... Checked off a bucket lister yesterday while flying IFR to Vegas along I-10 (I Fly Roads). Coming up on Tucson, the rain cleared and low and behold, below the Navion was that giant parking lot of old warbirds. They are lined-up on a huge native grass field. Good stuff 😎 ML
1,939 likesdesertrat1989 I worked in that area and we were told a number of those planes could be ready to fly in 24hrs. Not sure if that's true 7 likes
- laruetactical @desertrat1989 ... It depends on who you ask to jump in them to take off 😎 4 likes
- desertrat1989 @laruetactical 😂
sell_your_cloak Did you see any of the new C-27 Spartans that the Air Force wanted and then they changed their minds but the contract had to filled so they kept making them only to put them there? Makes total sense. 🤷
- gadgetguy1288 @sell_your_cloak none of those left on the boneyard. The 13 that were there are now painted CG white and Orange.
- sell_your_cloak @gadgetguy1288 gotcha
- gadgetguy1288 @sell_your_cloak yeah, US ended up with 21 total. 7 went to SOCOM and 14 went to the CG
lylebenjamin4 There is a movie plot somewhere there- a crew of pilots and mechanics makes their way onto the field, fakes some paperwork, repair a couple of choice birds using parts from the birds next to them, then fires them up and flies off into the unknown never to be seen again. 1 like
nowaytoretireagain Did I see some F16s that Biden would use against American citizens? I know, they're decommissioned.
- armas.bravas @nowaytoretireagain doesn't need F16s, plenty of LEO officers ready to do his bidding.
brittinghamjack But he did not have a Garmin GPS🤣!! 1 like
sigman2006 That AZ grass is different from the MS grass.
cloud_raker They'll be needed sooner than later.
scottoglesby The just in case air field. God bless America! 1 like
- kertmckeone @scottoglesby Looks like it would be pretty easy for Russia or China to take that out.
- scottoglesby @kertmckeone good point but that would obviously be in time off war that I pray never happens. I was thinking more like zombie apocalypse lol. 1 like
458lottfan I always loved the stance of the B-1 Lancer. I remember those and the B-52's flying low (under radar) past our farm in Colorado when I was a kid. Flew home from the First Gulf War in a C-5. That was a bucket list item ✔ off. 5 likes
billsnearly Cool place to visit. Those bombers cut in pieces were left out so the Soviets could verify we destroyed them. Part of one of the SALT treaties.
gingerdadclub I lived right next to that field for a few months. I wanted to hop the fences and go explore the planes so badly.
ct_defiance Sell em to the public 3 likes
b_m_greer I don't know if it was ever relocated, due to the expansion of Tucson, but there has been a military aircraft boneyard out there, since at least the 70s.
brian_landgraf Just a row of B1's and B52's in varying level of disrepair. No big deal 🤷🤣 1 like
jasonbabal The B-52's really show how large the B-1 is.
rampant2019 Thinking I could fit an f18 air frame in my garage and put bumper sticker 'My Other Car is a Prius'😂👏👏👏👏 2 likes
jacktatro Come out here (Tucson) in November. Davis monthan hosts a turkey trot through there.
mrgunzfirearms L-1011's or MD-10's?
- ryandthorne @mrgunzfirearms KC-10A Extenders, a tanker version of the DC-10-30
pbrice22 Ha, it would kill you to know that I definitely haven't flown my helicopter over the boneyard for an hour at 25ft :-)
joeyhinton8 It is still cool even after 3 1/2 years of seeing it every day. You can do a bus tour through the boneyard with the Pima Air & Space Museum. 1 like
stiglitzfirearms Surprised Biden hasn't donated them all to Ukraine or the taliban
stumpwso Got more than a couple hours in some of those
namor_semaj Crazy how y'all love those old POS planes. I see them every day. Looking at the mfks now.
recon1212 We should sell those aircraft to Ukraine. Oh wait, they don't have any money.
yumyum11884 You want a tour?
jimmystoffer That's a lot of Bones!!!
mr.mr.chef I used to live across the street from her. I miss Tucson so much!
joe.numbers One of my favorite spots. My daughter about died when we drove by last time lol
liltank308 Looks like some C-5's, F-111's, F-18's and some AWACS. Not sure what the rear are
boltgunners I fly roads 😂
kodiak_precision Your in my hometown airspace now brother. Enjoy!
458_socalm What a sight!
wiersbowski Tucson Bone Yard
defense2020 I would like ve to have a T-37 tweety bird from there. 🔥🙌
brittinghamjack My dad's first aircraft was a Navion, back in the late 40's! Great airplane!
sebspeedcustoms Davis Monthan afb 1 like
45.mikemike Worth the walking tour - decades of warbirds
nm156v2 I live 4 miles from that! Love it
bagman01 Always wanted to tour the bone yard
brian_crazydicks The Bone Yard!!!!! Always love going by there when in Tucson!!! The aviation museum has grown in my 40 years of visiting family there!!!
jonottmann5 Davis Monthan AFB, been there, done that. Still crazy to see.
taylordickson99 Man, that last picture of the 10's hitting close to home
skipjack86 You "vuelas caminos" 🙌 😂
mdrumsmike its amazing what tax dollars can buy...
damatocustomstippling Great tour, especially the behind the scenes tour.
therealscordie Oh how sweet the bone and buff look even trashed
silveragedsurfer My Dad delivered a couple of p2 and p3 there. Must be an awesome place. I see a p3 in one picture.
liltank308 Oh, and some B-1's
bb_brentbarber That's awesome u s
kilo__372 Awesome! u s
sweg_77_ 😮 awesome
michaelvanoy Had no clue you flew
akscott60 Awesome
squier_jerry Very cool Mark
samuel_west_92 20 B-1's just Chillen...
karl.koch.71 I spy F18s, B1Bs, F5s, C5s
fast4door C141s. F14s, B1s, B52s in various configs lol 😂
squ1rp Swing by @pimaair on your way back, it's an incredible air museum