... Waterjets, have we talked about waterjets ? We have 5 (or is it 6?) Omax waterjets. I bought the first one back in 1999. Still got it, still running it daily. Here we're cutting wrenches out of AR400 plate. Makes a tough-ass wrench. 💪🔥I lowered the water to show nested parts being cut. My Omax guy was giving me the side eye. 👀 ML
674 likesconnelldad In before someone tells you you're doing it wrong or that they can do it better. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @connelldad ... Don't you know it ! 😂 3 likes
stephen.ogg I ran Omax and Jet-Edge models for 10 years. Fun stuff!
tacconcan Not gonna lie @laruetactical Mark, I thought you had a futuristic CAD display projected into the air front of your face when I first saw that screen! The reflection of the shop "behind" you made it look like that....for that moment I thought, Dang Larue has gone next step on their engineering and IT!! Not that you haven't already that is! 1 like
sebspeedcustoms Spent 20yrs around Flow machines. How often are you mucking out?
  -  laruetactical @sebspeedcustoms ... Dunno, not my job🤷 2 likes
  -  sebspeedcustoms @laruetactical lol nice - if it's more than 2x/yr I could offer some tips to reduce that downtime
  -  laruetactical @sebspeedcustoms ... It's not a thing, we got sand removing pump systems. 2 likes
treylillich My son used to run one of those. I got to watch it. Pretty cool. Uses 10000# water pressure and an abrasive if I recall
  -  soar_wave @treylillich closer to 52,000 psi depending on pump settings and nozzles. Really sweet to watch it chew through anything from thin plastic and sheet metal to several inches of hardened tool steel or even stone. 1 like
sunnyd307 Operation cost on those are outrageous 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sunnyd307 ... ^^^ He's right. 1 like
_bkbroiler_ Badass
classifieddefense @laruetactical I need me one of them 1 like
divingdriver Schweet!
46wlf46 I want to play with the EDM 1 like
soar_wave Love ours we use for everything from cutting blanks for gages to production runs on parts. Made a spanner like these and it fit like a glove, no extra machining necessary. A very good machine 1 like
soar_wave Have you watched the silly things the guys at the waterjet channel do with theirs!?
jesslarude That water jet blew my mind when you showed it to me last time I was at the shop. 1 like
81tactical Absolutely love your behind the scenes videos and educational comments/commentary 👍🏻👊🏻🔥🔥🔥 1 like
vaughn_13 Are these wrench adaptors for sale?
  -  laruetactical @vaughn_13 ... Dunno, can't find my around my own website. 🤷 2 likes
harleydolby Sweet! Is hardox 400 you are whacking them out of? That stencil all over the plate and red paint 👀 really familiar 😉