... Hundreds of Siete barrel switches at Dallas Safari Club and Shotshow are starting to show on the 22-250 barrel 🧐 ML
595 likeschristiandavis33 I think a 6.5 PRC and 6 creed barrels need to be made soon! 1 like
the_life_of_richard_ im lovin it 4 likes
  -  rab_actual @the_life_of_richard_ 😂
tubefitter61 I'm surprised those unshaven ham handed troglodytes didn't do more damage in their quest for eternal enlightenment. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @tubefitter61 ... You gotta watch Kurt Russell in "Bone Tomahawk" 2 likes
robby.baldridge But is it scratches in the barrel finish or transfer from other parts around it? Lol 1 like
  -  laruetactical @robby.baldridge ... Some of those guys were running balls-out, clattering and dropping stuff🤷 4 likes
icecoldmn Don't look bad to me, besides the average user is likely not going to do that in a lifetime. I dug out 6 different brands of 260 ammo to field test my siete next week once it gets here. Come on ups, hoping for Monday deliveries
theodorelouisjr Waiting for the accuracy check..... 1 like
  -  davidewade @theodorelouisjr https://www.instagram.com/p/CnxipA0L7P2/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
mr_krazy_dave Did McDonald's pay for that advertising 1 like
  -  rab_actual @mr_krazy_dave I was thinking the same thing!
csolstice032018 I bet she's still shooting ragged holes!
politicians_are_corrupt You mean the finish doesn't go 1.5k switches without a scratch 😂 1 like
jkedsnake Copper plate complete barrel and carburize that surface to abou 62Rc. And hope the barrel is not looking back at you afterwards 😂😂😂
green_tornado29 I still wish I'd of called in to work to come down and check it out lol
thecodystone How about a 6mm barrel?
pewpewvette How does it group now
nocornerman Bada ba ba ba 🔥
brettjst You make a 22-250 for a AR receiver?
brtnglht Dropping stuff... balls off!!
1rblank Tier 1 carbon fiber McDonald's tray 1 like