... Should leave it in San Francisco ... "Welcome aboard homeless ! Grab a bunk !!"
883 likesfanorwood Got a towel yesterday. Thank you sir! 1 like
usgeneral25 Great idea, and fix/paint the ship
tomurtomasson That was my Dad's ship in the 80s
theradmonster Welcome aboard homeless grab a bunk... Then take it out to sea and sink it for an artificial reef... 🐦🐦 8 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @theradmonster 😮 1 like
  -  laruetactical @geigert120000 .... I'm just lookin' for better digs than the street tents they're in.
  -  slampierce20 @geigert120000 is that nationally or in San Francisco and LA? I'll bet a lot of them in those areas arent
ryanchilders259 Could have sold it for a bigger profit
realtalkliberty You could make a fortune selling metal from it to everyone from smiths to jewelers.
  -  lsxus__ @realtalkliberty scrap steel prices are UP!! Along with EVERYTHING since Joe's in office
southie_02127 Sink it Pensacola harbor next to the Mighty O
azgunner79 Facts
mckeonekert I toured the boat years ago. Pretty cool. I didn't know that the aircraft are not on board when the ship is docked because of Pearl Harbor. They also said the landing deck can raise and lower a significant amount in rough seas. What a challenge to land an aircraft.
black.wolf.armory Spent a few hours along side her in the Tonkin gulf.
notyourflanneldaddy The could just park it down by the old Alaska Way viaduct in Seattle and it could have been their autonomous zone. The Love Boat 🧡😂 1 like
  -  slampierce20 @notyourflanneldaddy living in an aircraft carrier down by the river!
  -  lsxus__ @notyourflanneldaddy or just sink it and use the deck and the new bridge
ifishforcows All that history gonna become scrap metal and sent to chyyyynah to be processed so we can buy it right back🤦🏽😂 sad 2 likes
alyenendrov Should be given to citizens not scrapped
lsxus__ Surprised that Biden didn't give it to the taliban along with a nuclear reactor so they can have power
bordeth My FIL served aboard her.
gmtech2.0 She should be a museum 5 likes
ozzy.david They sold it to the scrapping company for a cent too.... 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ozzy.david ... Meaning they gave work to a shipyard we need to stay afloat. 2 likes
fiesta346 Times are tough when the government is scrapping 😂 3 likes
  -  lsxus__ @fiesta346 they need more $ to give to the terrorists aka taliban. They should be taking card of Americans and the USA
longnosemafia Buddy of mine served and has tried for years to get it as a museum. They even had the funds and a place set up for it. Such a shame they will scrap it
jim_fusco Instead of scraping, add it to the Texas Navy. 2 likes
jamesbrooks1986 I have a good friend who served on that ship. Thats so sad.
txduck_75 Actually not a terrible idea. Load em up then cut the moorings and set it adrift in the pacific! 7 likes
  -  roadtripvic @txduck_75 it would be like the smokers on Waterworld! 1 like
_urbanthreatsolutions I have some fond memories of my time spent on the Shitty Kitty 1 like
mcsweeney7.62 ...Then drag it offshore and let them fend for themselves.
texaselectric1973 They'll just $hit where they sleep.
oneperfectdose You mean use it on San Francisco?
heavybreather4 Be cool to make some rifles out of that steel!
halanfrix My father served aboard the Kitty Hawk for 6 years during the Vietnam War. Sad to see.
perez2021juan Load it up with some crack heads and tow it away
joswizay Im surprised we didn't leave that MF in Afghanistan. 3 likes
sweg_77_ That's some great outside the box thinking 🤔 @laruetactical 😂 1 like
djqx @laruetactical and don't forget the politicians. Then sink it and make an artificial reef. Everyone wins. 🙌
jdesterhouse I was stationed on the Kitty Hawk in 1992-1994, and I would love once last chance to walk the flight deck. I have lots of good memories and still have several great friends. @terribleterry702
  -  terribleterry702 @jdesterhouse heartbreaking!! They should turn it into a museum. They could have given us a chance to walk aboard one more time. 1 like
andrewjones8373 Lease it to one of our Pacific allies. That should give China pause. Royal Australian navy with a carrier with f35s.@laruetactical. Or Japan, they have behaved long enough to deserve to get so. 1 like
  -  andrewjones8373 @andrewjones8373 Some toys back 1 like
  -  laruetactical @andrewjones8373 ... Australia flipped to socialism and the KH would look funny with a mask and handcuffs 🤷 3 likes
  -  aimenhalim @andrewjones8373 it takes years, decades even to get proficient in carrier operations. Not something most countries can put money towards
  -  andrewjones8373 True. China and India are both learning now. So it might be a good idea to teach our allies before the Chinese master it, maybe give India a leg up too.
  -  andrewjones8373 @laruetactical it will look pretty funny as a pile of paperclips
  -  aimenhalim @andrewjones8373 India has had several decades of carrier operations, they've been operating them since the late 60s. The issue is even when their experience, their aircraft carriers don't stray very far into the India ocean. From what I recall, they haven't even done a port visit to another country with their aircraft carrier. Part of it is due to how complicated it is to have carrier based operations far from your own coastline. Other part is that the carrier they bought from Russia was complete garbage and is extremely unreliable. Quite frankly, it's an extremely expensive endeavor and the only countries in the world that have done carrier based operations successfully have been the US, UK, and to a smaller extent France. And obviously Japan during WWII