... Gentlemen, I was remiss in not ending that MBT trigger sale much sooner than I did, and we suck at updating our website. So here we are. If you stay on the backorder list 1.) you won't be charged until we get yours made and shipped 2.) I'm pretty sure you'll be glad you did. Your call. 🎯 ML
1,109 likescrush_in Woth the wait for those waiting. Already had mine ahead of the buying frenzy. Damn talk about a kick ass trigger 🔥🔥🔥🔥 1 like
esqphoto This is why you should always have a spare MBT handy. I kept one on hand for a future build that I will use now while I wait for my next one to arrive. Every time I buy one the price has gone down. Look around gents, even the prices of high demand rifles have not changed. I bought my first AR from @laruetactical before this last election cycle and the price is still same. No gouging whatsoever. Plan ahead and wait for the quality to arrive. 1 like
  -  fanorwood @esqphoto Oh look, planning ahead. Crazy. (Think I've got three in the spare parts box because you never know...)
corytheconqueror If he cancels...can I take his backorder at the sale price? 😬
_j.a.m.e.s_lee_ That's not even bad. One of my NightForce scopes has been on back order for a YEAR 1 like
g_orop Worth the wait! #madeintheusa
sparkygreen I'll take anyone's spot that wants to give up their order. I kick myself for not ordering a 5'er before the price increase.
slightydelayed Waiting on that next toy, 300 black out upper in the mail, now just need that night force 1-8 to come back into stock🧐🐿🦖🤤
tacwanabe Pffft I have had a barrel ordered since last March
blue_cat_797 They have never waited on a stamp from the ATF.. lmao 1 like
michaelsmith9405 Funny how people expect @laruetactical to be like ordering from amazon. Whatever it is, if @laruetactical makes it, it is worth the wait. OBR, LT Black Friday lower, so many MBTs I lost count since the initial order opportunity plus countless other LaRue Products. Waiting is part of the game/process.
mr.mr.chef Well worth the wait, I have a few of them, the best trigger I have used so far.
brandonpunz It is worth the wait y'all! Just order some other parts to get your mind off and your trigger will be at your door in no time.
turtle_d115 Best Damn trigger ever, I have a spare. No I don't it's for the next build.😂😂😂 Seriously people love my guns, and I know it's the MBT. Best damn trigger ever🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
adhoc.artisan Lol people have noo patience. Well hell, why don't some of these folks make their own.🤷
m4colt223 to whom it may concern........perfection does not come quickly, STFU and wait fir your trigger. After it gets installed and you press it, just say thank you and order more.
fr8cture And people got mad at me for going on reddit looking to buy one at $100 🤣
_esstac He's only whining because he doesn't know how good the trigger is... and Amazon 1 like
everettafanadore It's amazing to me how some people aren't patient at all! Dude I waited almost a year or more for my OBR rifles so take a breath and wipe your gap front to back you fruitloop!
hkump45carbine Damn...that's a hell of a statement. 🧡 it!! Patience is something we're all striving for during these Covid times.
jgrues Have two, love them. Worth the wait!
theskinnymistress If you wanted MBT's in your ARs you should've ordered them along time ago. They are absolutely the best value for the money.
ubmathis @laruetactical / Mark, I think y'all could benefit from a Doosan Cobot to help with after hours production. 🤘🏻
@kirk_knight40 @rblarmer
arsac68 I have two of triggers from Ultimate Upper kits. They are excellent triggers. At the sales price, they are a steal. As many have said, worth the wait.
billbee235 Love the MBT-2s, about to start a new build with 1 🙌
pjcane Can confirm, well worth the wait. Maybe I should back order some more just to have them for future builds... they'll show up eventually and they're the best thing on the market 👍👍
jonny.oz Try putting stock status on the website, I'm sure it would cut the lead time inquires. I ordered an assembled upper this week too and was not aware of wait times until I saw the topic online. Seems reasonable to ask how long you expect to wait on something because its not an insignificant amount of money to be billed randomly 2 months later......no disrespect intended.
mi_gro420 Glad i got one back before everything went crazy.
josh.macintyre I remember the days of special edition rifles! 😢
chesterfieldhideout I would recommend waiting on the trigger/s. You want regret it. Best trigger out there!! I have two of them and wouldn't have anything else. That's a fact.
ike_hutch This is the only trigger I run in all my builds, best there is for the price.
c_riley97 Really wish you guys would run a sale on the quad rails! I need 12 inchers!
certifiedmanshit @laruetactical can I take this dude's place on the list. Lol
whoaintalbertbeamon ETA if you ordered on the Jan 5th ? I'm not canceling, I'm just needing for a build
jmhill2469 There was a s
jmhill2469 There was a sale?
jmhill2469 Can he cancel his order and you let me take over his order ? I'll wait patiently. Lol
dawsonarnett Well worth it y'all, just hold tight and let them do there thing and get them made and shipped out, you won't find a better trigger on the market and dang sure not for the price. @laruetactical could charge just as much as geissele and it would still be worth every dollar!
bret_shipley It's worth the wait AND patience is a virtue! Many would make good snipers IF it were a one hour job...🙄
the.necro.maker Amazon has spoiled us, Mark. I still remember the days where we had to buy those black and white news magazines and mail order the parts from the back! And even then, we were never guaranteed squat!!
ebgb68 Good deal on a great trigger .
cshirey13 I placed my order knowing you were backordered, sorry, and now I am enjoying one of my favorite triggers in my build, not sorry
hey_phuk_you The only problem with my MBTs is, I don't have them in every rifle.
the_sultan_of_sausage If he cancels can I have his? I love mine.
joshworkman4 Looking forward to mine! Keep up the good work!
cnoteleo865 I don't mind waiting. Thank you for not gouging us
66rompin @laruetactical I just wanna say you have an amazing trigger and the packaging is a huge plus I've had the MBT 2S for a while one of my favorite ones on the market and the price is fucken on point you guys definitely did top notch with it. I like it more than my SD3G trigger.
chuckytla 100% worth the wait, y'all.
  -  81tactical I just wanna know if the sale is still going on so I don't miss it, i need a flat-bow!!!
81tactical I'll wait 2-3 months, I don't care, that triggers freaking worth it! lol
trevorreust Wife got me one for Christmas, best gift I've been given in a long time...even if I had to wait till after new years to get it!!
shanelubovich Lol, ruthless
rcast9 I love this shit you always go in on idiots
jhetch81876 I'd rather spent 75 dollars and waited a few months for the part, considering it's a better trigger then the geissele trigger that is 3 times the price and you'll wait just as long. I don't mind waiting for anything from Larue. His stuff is top tier. I have a stealth kit, with a larue lower and a full predator rifle, both by far the most accurate rifles I own, and I own plenty of top tier rifles. Larue products are good to go, you just gotta be patient. Especially now
patrick.a.johnson314 They are the perfect stocking stuffers for lovers of freedom!
ikemg13 If everyone would cancel their triggers that would be great. It won't hurt my feeling to move a few places up in line. 🤷
whgsmith I miss the days of carbon copy forms😂
tms0120 I recently ordered one to replace milspec hot trash. I can't find ammo to shoot it anyways, so no huge rush.
jheidle1 My next upgrade will be a larue trigger
eroc.sd I have two rigs with MATT'S love them. I love the dillo dust too.
jgauvain Stay on the backorder list dummies. Best 2 stage trigger in the game, especially at that price point
leedyarmory Ordered mine on Nov 20th. Got it last week. #worththewait 🙏😊
drewbtrap Get in line... I ordered mine with it saying in stock on the site to get a "update" email saying now my order status changed to backorder. Yay
cdean964 It took a while to get mine but it is my favorite trigger. Well worth it 🤙
precisionleadslinger Hey let me know if someone cancels I want their spot lol
tacticooltommy I got mine yesterday, well worth the wait. 👍 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @tacticooltommy How did you like that molded in-house display container ? 👀 10 likes
  -  tacticooltommy @laruetactical It's fucking badass!! I thoroughly checked it out. Pretty damn cool.
  -  hafarrell @tacticooltommy I've gotta ask. When did you order yours? Asking for reference on mine and did you get bowed or straight bow?
  -  tacticooltommy @hafarrell December 10th, Straight Bow
  -  hafarrell @tacticooltommy I ordered my straight bow on December 7th lol🤔 what say you, @laruetactical
tehlonz It's more fun thinking they actually NEED the trigger .
hardpark_86 damn ive ordered like 10 mbt's in the last 3 months and the wait was never bad. i wad told 4-6 weeks from time of conversation after having waited about 5 weeks and the shipped 2 days after being told ot was gonna be 4-6 more weeks. customer service always great.
djesooner.1125 Maybe I am out of line here. And I mean no disrespect to anyone. But this is why I got mine from a gun shop. LaRue gets the business. The local gun shop gets their cut, and I get my product right away. No waiting, no shipping. I'll pay an extra $5-$10 for that. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @djesooner.1125 ... ✅ And I thought they were putting them in "builds" 2 likes
  -  djesooner.1125 @laruetactical I don't know how it all works on your business side. All I know is... the MBT2S is my favorite upgrade I've done to my AR in the past 10 years. Great job! 2 likes
  -  goodrich276 @djesooner.1125 same, I have one I got direct from larue because I wasn't in any hurry and didn't care about waiting, then bought my second one from the local gun store because I was in a hurry. Cost me $20 more local but whatever, still amazing triggers 1 like
maxximus2012 Honestly people have become so spoiled. They wouldn't have survived the age of mail orders lol 29 likes
  -  laruetactical @maxximus2012 ... Oh the days of calling Dillon ... "Remember, have your order form filled out and credit card in hand" 🧐 18 likes
  -  timmymctimface @maxximus2012 send check or money order to...... 2 likes
ninety1_and_nine Best trigger ever🤙
ruggidterrain I have two of the original bowed trigger when they first, first dropped. Still have yet to install them. They sure look pretty though in their containers! 1 like
  -  fanorwood @ruggidterrain Remember when the first, first ones were tan?! Goes perfectly with a FDE rifle...
k_s_thor His loss. I think it's better than the geissele at half the price. 1 like
suburban37 Worth every penny and day of wait. Been using them for a few years now on my builds and recommended to many others. I'll be glad to take the place in line of some people too lol 1 like
longrangesurfer I have one sitting in my safe. Highest bidder gets it! 1 like
s_petro2 I must have just gotten lucky each time I order I've ordered one. Week later it shows up 1 like
kicknamestakeass I ordered from you weeks ago and you told me it was back ordered. I don't care. I want my money going to you and I'm not going to bitch about it because I understand how these things work. In this climate, I want to support people who have the right ideas. 2 likes
modest_omega Yessir, waiting for my Eotech flip mount...worth the wait! 🤘🏻 1 like
bocephus351 It's worth the wait 1 like
mnicholasactual For that price I'll wait however long it takes 1 like
ill_gottengainz 😂🤣😆 savage 1 like
fc_jason On one hand... I hate a company that can't give any updates... but that's on a backorder... where they already have my money. A "no-charge" backorder on the other hand is the right way to do business. Good on y'all. 👏 1 like
foggyseagraves Worth the wait! 🙌
ashton278 The MBT2 is a great trigger with an amazing price tag. Installation was easy. 1 like
fast507 I think a lot of guys have misconceptions about how fast CNC Manufacturing goes. The tighter the tolerances, and the more complex the part, the longer the part run time is. These things don't just fall out of the machine, every 15 seconds, ready to assemble and package. 8 likes
  -  helical_precision_va @fast507 sure they do! You just show the machine a picture of the part and it makes you the part right? 😂 5 likes
  -  fast507 @helical_precision_va mine spits them out already deburred laser-engraved and anodized. Doesn't yours? 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @fast507 ... LOL, you guys 😂 1 like
  -  ikemg13 @fast507 it's like a microwave right. I put in metal hit some buttons it spins around and 3 min later it dings and I pull out parts.
  -  fast507 @ikemg13 you're right.
  -  helical_precision_va @fast507 man I've got to talk to my sales guy! He didn't sell me the right machine I guess 🤷
  -  samuel.culper_sr @fast507 laughs in Swiss turn- too bad they're milled 1 like
  -  fast507 @samuel.culper_sr oh, I'm sure thereāa probably a live tool lathe somewhere @laruetactical ...
devilsdengunworks They are pretty dope. For that price you really can't bear em. And a month isn't bad. A lot of manufacturers are so backed up it's 6-12 weeks lead times. 🤷 3 likes
  -  81tactical @devilsdengunworks very true!
jspryce Brosef should wait for his trigger. It's worth it. Other than the more audible reset (which is a positive), it's very very comparable to the SSA-E at a fraction of the price. 2 likes
  -  dobes_malone @jspryce Maybe I got a dud but I was really not a fan of my MBT2S. Especially the fat trigger just felt so uncomfortable to me. Love my Larue Scope mounts but I like my SSA-E way more
sethro_tull_556 Hey if they don't want it I'll take it. 1 like
michael_wilkes If someone leaves, I'll take their place. I don't mind waiting for quality to be built 1 like
brandondavison Def need single stage!! 1 like
t_kegs Honestly you could have just ended that response after the first sentence. Everyone knows they are going to have to wait... 4 likes
  -  realmda13 @t_kegs then why do I have to suffer the fools in Mark's feed? Every single post of his has some clueless mouth breather "where's my UU? It's been 7 days!" 1 like
  -  t_kegs @realmda13 the guy asked a simple question about lead time. Who knows if he's trying to build something out before a certain time period, who knows. All of us are guilty of being impatient at times.. Simple answer is we are swamped we'll get it out when we can...not cancel it if you don't like it. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @t_kegs ... Meh, I gave him the option of canceling. Now, do you feel better getting all that off your chest ? 4 likes
  -  realmda13 @t_kegs I hear ya man. But people calling for a "refund" because they're waiting a month?A refund for what? These idiots don't even realize they haven't even paid for the item they're mad about not getting in Prime timeframe. I dislike people who are that clueless. Haha, that's just me. 2 likes
  -  t_kegs @laruetactical I'm dandy. Sounds like these customer service requests are going drive you to the bottle. 1 like
  -  manning_motorsports @realmda13 but he didn't ask to cancel, he just asked about an update? It doesn't matter how long something takes to machine, customer service is just that, customer service. You don't give them an option to cancel off that question. 3 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @t_kegs 100% correct 2 likes
  -  realmda13 @manning_motorsports no trigger for you! 😂😂😂 1 like
  -  t_kegs @manning_motorsports right...a simple professional answer would have worked. They need to keep mark in the shop. 2 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @realmda13 Already have them 😉 1 like
tsuhobbs I haven't complained or asked about shipping can I get his sale price? Lol 1 like
brandondavison Good grief, one site is charging 134 for the flat face single stage! 😲😲 https://charliescustomclones.com/larue-match-single-stage-trigger-mbt-1s-straight-bow/ 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @brandondavison ... Gadzooks, that explains some of the larger volume orders. Also gives me an idea of what someone would be willing to pay for the very best 👀 6 likes
  -  brandondavison @laruetactical any idea of when you might have some of those single stages available?
  -  laruetactical @brandondavison ... Not soon.
  -  brandondavison @laruetactical 😢😢
  -  brandondavison @laruetactical well I don't have any Ammo to burn through right now so I can wait lol
  -  eugenestonerstriggerfinger @brandondavison the lady in their customer service told me never
  -  81tactical @brandondavison yeah but look who's re-selling them, you actually surprised? lol
gunnut2080 Only trigger I use, worth the wait 1 like
bahn112 December 15th? Get in line bud, i'm in the "waiting since August club". 🤷 1 like
reggywill A month.... 🤣🤣 Oh the Amazon world everyone thinks we live in. Most (quality) companies in the gun industry are surprisingly small operations. Great products take time. I completely understand the frustration when a product shows in-stock on a website and turns out not the case. No one expected the demand that's happened over the last year. Anything from @laruetactical is definitely worth whatever the wait time is. u s 1 like
thecodystone I call dibs. 1 like
briarbfirearms Mark, let me get your number so I can send you some annoying messages... 10 likes
  -  laruetactical @briarbfirearms ... That was screenshots off the "DM" (which I wished y'all hadn't shown me how to use). You have no idea how much futzing around it takes to get those two quotes on one IG screen. 🤪 3 likes
  -  averagetactical @laruetactical Instagram layout app. It will take 10 seconds next time. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @averagetactical ... I'm not loading any apps, gives work to another Commie 20 likes
  -  averagetactical @laruetactical firm stance, I respect it.😂 1 like
cblundbo If they don't want it at the sale price, I'll take another! 😂 3 likes
gunsandsharpthings To be honest, I have two of them, and I wish the trigger bow were more pronounced. 🤷 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @gunsandsharpthings ... I'd hate to have been Daniel Boone's riflemaker. "I'm feeling something in the trigger just before it blinds me." 22 likes
  -  eroc.sd @gunsandsharpthings i love mine the way it is for my 16" rigs but I would like to see a flat trigger option for my AR pistol.
j.r.wells574359 What was the sale price? Just curious 1 like
  -  thecodystone @j.r.wells574359 I think it depended how many you bought. Can't remember exactly what it was but I bought 3 in November for 75/each.
  -  j.r.wells574359 @thecodystone wow. And I thought $90 seemed like a great deal
  -  thecodystone @j.r.wells574359 🤫 Don't say that out loud. They are great triggers. 1 like
tom_rakip How about the single stage @laruetactical. Been checking the website regularly to pick one up! 2 likes
unopposable_thumbs They're not priced high enough haha! Billy G is charging triple for the same thing 1 like
  -  tom_rakip @unopposable_thumbs For sure! I have a handful of the two stage in my rifles. I love my G's but won't be buying more going forward...
crazycruzer78 Fact checkers agree with the above statement and label it true. 2 likes
wimb0 To be fair the dude has been waiting a month 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @wimb0 ... It's the Meticulously Built Trigger, not the wham-bam-thank-ya-ma'am casting. 36 likes
  -  randotactical @wimb0 *laughs in waiting since october* 6 likes
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical apparently there are tons of people who just found out there has been a run on gun parts for the last year 😂 17 likes
  -  _shookme @icecoldmn That's no joke. And lots of folks who had no clue of the ammo situation. 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @nyy6242 and @wimb0 obviously weren't trying to buy things after BHO was elected or after Sandy Hook. If they had been, they would understand that absolute political shocks to the industry have the effect of creating a shift in the quantity demanded faster than the quantity supplied can be adjusted (and in some cases the manufacturers aren't willing to spend millions of dollars on additional milling and CNC machines to catch up what is likely a temporary shift in the quantity demanded. Instead of being appreciative that certain manufacturers like Mark don't double, triple or even quadruple prices (you should check out the original price of the MBT), you bitch about wait times. 6 likes
  -  modest_omega @wimb0 I ordered Larue Eotech flip mount Dec 12. Gonna be another 6-8 weeks. It's worth the wait
  -  laruetactical @nyy6242 ... While Pearl Harbor is being bombed "Seaman, dammit, did you complete that efficiency report !!!" 5 likes
  -  jetmx68 @thirtythree_three I didn't get the feeling he was " bitching" about the wait time. He was just asking an honest question. 1 like
  -  hardpark_86 @randotactical theres no way youve been waiting that long. ive ordered atleast 10 since then and have all of them.
  -  randotactical @hardpark_86 I'm not talking about a trigger, but I'm happy you have got your orders. 1 like
  -  ikemg13 @wimb0 in the last year I've dropped well over 2300 in gun parts. At one time I have 3 larue orders pending. I could have easily bought multiple other triggers elsewhere in stock for around the same price. But if gun parts do get banned and I'm stuck with anything else in my gun I'm going to be pissed. (All my gun except the one pending have a larue trigger)
  -  manning_motorsports @ikemg13 well over 2300 in one year. 😂 Man big spender!
  -  thirtythree_three @nyy6242 Bur that's not what was said. The complaint was about wait times.
  -  hardpark_86 @randotactical gotchya. i cant speak for other parts. all ive ordered is triggers.
  -  hardpark_86 @ikemg13 only 2300. i spent like 25000 in the last year lmaooo. ive prob spent ~1000 on mbts for myself alone lol.
  -  irishoper8tor @hardpark_86 i ordered 7 curved mbt-2s on 12/7 and they just got shipped yesterday
  -  hardpark_86 @mike.crandall89 sucks for you dude. i just ordered 2 flat mbt2s 6 days ago and they already on the way. ive never waited for than 3 weeks for my orders.
brentpaich Worth the wait if you can , awesome trigger without getting gouged. 3 likes
lbwar15 Wait. I missed a sale. 2 likes
jt_rozner Nah keep it going. I'll wait as long as necessary for good quality at a fair price. 1 like
cmal37 So . If they don't want it at the sale price can we take their position? 1 like
getmemarlowe Ordered mine 11/4, it shipped 12/4. Well worth the wait for the quality, let alone the price! I would have happily waited longer. It's hard not to chomp at the bit because website doesn't (didn't) warn, and the LaRue rookie may not know the drill. I get it. Hold tight, it will get there... and you will love it. 2 likes
the_shooting_pony Great trigger well worth waiting for! u s 5 likes