Todd Hodnett showed me this stay-awake-on-the-road trick ... you cannot sleep with an Atomic Fireball in your mouth (must be authentic Fireballs). Keep some stashed in your truck for when you just "gotta get away." ML #larue #laruetactical #protips
775 likesalexcerpts My favorite trick!
nattrob noted 1 like
ticket2valhalla Love those things. A guy I used to do business with sent them to me all the time
anthony_chirillo My dad does the same thing!
thirtythree_three @laruetactical Challenge Accepted.
charles.mcmurphy I'm allergic to cinnamon, so yeah it should keep me awake right up until my airway closes
458_socalm I love these, never thought of using them like that, much needed/appreciated!
gunnertwo Old sage advice, also followed by me. 1 like
rcsnyder6.0 Where did you get these? They are hard to find up my way, CVS used to carry them, not anymore.
bokevv I'm going to get my hands on some and leave them in my car. I sometimes get sleepy while driving and have to fight to stay awake
kalanilaker Ouch.
chad_lamborghini Ha ha! Try a couple of Monster energy drinks. Drink two or three of those and you can move objects with your mind. 😂 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @isaac_nmsu_aggie ... Ya made me laugh :-) 2 likes
  -  chad_lamborghini @laruetactical ask me how I know! 😜u s
  -  commisioner_gordon273 @isaac_nmsu_aggie my caffeine tolerance is probably comparable to Ozzy's drug tolerance sadly. 2 likes
  -  z_taylor85 @isaac_nmsu_aggie en, those dont have an affect on me anymore.
tango.charlie05 Works better with it in your arse lol
mr.gwilde Hot tomales candy or shockers is always a go to. Btw I ran out of DILLODUST and me and my wife need more... hopefully I don't have to buy a third Mount from you in 6 months to score some haha! @laruetactical 1 like
dpotvin_4788 They're also good for when your trying to quit smoking. Does a good job of taking the edge off.👍
billy_nuckles @aspiderlily @jamestessman bout to buy some of these mugs. 1 like
mckeonekert Gonna get some of them for my son on law.
siva.williams I tried this trick in Iraq. Didn't work. Guess combat medics can sleep through anything. 1 like
  -  pvs31d @siva.williams y'all are cut from different cloth. You'd probably require hot sauce eye drops 2 likes
alpha_phil15 Already on it. However i find myseld eating all of them on the road before i actually need them.
davispinner I found chewing on ice helps. Made staying awake effortless.
johnston_engineering @laruetactical Also keep a toothbrush because it's very hard to fall asleep while brushing your teeth.
gunlink.info Love me some fireballs!
def3va Used to use the AFB to stay awake in lectures. Sometimes I looked like a chipmunk with one in each cheek trying to stay awake!
randyzachry32 That's what I used when traveling. Oh and Hot Tamale cinnamon candies. And Milk Duds. Can't forget Jolly Ranchers. Tootsie Pops too! I might need to join Candy's Anonymous! 😄
joe.numbers Good trick! Audiobooks/podcasts and ranch flavor sunflower seeds are my driving fuel. 👍 2 likes
mikenotgonnagetit I'm a cinnamon junkie so I always have those on hand. Love the stupid things! 1 like