Gimme a brake! 😉 ML #larue #laruetactical #precisionmachining #madeintexas #behindthescenes #howitsmade #deadcenterofprecision #gunsofinstagram
574 likesevandusen That looks like tapers on both sides of the treads... what will Q have to say about this?!? 3 likes
  -  brandondetrick @evandusen the Q are a buncha asshole losers anyways. Who cares what they think. Lame products too 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @evandusen ... Q would need to look at my patent. ML 28 likes
  -  angelbeast6 @laruetactical double taper = #extrasuperprecision 1 like
  -  ethanl007 @laruetactical curious how both tapers engage simultaneously 1 like
  -  codycrafted @ethanl007 um, math, that's how 2 likes
  -  ethanl007 @lowspeed.highdrag +/-0 on both position, size, and form on the axial and radial on both tapers on both parts is the only way the math works out. 2 likes
  -  ethanl007 @lowspeed.highdrag but other than that, yea, math 1 like
  -  ethanl007 @lowspeed.highdrag break me off a piece of that football creme! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ethanl007 ... Okuma lathes. ML 3 likes
81tactical @laruetactical lol...got'em
81tactical Sweet brake.... @brandondetrick Hahaa! But they make stuff that cost a lot of money and looks cool and so as long as you spend a lot of money to look cool you're doing something right, right?😐 3 likes
  -  brandondetrick @81tactical ya and they have an edgy marketing strategies that focuses on bashing other's products. But ya you're right. More $= more better. 2 likes
  -  humbledhector @brandondetrick glad I'm not the only one that wont buy from douche bags! 🤙 2 likes
  -  brandondetrick @humbledhector oh there's a bunch of us out there lol. Why do you think their products aren't used hardly all on professional shooting circuits of any kind 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @brandondetrick ... The Marines are "The Professional Shooting Circuit" and they standardized on LaRue mounts some years back and have a few hundred thousand LaRue mounts in their go-to inventory. ML 6 likes
  -  brandondetrick @laruetactical I was referring to the Q products. Not larue -BD 1 like
  -  laruetactical @brandondetrick .... Oh, him ... is he still around ? He really needs to check my suppressor patent. ML 3 likes
  -  brandondetrick @laruetactical he's around but I mean that doesn't mean he's relevant.. lol. 1 like
  -  brandondetrick @black_powder23
81tactical @brandondetrick lol
zombiemonkey336 Mark, you know what those tranquilo brakes would look sexy on? The Siete. But then on top of that I'd love to see a Titanium version of the Tranquilo. I'd buy another one in a heart beat if I could get a Ti version for hunting and bolt gun work. 🙏 1 like
tanstaafl_satx Hell yea Team Larue. Giving me more reasons to join your Hot towel club again this year.
codycrafted We could use a thread protector. Or a warden style cup thing 1 like
  -  codycrafted @laruetactical I've got 5 of these, just gotta get the tranquilo.
shenannaginz I still use your stripped uppers for every build. M4 ramps when ya had em and without when ya don't. Honestly the best stripped upper made available. Ever. @laruetactical 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @shenannaginz ... Thanks for the feedback - Ramping those M4 feed ramp upper receivers up to offer with the new line of Affordable Overkill(TM) handguards - ML 5 likes
jshine42 223 bolt action break on the horizon??