... Gas keys made from our in-house scratch recipe u s
1,141 likesbriarbfirearms How many complete rifles do you produce annually on average? Just curious. 1 like
  -  mergatroyd @briarbfirearms @laruetactical this number is more irrelevant than the number of new gun owners that is someone known.
  -  resoluteraider @briarbfirearms "Just asking for my local ATF agent friend." 😂
  -  briarbfirearms @resoluteraider they're a manufacturer. It's not like I'm asking an individual. Just curious how many get cranked out.
  -  resoluteraider @briarbfirearms I know. I'm just kidding. I'm curious too.
kinetic_defense_tx Are they non-gmo? 10 likes
  -  jspryce @kinetic_defense_tx no, but they're cruelty free. 😉 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @jspryce ... Dunno, we go through a lot of BandAids 👀 15 likes
  -  bredfearn79 @laruetactical i think you're think HMO
  -  fanorwood @laruetactical Sounds like you need a good Safety Guy (hint, hint...) 2 likes
matt_hansen_crushing_for_life I approve!🤣
jim_fusco Free taste test?
bredfearn79 Atleast you didn't leave them in so long they got burned.
everett.l.hunt.10 S7 Tool Steel?
icecoldmn Looking good 🔥
cactusandcolt Just like Mama used to make 👌u s
justn84 Vegan🌱 1 like
ely_oaf @laruetactical you never cease to amaze me. Winning! 1 like
sal_c03 🔥🔥
sethjamesmusic Yummy
m4colt223 Tractor supply had an advertisement for bolts by the lb, non GMO, gluten free
  -  laruetactical @m4colt223 ... Commie made bolt knock-offs 1 like
alpha_phil15 Dang, that's pretty. Now I'm wondering if 7.62 and 5.56 use the same key.
vodkaparty7 I've always had a gripe about the gas key design. So inefficient to matchine. Such a complex part for a simple function. It could be squared off and simplified in many ways, but nobody seems interested in doing so. Even that angled hole.... why? fluid dynamics don't care. 1 like
  -  vodkaparty7 @vodkaparty7 I made a typo and I'm not re-doing the whole thing =/
  -  laruetactical @vodkaparty7 ... The angled hole doesn't know it's angled. 🤷 3 likes
mikenotgonnagetit Can we buy these as stand alone parts? I'd love to have some as spares and to swap onto my Lantac ebcg
faresejoe Flow???
gakzreid How are y'alls handguards going
  -  laruetactical @gakzreid ... See video two IG threads back.
goldie_n_az Put some for sale on your site, I would buy several!
  -  laruetactical @goldie_n_az .... Look closely, they have my proprietary sealing orifice undernearh them, designed to thwart potential gas leaks.