... Yeah, Todd Hodnett was right again ... it worked 😎 "In Todd We Trust" us 💯🎯
1,102 likestopshotdustin Verified 👏 1 like
bmayes425 You won't believe how much I just learned and was a valuable lesson for me.. this explains an issue I'm having 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @bmayes425 ... I was at my wit's end 🧐 2 likes
direct.impingement "scope lube" sounds like something you'd send the FNG, PFC, A1C, etc to Supply for 😂 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @direct.impingement ... it's internal lube living in a nitrogen atmosphere 3 likes
mucho_mas_tequila I find astroglide works best. But it take more than 10 rotations. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @mucho_mas_tequila ... Uh ... 3 likes
  -  guncrafter83 @mucho_mas_tequila sus
charles_helm Interesting! 1 like
kendo_37 Todd is THE MAN! I was able to attend a course out in Canadian right before deploying! The greatest course/week of shooting ever. Still got my dillo! 1 like
whatarewedo1ng That's really simple but awesome advice. Thanks for sharing. 1 like
drlaffingas Uuuhhhhhh, brb, gotta go exercise some scopes in my safe....😂 2 likes
barearmsllc He is the Guru for sure 1 like
defense2020 Every time in Todd We Trust 🙌 1 like
alpha_phil15 This is a solid tip. 1 like
csolstice032018 Thank God for people that have the knowledge and are willing to share! 3 likes
ralph124c41 Time to exercise some of the scopes that do not come out of the safe very often. Excellent tip! Thank you. 3 likes
el_jefe_556 Is this specific to NF glass or would it apply to my lowly Trijicon and Vortex as well? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @el_jefe_556 ... It only works on 308s, hope this helps 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... ☝ That was me, joking around 😎 5 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @el_jefe_556 1) Never admit you own a vortex (Trijicon is fine). 2) The problem in a vortex is more likely to be cheap springs that don't have consistent tension across the range of adjustment. If you have a problem with the Vortex, send it in to Vortex. Everyone who owns a Vortex learns how good Vortex customer service is, because everyone who owns a Vortex has needed to learn how good Vortex customer service is.😂 2 likes
photo__op44 Wait seriously ?!?!? He said that
  -  laruetactical @photo__op44 ... Wait, seriously you're following 2,500 IG accounts ??? 7 likes
  -  photo__op44 @laruetactical yes mostly firearms and sports. And a few chicks here and there 😂 1 like
  -  iamtherealbatista @laruetactical 👀 is it bad? 😂
codylawsoffical Bush's baked beans is all the lube you need 1 like
tsuhobbs Knowing his half the battle.
jonwaynetaylor I think Mr. Hodnett's maybe spent a little time behind the glass. 1 like
duckhnt @laruetactical I'm beginning to think this Todd guy might have an idea what he's talking about. 1 like
hamsrob @accuracy1st Hodnett is the freaking GOAT 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @hamsrob ... Hodnett, if you're reading this, GOAT = Greatest Of All Time 🐐 8 likes
  -  hamsrob @laruetactical 😂 1 like
  -  titan_rook @laruetactical Truly important clarification. I recently read about Meryl Streep thinking her younger co-stars were calling her an old goat on her most recent movie until one of them let her know it's G.O.A.T. LOL! 1 like