... So, I'm test grouping some 20" 6.5CM rifles ... shooting Hornady 140ELD and posting 3-shot groups so the 3-shot group haters have to change their shorts 🤪 BTW, Bryan Litz says to multiple 3-shot groups x 1.28 to see what they would've been in 5-shot groups 🎯 Upper left group was dead center P.O.A.
Lower right group was lower right corner P.O.A. 🎯 ML
564 likeslongrangechile 😍 1 like
rnbecker88 Daaaaammmnnn 2 likes
  -  dreauxmire @laruetactical I remember when caliber of the PredatOBR was being discussed on AR15.com and the argument was made for 260 over 6.5 Creedmoore because of feeding due to case shape. Any truth to that ever being a thing? 260 more reliable feeding? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @dreauxmire ... I still prefer the 260 for the reasons you stated, plus the 260 looks like a tall drink of water in a strapless evening gown. 😎 3 likes
  -  dreauxmire @laruetactical Thanks for the info Sir. Think my OBR and PredatAR need a friend.
  -  dreauxmire @laruetactical And would you please give some consideration to letting rifle owners purchase spare complete chrome bolt carriers? Sorry it's an oil field mechanic thing with me; wanting the assembly.
1striker4life I'd like to have one of them 2 likes
bill_stanton_ Do you choose to use a factory load when testing barrels or handload a proven load for you then use that on new barrels? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @bill_stanton_ ... Factory, as most guys can't find the time to load. 1 like
  -  bucfichera @laruetactical More like can't find the primers to load... 1 like
byrontabor Do I need to bring my longbow?! 🤣🤣 1 like
  -  thecodystone @laruetactical Do you ever try to group the 143 gr. ELD-X precision hunters? They do way better than the 140's on my bolt gun. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @thecodystone ... No sir. Good to hear. 3 likes
icecoldmn Nice, I just added a 6.5 uu kit gun to my stable, don't know if it will outshoot the 260 tobr but time will tell🔥 1 like
seanmschade Will 22" 6.5 barrels be offered for PredatOBR owners? 1 like
  -  j.mar2382 @laruetactical Mark you said 20 inch 6.5 creedmoor.... I don't see that on the website! Lol when can I add that to my collection? 🤣 1 like
cuatropines Are you going to make/sell 6.5CM PredatOBR barrels? That would be fantastic for all us 7.62 PredatOBR owners. 1 like
venatordaemn I got the 147s but that's all I could find 1 like
clayton_adams 👊🏼👍🏼 1 like
kodiak_precision Awesome! 1 like