... 40 second Siete's Bolt preview ... enjoy 😎 ML
3,357 views; 278 likesstillten8 Just looking at those clean bolt knob threads is a huge improvement over R700 bolts.
- laruetactical @stillten8 ... 😎
we.the.willing @laruetactical I have a question, with the new 5.56 match upper you went with 1:8 as opposed to 1:7, was there a finding or result that drove that decision? It seems the market is trending to more twist
- laruetactical @we.the.willing ... We flipped a coin. I kid. Of course thought went into it, and we stick with our 1-in-8" twist. Nobody is making 5.56 barrels that can outshoot LaRue barrels, so there's that 😎
lakeviewarms Oh I hope that's mine!
c3clinton One day!