trampis I don't doubt it! I just didn't think it would be quite this long is all. 1 like
  -  trampis @randotactical ya I hear ya. I was a little disappointed when I called last November and the guy said 4-6 months from the time I ordered 🤦🤷
jordys.world Hey mark im at 8 months for a stealth upper. Just checking in
eadie.steve Shot my new 6.5 Creedmoor UU today. All I can say is: Damn good Job to you and you team!
  -  laruetactical @eadie.steve ... That's good news, I meant to post earlier to suggest you find some Hornady 140ELD and see just how accurate she is.
  -  eadie.steve @laruetactical the 140 eldm's are unobtainium right now. The Berger 130's shot very well. I have two different Scencar's on the way. I'm still smiling after shooting yesterday! Thanks!
r55_shibby So, I guess this means I should just order the 18in UU kit and a lower then, huh?
davep951 Wish I could find a LaRue stripped 7.62 upper.
josh.macintyre 🔥🔥
vb_kostenko 🔥🔥🔥
full_cyclic waiting patiently 🤗🤗🤗 maybe skip ahead to the predatOBR orders real quick like? 🤠 1 like
86x70lm 👍
joe.numbers Hey Mark, not complaining just asking because I'm going to place an order shortly. Is 6-9 month lead time a safe bet? I'm in no hurry, just want to get on the books.
  -  laruetactical @joe.numbers ... ~10-12 weeks for UU Kits, but as you can see, we're building steam. 10 likes
  -  joe.numbers @laruetactical that's awesome. Thank you! Was thinking a UU kit and a complete rifle but we'll see this weekend. 👍
  -  max.and.bonds.malinois @joe.numbers got mine yesterday brother, 7 weeks. It's pretty awesome 2 likes
  -  ryanbass13 @max.and.bonds.malinois wow, I'm at 12 weeks now and have not seen it yet. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @ryanbass13 ... He asked from this moment what the time is. 5 likes
  -  joe.numbers @laruetactical thank you guys. Yeah I was just looking for a rough idea from now. Not trying to hold you to it either 1 like
  -  aaron_telander @ryanbass13 I'm at 20 weeks as of this morning 6.5CM completely unassembled 2 likes
  -  ryanbass13 @aaron_telander assembled 6.5 as well.
brian_crazydicks Man I can't wait for my turn!!!!