... Here's a blown-up illustration of how I measure group size. Take the two most outside holes, place the ruler against inside edge of one hole, measure across to same side of the other hole. Notice how finite that measurement is as opposed to guessing where the middle is or measuring outside to outside and subtracting a guess as to what diameter the paper tore at, then subtracting that number from the outside to outside number. No math needed when you measure same side and doesn't matter what diameter paper tore at. Hope I said all that right 🧐 ML
377 likesfire_arms_channel Can't believe this is a thing right now 1 like
- laruetactical @fire_arms_channel ... Every day, there's a new crop of kids that turn 18 ... they too need a lesson in group measurement 🤷 4 likes
redoak.sooner Can't do that when we shoot your rifles. No inside edge in the ragged hole! Gotta go outside-to-outside and subtract. 1 like
brazosbill What readoak.sooner said. With your barrels there's not two most outside holes. 🤨 2 likes
novostagram Can't do that if you shoot a cloverleaf/one hole group where all bullets merge together.
- laruetactical @novostagram ... Ain't it great 😎 1 like
j._gunz An overlay is really handy as well.
gherkin05 Are we shooting or evaluating talent?
tate.woody Ya lost me at blown up
djagr_arms Engineers way to find centres😏
muhfudd 6"? I think that barrel is worn out chief if this is your zero
pushisgrumpy I see boobs..