... Big brother has me pinned down ... he's deleted a couple of my IG posts today. Do me a favor, sign up for the "Team LaRue" newsletter. Go to - www.LaRue.com - and drop down to the bottom right corner to the "Sign up for newsletter" button and sign up. Be advised, every newsletter is of my doing and I'm too busy to hassle you with spam mail ... so click on the rare email I'll be sending out and know we'll be connected if I get the bum's rush to the door off of Instagwam u s ML
801 likesspecfabaz Best products out there! Have their triggers in most of my rifles, grips also. An American company with a patriot leader, employing great American people. You can't ask for more than that. 2 likes
the.crew.co Done ✅
7fabracing 💪🏾💪🏾u s u s
divingdriver Got ya!
ashton278 Done.
glock10mm17 Done
babdds I'm just happy to see you waking up some in the gun community 🐸. In the words of my hero General Flynn......"fear not"
byrontabor You should do a Telegram group
byrontabor Telegram is easy to share links and interact 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @byrontabor ... Do tell 🧐
  -  mckeonekert @laruetactical that is what I'm going to use 1 like
mskategordon Good to know! Signing up now 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
40caltofreedom Done. I had to use my PC... cellphone kept rejecting my email input.
thecodystone Tell your staff that I'm not leaving reviews until I receive my stuff. I'm holding reviews hostage. 😂
tn1822 Done
chesterfieldhideout Done
will_dissent 👍👍
ebdt2 I'm in! Fuck Social Media! (Don't say I have said it 🤫)
  -  laruetactical @ebdt2 ... Mums the word 😂
cvo_springer110 @laruetactical signed up to receive the newsletter and I got my UU and to the people that say about leave times the product is 100% worth the wait its such a well built awesome shooting upper keep pushing out these amazing products u s 1 like
bluetreefrog Done! 1 like
scout1776 Subscribed for years now, love your products and my order just shipped todayu s u s u s u s 1 like
chrisjim8607 Done! 1 like
laur450 Done!! X2!! 🤘 1 like
danielmachen762 Done👍🤞 1 like
300blackout_ Done. 1 like
laruetactical ... I see my drunken I.T. guys forgot to add Instagram to our LaRue website. Meh, I've only been on IG for 3-4 years with 40,000 followers 🤪 13 likes
chandlermluke It would be nice if they ALSO added an accurate lead-time description somewhere. I inquired about an order I placed 2 weeks ago for an ultimate upper kit only to find out you have a 6+ month lead time. Thats underhanded, to have absolutely no indication of that fact on your website. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @chandlermluke ... Sorry, wasn't aware you live under a rock and aren't aware of the guns and ammo situation in America. And as for your NASA-like updates you'd like on my website, we're a boutique maker of highest-end rifle and mount products and we're a little busy. ML 27 likes
  -  b00sted1 @chandlermluke If you didn't know the lead times on Larue products, then you probably aren't his target audience. You want the best? You gotta wait for it. If not, go somewhere else bubba. 5 likes
  -  chandlermluke @laruetactical I own multiple LaRue products, and so far have had excellent experiences. However, manufacturers i would associate with comparable quality have some indication of lead or list products as "out of stock." I by no means expect constant updates on leads, but all your posts indicate business as normal with no hunt of 6+ months. TriArc at least offers a blanket 14+ weeks, LWRC lists 16-24 weeks blanket. Some indication seems like a generally decent idea. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @chandlermluke ... "I own multiple LaRue products ..." They must all be Index Clips then, otherwise you would've already incurred your complaint. 🤷 4 likes
  -  turks_chirps @laruetactical Don't go all Brittingham on us Mark, you're better than that. The guy's got a point, just should have worded it better. I ordered a handguard about a month or so ago. A few weeks go by and it hadn't showed up and I thought,"that's weird LaRue is usually Johnny on the spot getting stuff out the door." So, I logged into the website only find that the rail was back ordered. I'm not in a hurry, so it's no big deal... but it would have been kinda nice to know up front. That's all.
  -  laruetactical @turks_chirps ... I was raised by a career chief engineman on diesel submarines ... so, though I was never in the Navy, I've taken the language course. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @turks_chirps ... Wait, are you talking about our $10 an inch handguards ? If so, be assured there's not enough margin in those to hand deliver them with gift cards to McCormick & Schmidt's Steakhouse stuffed in the handguard. 3 likes
  -  chandlermluke @laruetactical This is great. I've got two different ultimate upper kits. 6 weeks the first, 8 weeks the second on lead times pre-shipping, as well other minor items. I get those time not being listed, or even mentioned. But to leave orders on 6 month lead with zero indication is hardly justifiable. HTML isn't so hard that you couldn't learn it yourself and put up a blurb on the website.
  -  laruetactical @chandlermluke ... If it's easy, start you a shop and grow it to 160 people and a 150 CNCs to feed. Show me how it's done. 9 likes
  -  chandlermluke @laruetactical absolutely in comparable to a simple HTML edit. But thanks for the recommendation.
  -  laruetactical @chandlermluke ... Many I have rolled off 183, parked, and walked in Moe's BBQ, only to find the line too long for the time I have. So I eject, get back in my car, and re-enter 183 traffic. But I don't expect them to have a flashing sign saying how many are in the line. 9 likes
  -  mrhaaaaas @laruetactical True but to be fair, you probably just roll over to Dahlia for some crispy chicken livers to go on the way back to the office. 😉🔥
  -  laruetactical @mrhaaaaas ... With honey 🍯
  -  turks_chirps @laruetactical Listen, I have a ton of your stuff Mark. I have deployed with your stuff. I have a really low serial numbered OBR and have been a fan for a long time. I'm not asking for a fucking back rub here. All I'm sayings is maybe an email or whatever that says something like, "Thanks for the support, we're busting our ass here, it's gonna be a little bit" would be a nice heads up. That's all... 1 like
  -  skipjack86 @laruetactical 😝😝😝. miss Mo's bbqs in Leander out 183 almost by Liberty Hill....miss Texas over this cold and rainy place in NC
  -  chandlermluke @turks_chirps I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking Mark is going a bit overboard with managing his own "customer service." I may not have used the best phraseology at the outset, but I definitely don't intend to resort to Ad Hominem arguments to dodge a valid concern over disingenuous business practice.
  -  laruetactical @skipjack86 ... A NC pulled pork sammich with a whisper of that vinegar based bbq sauce cannot be overlooked. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @chandlermluke ... I should've become an archery manufacturer and give BigArchery a run for their money. 🏹 1 like
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... ^^^ That's me, trying to wrestle my thread back out of the hands of the hijackers. 2 likes
  -  king.garon @laruetactical just a whisper tho, too much vinegar gets my hackles up
  -  military_memories_modeled @chandlermluke yup I called today for my order and was told 6 months.. but I am not in a hurry but I do agree a timetable would be helpful...👍
one_urban_ninja ✅ done!
magashawn1776 Tell my Uncle Jerry Bishop to get to work!
  -  laruetactical @magashawn1776 ... He's got his own parking spot and works his own hours ... and he's a joy and a boon !! 4 likes
mikexteti Glad I followed.
brittzter13 Done.
lokkovich Very good amigo. Your compromise is with your customers not with zuckerberg. 👏
lphy Done u s
two_clicks On it
cross__24 Done
r.bett Hit
tycdavis Backup your email list in case your provider shuts you down. 2 likes
c1hansenatl They are also tracking who clicks on the web link in your profile. So, exit IG and type it manually in a browser. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @c1hansenatl ... Say that again in layman's terms. 2 likes
  -  c1hansenatl @laruetactical When someone clicks your web site address in your profile, they are still working in the Instagram app. Instagram records everything they do on your website. First, the communication is sent to Instagrams web tracking page, and then your page opens "inside" the IG app. In order to keep this from happening your customers should close Instagram and use a browser (I recommend Brave browser).
  -  laruetactical @c1hansenatl ... Thanks, I'm on it. 1 like
bradleyaten I've noticed some disappearing soon after you post 🤬🤬
hobbit0717 I'm on my way!
raville8 Hitting the Armadillo opener and subscribed to the newsletter!